Invincible King System

Chapter 662 Unbalanced Combat

She didn't think that this guidelines were all a group of rice buckets, which would let the unarmed children's boy women have a "salted fish". She wants to send a group of people to intervene, but since Chen Feng is still ready to come, it will not be. "It's a stupid!" Trumpet heart, "Do you really like to send dead? Is it because I 's sake? But this is good, as long as you come, I don't believe you can grow wings. Fly. As long as you fall into my hand, I will definitely give you to Minno Tao. "

The reason why the tollus is named "Mino Tao" is entirely because of the Myth of Greece. In the hopes of my words, there is a monster of the bullhead called Minotao. It is a human meat. It is the king of King Minos and a monster who born in the sea, in the curse of the Poseidong, Minnu Sustament must support this monster that his wife gives yourself to wear a green hat.

Of course, this monster ultimately killed by the prince of Athens, ending its absurd and sinful life.

The name of this monster now has used the name of this monster. It is complete because she also wants to use it to eat people, with the final dragon gene engineering A puzzle. Tsu 's monsters who are also called Mikota will not repeat the fate of the monster in the Myth of Greece.

During a quite a long period of time, the tip is staring at the computer screen, and the radio waves sent back from the distance is displayed. The spacecraft containing Chen Feng and others has reached the earth, soon it will reach the Mars not far away. Base is. Although the spacecraft crossed the insect hole, compressed four hundred brightest journey until a light year, but it was still a very long journey, and there was two months old.

When the spacecraft in Chen Feng is about to land, the cheriff is ready to have a group of robots. She is ready to "hold the rabbit", and they will take them a group of people. These robots will then tie them to see Miño Tao, so that they can become the food of Minno Tao.

It can be said that the plan of the cheriff is perfect, or it can be said that it is unlucky. If there is no accident, Chen Feng is absolutely no chance to escape.

Chercown has now been Zhangping the net, just waiting for Chen Feng them to spend the network.

As the spacecraft is getting closer, a heart of the tip is also mentioned on the eye. After so many years of hard work, she didn't hesitate to stay away from the father and brother, and the mother turned over. Many "surplus population" she thought, escaped the hunt ..., everything she did, is to be today one day.

Compared with the same age, she has lost too much, she lost her family, alienating friendship and did not harvest love, and she has lived a lot of life. She is so crazy. However, everything is everything, will eventually put a satisfactory date on this day.

Just when I thought about it, I only heard the sound of "rushing", Chen Feng they ride the spaceship broke through the clouds of the Mars base, and dropped.

When it was said that, when the spacecraft was just falling, the robot arranged by the cherrise rushed up and gave the spaceship to the group. They began to rush into the spacecraft and wanted to take a network inside.

According to reason, Chen Feng on the spacecraft is absolutely no chance to escape. The only thing they can do is, that is, the bunch of hands.

Unexpectedly, things happened far beyond the imagination of the tatilong. Chen Feng and five people, they rushed out of flight, they held a swaying cold weapon in each person - it seems to be a sword, and the robot is a sword, they will pierce them!

There is no such thing as a small tripod, and it is dumbfounded for a while. I don't know how it is good. Obviously, such a thing is completely unexpected, in her expectations, they should be unarmed, facing these advanced robots, should not have any ability and opportunities. .

She really underestimates the power of Chen Feng. Since they decided to come here, they have made the policy of response. They have no concerns, there is no worry and repent in my heart.

"Sun Tzu Art" has a cloud: "I know yourself and know each other." Obviously, Chen Feng has had a full understanding of the power of the enemy they have to face, and also knows the power of the weapons they have. To this end, they also do the corresponding preparation - that is to create a sharp weapon using all the skills of all the cast weapons. Although these weapons are more than those of those hot weapons, the power is much smaller, but as long as they can't work, it can be successful in the early days.

Chen Feng, Zhang Wei, Wang Ling and Xiaoxiang and Len, and their five people caught weapons in these days. They put all the metals you can collect together. There is no many metal products on this boat. They have been looking for a long time, and only in the kitchen, they have found a few mouthfuls, shovel and steel spoon and the iron shelf made of some metal on the bed, which is used for people to use. In addition, they also found a number of tools such as a hammer, iron rod, and an iron ladder.

With these metal products, they also have to form them, which requires extremely high temperatures. But this obviously has not been able to easily. They quickly issued a lot of gas, this is the energy center of the entire spacecraft that guards the sakes and burning water.

At first, they didn't know how to use these gas, but they were born, they were familiar, not to mention how much core technology. As soon as they wo, they have mastered how to use these gas.

They quickly prepared a big cast sword pool, and they want to do every way to raise the temperature to more than two thousand degrees, and then all the metal products you can simultaneously melt. And Zhang Wei and Wang Ling did not care for the big sword master, they quickly made those metal products into swords. Although the conditions are very simple, the two people who have made these swords are very sharp, almost reached the extent of ironing.

And all of this, where is the cheriff I know? She will be deep, and can I get what kind of people think of? Can she have to have a sword master in the middle?