Invincible King System

Chapter 301 Descendants

If someone is taken away, the body and soul will have a short period of time to adapt. During this time, ordinary people can't see the problem, but the Necromancer can.

But until now, the Necromancer hasn't found the problem. Otherwise, Delor didn't seize the house, or he had bought the Necromancer in advance, and the two sides jointly concealed it.

But things don’t make sense. Necromancers-or humans-are a kind of creatures that are unprofitable and cannot afford to be premature. The souls that Delors are now unable to resist are the best nourishment for Necromancers. They will definitely devour Delore's soul madly overthrew the entire Despair Town.

That can only show that Delors did not take home.

But this also doesn't make sense. Necromancers' combat power is underground, but they are the real soul masters, and Delor's soul fluctuations are hard to hide from these soul swallowers.

Where did Nadelor go?Bai scratched his head and thought.

Time goes back to two days ago.

The battle of the three almost completely overturned Xilin, and the ground was covered with huge potholes and sword marks that almost tore Xilin.

Delore abandoned his physical body and quickly escaped, disappearing in an instant.

But in fact Delors didn't run far, but went to a corner of Xilin.

Timekeeper's residence!

The Timekeeper has a detached position in Despair. No one takes him seriously, but no one ignores him either.

Because it was not far from Xilin, Bai would not have thought that Delore would hide under their noses.

Delore has already investigated, this generation of timekeepers has a natural soul physique and is the best to win the furnace.

As long as his body is taken away, the soul and the body will reach an agreement within a day, and no one can tell that this body has changed its owner.

Moreover, timekeepers rarely communicate with others, and no one can see loopholes in language and other aspects.

He knew that Bai and Luode would definitely not let him go, and soon they would overturn the entire Despair Town to find him, and he could not escape their chase in the remaining half a year.

He thought of everything Bai could think of, but the information gap between the two sides was the key to Delors' life!

With a cruel smile on the face of Delore's illusory soul, he floated into the timekeeper's house.

The last few hours of the white moon night.

Chen Feng and Zhu Yihui sat in Shiina's house and chatted with each other.

Zhu Yihui has given all the positions of the Demon Horn and Demon Blood Leader to Lev, and now he is just an idle person.

The rules of exile of the devil's blood are actually more rational, acting entirely in the best interest.

The kind of old people who have lost their labor, and those who will be summoned by the red moon in a month will be exiled.

Only in this way can we help more people.

Zhu Yihui pays more attention to human rights, so there are so many old people in the blood of the devil.

In the past, these old people will be exiled to help more children.

That's why Zhu Yihui banished almost all his fighting power.

In one month, Zhu Yihui will be summoned by Hongyue, and Chen Feng will give up going to Beihai to stay at Shiina House, more like accompanying the dying old man.

No one is sure that the people summoned by Red Moon are still alive. A large number of Nian Motive users are trained to cross the North Sea in order to hold the hope of survival in their hands, not to hand it to the murderous Red Moon.

Bai was almost frantically looking for Delor's trail, and he began to wonder if Delor was hidden in someone else's item.

After all, since Doupa started the Grandpa Stream, many followers appeared.

Maybe Delore is hiding in someone's magic bag as the grandfather?

After taking the Blood Spirit Orb from the North Sea, Bai Jin voluntarily searched for Delore in Despair Town, saying that he had brought Despair Town over it was definitely not an exaggeration.

He really drove the Despair Town over, and was chased by the Despair Town until now he dared not enter.

He even searched the resident of the Demon Blood Hunting Group, although hundreds of Nian Motive users joined forces to build a giant magic circle, completely blocking any unauthorized entry.

Even Chen Feng checked his bracelet...

"Why do you think Bai is so obsessed with killing Delore?" Chen Feng asked curiously, sitting on a chair in a standard Ge para posture.

"The ghost knows, probably Delore insulted Bai's ancestors, right? After all, it was Bai's ancestors who used Blood Spirit Orbs against the enemy." Zhu Yihui shrugged, Ge Tan's posture was the same standard.

"Who is the ancestor of Bai?" Now that Zhu Yihui said this, Chen Feng couldn't help asking.

"Bai's name, Mi's name, Qi, and Gongsunqi, Wu Anjun. Who do you think it is?" Zhu Yihui rolled his eyes.

"I'm going! People Tu Baiqi?" Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

"Yes, when I first heard, I thought my history was learned in vain. Bai Qi is not a military god? When did I become a cultivator? I also killed the four hundred thousand army of Zhao Guo with blood spirit beads." Zhu Yihui shook his head.

"Tsk tusk...This world is more interesting than I thought..." Chen Feng tusked.

"Yes, if the legends of Despair Town are true, then all of our history books can be torn up, because the contents above are all nonsense." Zhu Yihui said silently.

"So Bai is a descendant of Bai Qi?" Chen Feng was very excited. It was the first time he had seen the descendant of the legendary military god in his life.

And I even chatted with him.

Although Chen Feng had no feeling for Bai Qi, he was after all one of the most famous military gods in the history of the Heavenly Dynasty. Throughout the 5,000-year history of the Heavenly Dynasty, there are few people who kill people like him.

Even looking at the whole world, no leader has reached the number of people he killed without slaughtering the city or the poor.

That is the descendant of Bai Qi!

"Of course, but Bai doesn't like killing." Zhu Yihui shook his head.

"It can be seen that although Despair Town was lifted, he did not kill anyone." Chen Feng nodded.

"It should be said that he hasn't killed anyone since he entered Despair Town. It's really strange, even I have blood debts." Zhu Yihui shrugged.

"Are you embarrassed to say? You can do it with Metal Storm shooting scavengers. Not to mention you blew the devil's horn and directly harvested all the middle class in Despair Town." Chen Feng rolled his eyes.

"Can you blame me? Those people are controlled by the servants. If I don't kill them, they will become the materials for the production of the blood spirit orb." Zhu Yihui shook his head.

"After all, killing people in Despair Town is not a crime in itself, it's really fucking black..." Chen Feng muttered to himself.

"So how did the town of Despair appear? Although it has been recognized that which evil god made the gu pool, but what is the purpose?" Zhu Yihui also muttered to himself, looking at the red moon on the horizon.

"The ghost knows that it is impossible to resist the enemy, so train us to be cannon fodder, right?" Chen Feng shrugged.

"But being cannon fodder must have the value of being cannon fodder. If it is really a god’s hand, then the cannon fodder in Despair Town must at least be of the white level, right? But most of them are scavengers waiting for death. It's just human." Zhu Yihui shook his head, puzzled.