'Then my allotrope is left to you.'

'He is now my new master.'

Withdrawing his motivation, he glanced at Chen Feng on eleven.

"You should have a lot of questions now? Ask, and I will tell you what I can answer."

"What's going on in this desperate town?" Chen Feng clenched his fists.

"The purpose of a gu pool established by a god is to train subordinates and screen out their allotropes by the way."

"That god also believes in uniqueism?"

"It should be said that most people believe in uniqueism, I am considered a different kind."

"What's the matter with that red moon?"

"The projection of an artifact in the hands of the gods is used to monitor and protect the world to a certain extent. But it has been completely destroyed by me, although only a projection is destroyed."

"What happened to Beihai? What about those super giant monsters?"

"The North Sea in your mouth is the blood of another god. The owner of Despair Town created this world and killed another god in this world. The blood of the gods spread and turned into this sea of ​​blood. Super giant monsters were originally ordinary. The creature was alienated after being thrown into the town of Despair by the owner and drinking the blood of God."

"Why did I go to Despair Town?"

"Selected. You have a space mark on your body. As long as you have this mark, you will enter similar spaces countless times."

"how about you?"

"I have too many enemies, so I ran here to take refuge, although I have to run away now."

"Don't you have a space mark?"

"It was removed by me more than two hundred years ago."

"Um...how old are you?"

"It's more than three hundred, I've been meditating for the last 100 years, and I don't remember much time."

"...Then the spatial imprint on my body, can you help me remove it?"

"No, this thing goes deep into your soul, no one can remove it except you. Even other gods can't help you."

"I want to ask, is the flow of time in all time and space consistent?"

"Some special worlds may be different, but the flow of time in most worlds is the same."

"I want to go back to the world before me now, can you help me?"

"This is too broad, the world is too big, there are countless overlapping time and space in the multiverse, I can't guarantee that I can send you back."

"Does Jianmu know? All known worlds are like a huge pomegranate tree. Overlapping time and space are the pomegranate seeds in a pomegranate. I can hardly even find the pomegranate you are looking for on this pomegranate tree. , Not to mention precisely finding one of the pomegranate seeds?"

"Then should I just give up like this? I have been away from home for almost five years, and it has been four years since I left my wife. I can't waste their time!"

"..." Chen Fengxi had always been expressionless, as if a facial paralysis.

But now, he rarely hesitated.

"What's the matter? Are things going to turn around?" Chen Fengqi asked a little excited when seeing Chen Fengxi's expression.

"Do you know... a prisoner for a day?"

"Prisoner for a day?" Chen Fengqi frowned, wondering why Chen Fengxi said this.

But since he said it, there must be his reason.

"The cycle of time repeats infinitely within 24 hours. Most people don't have the memory of time cycle, but the protagonist has it, so the protagonist will always be trapped in this day and cannot escape." Chen Fengqi probably talked about what he knew. Japanese prisoner.

"Yes, what if I told you that all the known worlds are in prison for a day?" Chen Feng nodded eleven.

Chen Fengqi: "..."

"It's true, it's just not a day, but irregular. I have traveled through many worlds and found that some worlds take decades to recycle time, and some worlds take only a few years to recycle. There is no exception."

"Did you know? I was sixteen years old and I was dragged to a place similar to Despair Town."

"It took me decades to grow up to the point where I can travel through time and space and return home, but everything is nothing but a human being."

"In that world that has completed a cycle, there is no me."

"Can you imagine? I killed a lot of people to go home, but when I did go home, everything was no longer what I knew."

"So, even though you are hundreds of years old, you actually grew up in the same environment as me?"

"Yes, you crossed at the end of 2016, right? Me too."

"This is too sad..." Chen Fengqi was dizzy and couldn't help kneeling on the ground.

The world has lost the ability to move forward and will never reach the 22nd century.

Ayumi Shinozaki once cried and told him that she was so afraid that the world would return to October 27th in 2008.

Chen Feng didn't expect her to become a truth.

Chen Fengshi pulled him up and stood still.

"I want to ask, why do you say that the world does not have you?"

"After the time loop, everything will be shuffled again."

"And your card has been taken away, so the world has lost your place?"

"Yes, this is my understanding."

"Damn it!" Chen Feng clenched his fist tightly.

"Why would I be involved in this damn thing! I don't want to be a god at all, I just want to live my life safely and securely!"

"I don't know, but I know some inside stories."

"Say! I must know this now. I can't be blind with my eyes open!"

"It's still a matter of time loop."

"Time loop is not a good thing for us, at least it is not a good thing for people who have not become human gods."

"For example, if you arrive at a world that is about to circulate and fail to leave in time, then you will be taken as a part of the world by default and integrated into this world. Of course, you will also lose all your memories and abilities and become an ordinary people."

"World consciousness will give you a legal identity, allowing you to live your life in this world again."

"There are only two ways to get rid of the time loop."

"The first one is to enter other worlds without cycles and wait until the cycles are over before coming back."

"The second one is to create a world and become a god."

"If you want to go back to the original world and live again, it is impossible, because you have a space mark on your body. When you reach the age, you will still be called by the world created by the gods."

"What the hell is this! Blocking my back road directly?"

"If I could, I would have gone home a long time ago, and I won't be wandering all the time." Chen Feng eleven shook his head.

Chen Feng pressed his forehead fiercely, silently, his face uncertain.

Chen Fengxi knew about the stormy waves in Chen Fengqi's heart, so he was also silent.

"The world cycle... can it be stopped?" Chen Fengqi asked for a long time.

"As far as I know, no."

"Not even after becoming a god?"

"I have never seen a real god, that kind of omnipotent god in the conceptual sense. What I have seen is just that kind of human god, who is just a powerful person in essence. They all can't stop the cycle of time, including I."

"Can you avoid being involved in the cycle of time after becoming a human god?"

"Yes, the first condition for becoming a human god is to create a world, no matter how big or small."

"For example, I created a world of two cubic meters (2*1*1). This world allows me to avoid all time cycles."

"Two cubic meters?"

"What you can't see, the world I created has always been there, and this world has wrapped me in it. Otherwise, why do you think I only created this big? On the one hand, it's so easy, on the other hand, I only need this world to protect me. "

In a place where Chen Fengqi could not see, Chen Fengxi stood in a different time and space, two meters high and one meter long and wide, just to wrap Chen Fengxi.

The current Chen Feng eleven is just a projection of another world to the real world.

Chen Fengqi was silent, but this silence will not last long.

"Can you take me to another world? Zombie knows? I want to go there."

"Can't do it, I don't have the coordinates of that world. Besides, why are you going to that world?"

"I am married to Shinozaki Ayumi, and I don't want to see her tortured by the cycle of time."

"..." Chen Feng eleven stared at Chen Fengqi and did not let go.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Chen Fengqi twisted his body uncomfortably, and took a half step back.

Sadness and anger have no meaning, and Chen Feng will not indulge in emotions after experiencing so much.

"It's okay, I'm just sighing. The other allotropes I have seen are all single, and you are the only one who left the group."

"Are you more than 300 years old or a boy?"

"I made some mistakes a few years ago, it's no longer."


"I don't have to lie to you. I lost my reputation, shame, and lower limit hundreds of years ago."

"Hey..." Chen Fengqi did not struggle with this issue and sighed for a long time.

"Hurry up and find a way to become stronger. Create a world as soon as possible and become a human god. Then you will have the ability to remove the imprint of space and rely on your own ability to find the world you are looking for."

"I heard you talk about the space imprint for a long time, what exactly is the space imprint?"

"Take off your clothes."

"Huh??" Chen Fengqi held the collar with his right hand, and took a half step back.

"Are you an idiot?"

"Oh..." Chen Fengqi scratched his head and took off the animal skin.

Of course the pants are still worn.

Not to take off, it’s good to say that the smell of not taking a shower for a few years filled the whole wooden house.

"This is the space imprint." Chen Feng eleven pointed at the black pattern on Chen Fengqi's body and said.

"That's it?" Chen Feng frowned.

He touched the bracelet with his hand, took out a dagger from it, and performed a skinning operation on himself in front of Chen Fengxi.

Blocking pain with red blood lines means being able to do whatever you want.

Unfortunately, there is no use for eggs. When this part of the skin is restored, the space imprint will also be restored.

"This is too difficult, right? Really, only when you become a god can you get rid of it?" Chen Fengqi scratched his head.

"I can't help you anyway."

"What about your spatial imprint?"

"Get rid of it hundreds of years ago."

"I want to ask, how many years have you been in Despair?"

"Hundreds of years, I can't remember the exact time. After all, I don't observe the outside world much."

"Then you will use super giant monsters to release flesh and blood fireworks every weekday?"