"Almost all members of the Yubaru Guild were chased by the tomb of Martoba from the moment they were born. Until the birth of the Tonggu Yurenzu, the entire Yubaru Guild was only him and his father."

"The original members of the Tomb of Martoba are all dead. The members of the new generation grew up in the era when there was no book of shadows, so their obsession with the book of shadows is very low."

"As a result, the Tonggu Yuliantu didn't face the chase and murder like his parents did, and he had a fairly happy childhood."

"Later, as he grew up, the memory of the Tonggu Yuliantuo gradually recovered, and he should know a general idea of ​​everything in the past."

"This is the hatred and fetters of Martoba's Tomb, Yubaru Association, and Shinozaki's family."

In the 13th month, Ai Hu slowly adjusted his breathing and calmed down.


Everyone present was immersed in what happened in the last century.

"Now... what should we do?" Chi Tian asked, breaking the rigid atmosphere.

"Trying to find a way to find Mizutani Kiriya and Hinoe Shinozaki, of course this is nonsense. We will find them separately, and whether we find them or not, we will gather at the entrance of the annex in half an hour." Said Thirteen months Aisari.

"Also, don't touch things that are not clear, especially you, Ayumi Shinozaki. You have Shinozaki blood on your body. I don't know what will trigger here. You can observe everything." Look at Ayumi Shinozaki.

"One more thing, Shinozaki Ayumi, do you bring the reborn stone with you?" Ai Shui asked.

"Uh... what's the matter with it?" Shinozaki Ayumi asked, a little dissatisfied.

After all, it is said that no one is happy as a child.

"Take it out." Thirteen Moon Ai Shou said.

Ayumi Shinozaki frowned, but he took it out obediently.

In the thirteenth month, Ai Shou took out a piece of talisman to recite the spell.

The talisman paper turned into a red light, which tied Mochida Tetsuzhi and Kishinuma Yoshiki on the side to a solid.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Kishinuma Yoshiki struggled.

"You can't do this!" Chi Tian Tetsuzhi protested.

"Shinozaki Ayumi, send them out with the old stone. The talents who are dragging the legs are the biggest factor in destroying the team." Ai Shui said indifferently.

"But..." Ayumi Shinozaki hesitated when things came to pass.

"Trouble! You can't get your hands off, I'll come!" Thirteen months Aihun couldn't understand the indecisive Ayumi Shinozaki, and stepped forward to snatch the death stone from Ayumi Shinozaki.

Ayumi Shinozaki knew what she was going to do and took a step back and acquiesced in it.

After sending off Kishinuma Yoshiki and Mochida Tetsushi, Aisari returned to the original place with the stone in the 13th month.

"Now we are divided into two groups of operations, the purpose is to find Shinozaki Hinoe and Kiritaya Mikura. Do you have your mobile phone? After half an hour, whether you find it or not, we will gather at the entrance of the annex." He threw the stone to Ayumi Shinozaki and said.

Ayumi Shinozaki hurriedly took the old stone and took it into his arms.

"We take this idiot Zisha. If she gets out of trouble, it will be difficult for you to subdue her." Shisanyue Aishu told them.

Kemeiyu also nodded, and put down Azusa Takai and handed it to Shisanyue Aikan.

In Thirteen months, Ai Sari learned Ke Mingyu also put Takai Azusa on his shoulders.

"Then I will be with this woman and you two." After Shisanyue Aisari finished speaking, his eyes motioned to Niwa Aiko and left.

Niwa Aiko sighed and followed.

"Then...Keming-kun, let's start searching now." Shinozaki Ayumi looked at Keming Yuya.

"It's not that I said...Why didn't you explain the method in the real world?" Ke Mingyu also sighed helplessly.

"How can I put it...the time is a little too late, and the key lies in the book of shadows, and there is only one book of shadows." Ayumi Shinozaki replied.

"Trouble..." Ke Mingyu frowned and sighed helplessly.

He didn't ask Ayumi Shinozaki why he didn't hold the book of shadows.

Because Shinozaki Hinoe's spiritual power is obviously stronger than Shinozaki Ayumi, and Kiritani Mirito knows more than Shinozaki Ayumi.

In other words, their group is the key to solving Nirvana.

It's just that they lost contact.

So where are they?After losing the characteristics of multiple enclosed dimensional spaces, Tianshen Elementary School was just an ordinary elementary school, and it took less than half an hour for a complete investigation.

Feeling a little uneasy in their hearts, the two began to investigate Tenshen Elementary School.

On the other side, the 13th month group.

"Aishi, I found the bones of Qixing, together with the ghost monument to sacrifice to the teacher." Niwa Aiko said to Shisanyue Aisari.

"Who asked you to call my name? Are we very close?" Shisanyue Aishu frowned first, and then murmured to herself, "Seven-star bones...that stupid woman..."

"I took her bones with me, and I will bury her when I go out. Are you... are you coming?" Niwa Aiko looked at Thirteenyue Aishi.

"Who knows? Maybe it will." Shisanyue Aishu did not answer her directly.

"Seriously, Qixing doesn't have many friends. Although your relationship with her is not good, you can barely be regarded as one of your friends. Anyway, I hope you can be there."

"I don't care about the death of so many people in the Tomb of Martoba, do you think I will care about the seven stars?" Thirteen Moon Ai Shou sneered.

"It's different, I can see it. You don't have much feelings for the Tomb of Martoba. This is the reason why you are addicted to acting as a student in Tongzhang Academy. Because there are Qixing and Sayaka." Niwa Aiko Yuyou Said.

Thirteen months Ai Shou was silent and did not answer her.

After a long time, she spoke again.

"Speaking of Sayaka...did you find her?"

"No... Shinozaki Ayumi didn't even know this person, and I couldn't sense Sayaka's position in Tenjin Elementary School with my spiritual power. I only knew that she was in Tenjin Elementary School." Niwa Aiko said with a sigh.

"This kind of answer is completely nonsense." Thirteen months Ai Shou frowned.

"I know it's nonsense, but I really don't know where Sayaka is." Niwa Aiko said helplessly.

"Since I can't find it... then forget it. When Nirvana is re-sealed and returned to the Book of Shadows, Sayaka should be able to be retrieved." The words of Ai Shou in the 13th month are rarely sentimental.

"Speaking of the Book of Shadows... Do you think I can use the Book of Shadows to resurrect Sayaka and Seven Stars?" Niwa Aiko's eyes glowed, her tone a little hopeful.

"I don't know... My knowledge of the Book of Shadows is also limited, but since it is one of the most important spiritual books in history, it should record the spirituality of the resurrection of the dead... Or magic." Murmured.

"Magic..." Niwa Aiko's voice was a little low.

"But although the Book of Shadows is a magic book, it records black magic... Is there really a resurrection technique in the dead, not necromantic magic or magic that drives the dead..." Niwa Aiko said worriedly.