Know that those super giant monsters are not cats, they are monsters that can fight hundreds of people!

Moreover, they are basically dramatic or corrosive, and there are very few that can be eaten by cutting them off.

With sharp eyes, Chen Feng saw that some of the monsters that obviously carried the drama became meat that could be eaten directly after landing.

Looking at the dragon, Chen Feng really couldn't imagine how strong the dragon was when it was still alive.

"Yes, the more you know, the more you are afraid. If there is really a god in the world, then the strongest person should be one of them?" Lin Mo also sighed.

"Come and taste it?" Lin Mo grabbed a piece of meat falling from the sky and handed it to Chen Feng.

"Eat directly...isn't a problem?" Chen Feng hesitated.

After all, the meat in the past was processed by magic, so Chen Feng couldn't worry about roasting it with fire before daring to eat it.

Thinking of such a monster who just died... Rong Chenfeng refused.

"Don't worry, it's edible. All the impurities inside are removed in an instant, and the meat is cooked in an instant, and there are even various flavors in it. Try it?" Lin Mo saw that Chen Feng was somewhat resisted. , I didn't care to eat it myself.

"Oh! It actually smells like carrots." Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

"Really..." Chen Feng was dubious, grabbed a piece of meat and tasted it.

"I'm going... the smell of octopus balls!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Lin Mo smiled.

"The more I know, the more I am afraid... Is this the motivation for reading?" Chen Feng looked up at the small wooden house on the dragon's back.

"It should be. After all, I really can't think of any other ability besides thinking motivation to do this kind of thing." Lin Mo shrugged.

"With this level of motivation, it should be easy for him to leave? Why does he stay here?" Chen Feng looked down at the crowd fighting for the meat.

"Then no one knows, after all, no one can communicate with him so far." Lin Mo shrugged.

"Come on, I'll show you the world." Lin Mo clapped his hands and took Chen Feng to start shopping.

"Look, that person is the timekeeper." Lin Mo pointed to a teenager who looked like a junior high school student.

"I thought the timekeeper would be very old." Chen Feng was startled.

"It used to be, but the old timekeeper has retired. This is the new timekeeper he chose." Lin Mo shrugged.

"What about the old timekeeper?" Chen Feng asked.

"Who knows... it's probably dead, right? You know, in places like Despair Town, intelligence transmission is always simple and difficult." Lin Mo said.

Chen Feng nodded, not talking nonsense.

After all, the fog of Despair Town never clears, and sometimes no one knows where anyone died.

"Look, that is Qiye Shenwu. Although some people call him black, he prefers his real name." Lin Mo pointed to the young man who was talking with someone not far away.

"Did he graduate from high school?" Chen Feng asked, looking at the tender face.

"I heard him say that he is only sixteen years old. Did you say he graduated from high school?" Lin Mo shook his head.

"Look, that is one of the top ten black Tang Swords that can't be offended. Incidentally, you are also among them." Lin Mo pointed to the young man on the other side.

"What is it that I can't afford to offend? Why don't I know?" Chen Feng was taken aback.1

"Oh, this is circulated among scavengers. It records the people in Desperate Town who can't be messed with. Among them, the lone wolf occupies eight seats, and the rest is the leader of the two hunting groups." Lin Mo told him.

"Because lone wolf is often in Despair Town?" Chen Feng asked.

"Almost, but being listed as one of the top ten can't be more troublesome because you have obvious characteristics and can be recognized without looking at your face." Lin Mo said.

"For example?" Chen Feng felt a little interesting.

"For example, don't you always carry a knife box like a coffin? This feature can be seen at a glance. Then there is a black Tang knife, which is a real knife instead of bone, which is equally easy to recognize. And that Hao Hao with white hair, Li Zhengyang with blue hair, and Li Ronghao with purple hair. Your characteristics are so easy to recognize, that's why they were classified as unprovoked." Lin Mo said a series of names.

Indeed, the characteristics are easy to recognize, even if you have never seen them, you can recognize them as long as you see the characteristics.

And Chen Feng has always felt that the people in this desperate town must have had two dimensions, or anime characters, before.

Otherwise, I can't explain the colorful hair and pupil color.

However, this kind of people was only a minority, and they were supposed to be tricks or passers-by before. Chen Feng did not recognize anyone he knew.

In the town of Despair, black hair, brown eyes and blond hair and blue eyes are the main ones.

"Don't tell me, there are acrobatics performances over there, go and see?" Lin Mo said, pointing away.

"Let's take a look? Performing acrobatics in this makes people want to laugh." Chen Feng nodded.

The two walked together and came to a makeshift stage.

The current acrobatic performance is on the mountain of swords. The performers use bone knives to form a mountain, which is now in the hot spot.

He picked up a bone from the ground, smashed the floor of the stage to show its hardness, then picked up a bone knife from the knife hill, and cut the bone in his hand with a single knife, indicating that this is the real guy who opened the front!

Then he put the bone knife back to the knife mountain, and began to call the hot field.

Probably the words of the ancient acrobatics troupe who asked the rich to take the money field and the moneyless to take the personal field, he also specially repeated it in English and Japanese.

After the hot spot, he took off his shoes and walked up with his bare feet on the tip of the knife.

"Oh! Amazing!" Chen Feng clapped hard with a group of onlookers who didn't know the truth.

"There is a real guy!" Even Lin Mo was amazed.

With their eyesight, it can be seen that it is really stepping on the tip of the knife to exert force.

"Don't you think about this kind of talent?" Chen Feng looked back at Lin Mo.

"Forget it, he also has a pair of powerful feet, or he will be famous soon." Lin Mo said after pulling Chen Feng away.

"A pair of feet is not bad, I'm going to step on it and I'll be pierced by a knife in the next second." Chen Feng shrugged.

"It's a pity that I want versatile talents, such as you. I don't like those who are strong in the discipline." Lin Mo shook his head and squinted at Chen Feng.

"Forget it, you know I don't want to join any hunting group now." Chen Feng shook his head.

The two chatted as they walked, and Chen Feng had seen most of the high-ranking or powerful people in this desperate town.

In terms of strength, Chen Feng is indeed the top group in the Pyramid in Despair, but there are even stronger ones on his head.

I won't talk about the two mysterious powers of thought, just Bai, Qiye Shenwu and other lone wolves are not the current Chen Feng can fight.

Even Blackwood Taoist, Chen Feng did not detect his true strength.

According to Chen Feng's estimation, these people are all capable of killing themselves.

Among them, Bai is someone Chen Feng can't handle even if he has the red blood line.

According to Lin Mo's statement, Bai is not the strongest person in this Desperate Town except for the master of the core area, so what is the upper limit of this Desperate Town's strength?

This is also the reason why Chen Feng seems to be high-profile, but actually did not act recklessly.

What's more, the fireworks in the sky that bloom with super giant monsters?It is Chen Feng's incredible strength.

Today is a happy day, and Chen Feng doesn't want to let go of his happiness.