Chen Feng comforted himself and looked over Liu Yingying, and looked at the gate of the art school not far away.

Half past four?It's already past four o'clock, and school should be over soon.

Chen Feng yawned boredly.

At that time, I chose this milk tea shop because it has a very good view and it is facing the gate of the art school.

As the two waited, time slowly passed.

Soon, just like the sudden high tide of the sea, many students suddenly appeared from the direction of the teaching building, then gathered to the gate, and left.

Basically, the students of these art schools are young girls with bright eyes and white teeth. Most of them are painted with light makeup, either riding electric bicycles or walking, and almost all leave the school in groups.

Chen Feng suddenly realized that the customers in the milk tea shop were full at some point. Almost all of them were young men, sitting behind the glass table, holding a cup of milk tea, but they couldn't help but look towards the art school. .

"It's really a drunkard who doesn't mean to drink, but lies in the mountains and rivers."

Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity, if it weren't for the task on his body, he could sit leisurely for a better half an hour.

"I'm going, there are really luxury cars."

Chen Feng shook his head.

Several luxury sports cars stopped abruptly on the street, waiting on the side of the road, and sometimes after one or several young and beautiful female students got in the car, the luxury sports car drove away.

"It's true that people's hearts are not old, the world is going down." Chen Feng's eyes couldn't help showing an angry look."Such a good thing, so don't take me so!"

"Huh?" Chen Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

In his sight, Bai Xiaowei was walking towards the gate while chatting with two good-looking female students.

"The master is here. Work begins!" After reminding Yingying Chao Liu, Chen Feng stood up leisurely, put his hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, and walked toward the gate of the art school.

"Wait for me." Liu Yingying quickly put down the almost empty milk tea cup, picked up the small shoulder bag and followed Chen Feng.

Outside the gate of the art school, Bai Xiaowei was talking with two companions with a serious expression. Suddenly, her eyes fell on Chen Feng who was approaching her, she couldn't help but shut up and said nothing.

When the two companions saw her, they were all taken aback.

"What else are you here for! Be careful that I call the security guard to arrest you!" Bai Xiaowei said angrily with an angry expression on her face.

"Xiaowei, what's wrong."

"Who is he?"

Seeing Bai Xiaowei's angry appearance, the two companions were a little confused and couldn't help but look at Chen Feng, who Bai Xiaowei was talking to, with strange eyes.

"Grab me?" Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, with a different meaning in his smile."I'm fine, I'm afraid you have something to do."

"Threat me?" Bai Xiaowei raised her brows and said angrily, "I just didn't believe it."

Just when she was about to shout, Chen Feng said very quickly."Really? Then listen to me first, and then it's not too late for you to call someone."

"The'tattoo' on your shoulder should have been around for a month, maybe you haven't noticed anything unusual at the beginning, but in the past few days, have you felt very tired easily and often dozed off?"

Chen Feng suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Xiaowei's two companions.

"This question, I believe your two companions also have the same symptoms. I don't know if I am right."

"What do you mean? I don't understand at all, so stop pestering me." Bai Xiaowei's face changed slightly when she heard Chen Feng's words, but she immediately denied it.

"Xiaowei, who is he? What are you talking about?" At this moment, a girl with a slightly mature makeup on Bai Xiaowei's left asked suspiciously.

"Bai Xiaowei, you won't talk to outsiders." The other girl on the right with a trace of baby fat and a little taller frowned and asked.

"Where do I know this guy?" Bai Xiaowei, who was suspected by her companions, stomped her feet, and the grievance that had been caught by Chen Feng and checked her shoulders suddenly came out.

She was a little bit angry before, but at that time she was still in shock and horror of Jin Yucheng's suicide, so she was a little confused and said nothing.

But now that panic has completely passed, but the mood is still not good. At this moment, Chen Feng is provoked by Chen Feng at the gate and immediately becomes angry.

"He is just crazy! I saw the pattern on my shoulder in the performance hall, and I wanted to ask to understand. I didn't say anything!" Bai Xiaowei said angrily.

"You two suspect me? It's a waste of friendship, you have been friends with you for so many days, and you still don't know me?"

"Even if there is something, I have to ask for your consent before I can tell the story!"

Facing the angry Bai Xiaowei, her friends couldn't help but apologize again and again.

"Sorry, Xiaowei, we didn't mean that."

"Yes, of course we believe you, but there have been too many things during this time."

The two girls quickly explained and soothed.

Liu Yingying, who came after Chen Feng, couldn't help but raise her brows.

It sounds like these girls should have done something together, everyone has a share and reached a consensus to keep the secret.

So here comes the problem.

What secrets exist in these girls.

The doubts in Liu Yingying's heart grew.

The tattoo on the shoulder of the female student mentioned by Chen Feng, Jin Yucheng who committed suicide strangely, and the female student who had dropped out of school a few days ago.

What is the connection here?

Chen Feng just showed a calm smile, did not speak, just looked at the three female students in front of him.

"It's all you, don't hurry up, then harass us Xiaowei, beware that I find someone to clean up your meal." The oval-faced girl on the left glared at Chen Feng.

In order to alleviate the anger of good friends, she chose Xianyi to relieve internal conflicts.

The words of oval face girls have immediate effect.

Bai Xiaowei and another girl immediately vented their anger on Chen Feng.

"Believe it or not, I can get you into the police station with just one phone call. My boyfriend is a policeman." Another fat baby girl also said in agreement.

It is not easy to tell from the expression on her face whether what she said is true or frightening.

"Do you think I am here for any reward?" Chen Feng rolled his eyes silently."If it weren't for me to have a compassionate heart, ghosts would care about your life and death."

Having said that, he couldn't help laughing.

It really complied with what he said, really only'ghosts' would care about the life and death of these girls.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chen Feng decided to make a long story short.

"There are nine women with this kind of'tattoo', right?"

"How do you know!" Bai Xiaowei's eyes widened suddenly, and she blurted out some incredible, but as soon as she said something, she consciously fumbled, covered her mouth to block the next words, and said nothing.