Invincible Magician ~Akashic Record Overwrite~

Episode 02: Demonstration Route

My willed Capability Control Officer (left hand glove) accesses the control magic stone and simultaneously moves a "city in the air" that is considerably more advanced than our floating island.

With that in mind, the floating islands of the Great Eight Dragon Kings also began to follow a little late.

In the original plan, the Eight Dragon Kings were supposed to leave a message, but I gave up because I didn't really hear them say I was going.

Well, they're allies and not subordinates, so it's not like I can tie up my actions.

"Are you going to go cum off to the main faction of Zionism? You should be flashy in that case. Our wasted giants are also useful in such times. Take him. Take him. '

is what Black Dragon Luxluna says.

The rest of us can say it's a different tone.

"Warcraft", a superior demon (monster) that solves human language, is there a lot of blood with only its total tightening?

I'm old enough, so I don't have to think calm down, but I'm sure I'll be relieved to see them maintain their naivety for hundreds of years.

I rely on you as a senior who lives a long time.

But if you move the "Dragon's Nest," it's enough, but it's because of the spirit of service that all eight of them are exposed to the giant body over their own nest.

They're them, and maybe they find it interesting to relate to people's worlds via me.

In fact, they are only a few months old and are already popular with the inhabitants of the King's capital, Farandine.

Each of the Great Eight Dragon Kings has fanatical fans who should also be called believers, and the acknowledgment is awkward, but they seem to care a lot about each other.

Although only the Golden Dragon (Euvwenus), who is said to be the "dragon king of commerce" on his own, seems seriously annoying.

Let's even make an "Invitational Golden Dragon".

Well, is that supposed to be the balls of a cat?

It might be better to sell favors to the Golden Dragon (Euvwenus) by making the "inviting cat" popular for the benefit of commercial entanglement on balls that don't seem like they are called "Holy Beasts" or anything else.

Floating islands do not produce roaring noises or anything because of the basic magic operation.

Nevertheless, with the mastery of the Eight Dragon Kings, it would be sarcastic and spectacular to see how so many giant artifacts move out slowly from the ground.

On sunny days, white thread-like waterfalls streaming down from each floating island scatter in the air, reflecting the light to create countless rainbows.

It seems honest that the sights that emerge as if they were the trajectories of the floating island groups from which they began to travel and vanish like illusions from the distant ones are indeed levels that prevail as "spectacles".

Well, it's a good thing the residents of Farandine enjoy it.

I guess the Adventurer Alliance guys are in a festive mood today with their quests back and barley (ale) in one hand.

I'd like to join you if you'll excuse me, but I'm still nervous when I take them with me.

You were quick to adapt to me, but what do you mean?

From here in the meantime, the floating island group went to sea and was changed to a visible position from the coastline, not just the Farandine, to travel on a "massive transfer (gate)" to the Pontifical Agency of Gias.

Initially, we were going to go near the border and then jump on a "massive transfer (gate)," but this is how it combined because of the addition of a (...) ru (...) work (...) on the coastline.

Whether it be the side to drop me off on the Kingdom of Vain's side or the side to welcome me on the Pontifical Agency's side, that would be the best attraction of the day.

It's flashy, "Massive Transfer (Gate)"

No. Will it be a good match for the added work, demonstration and hands-on work that starts soon?

Even on the part of the Pontifical Agency, I wonder if the request would still be a good battle just for the request.


Christina, who should be used to traveling on the floating island where we are now, leaks her admiration in my arms.


Countless born and disappearing rainbows in their golden eyes, smiling at their cherry blossom lips.

No, Christina's prettier, no matter what you think.

Beauty is a presence that claims to be paranoid when it comes to getting bored in three days or something.

Tired of it or something like this.

Its Sarah blonde hair reflects the light of the sun in the wind generated by the magic of "flying (flying)".

Exactly today I'm dressed in a dress as a "princess witch" - a costume that feels strange based on a Japanese costume - but I might prefer a ponytail outfit to a simple white monochrome piece that Christina (Ogu) has been liking lately.

These outfits look great in these outfits.

You stared at me and they noticed you, and you looked me in the eye and you said, "What is it?" Tilt your neck slightly in the wind.

Christina's pretty sensitive to my gaze.

When we take an open-air bath together because of it, we try not to be understood but we see it, but we end up with laughing results that always creep us out.

Responding with a bitter laugh and "Nothing," he turns his gaze again toward the floating group of islands under his eyes.

"Ah no. It's okay, Desquedo, if you can spare me the conversation with your eyes and eyes."

- I forgot.

Nearly directly beside him, Seto was also "flying".

(o · ω · o) Yumi_chan&Nagai_kun?

Whatever it is, it's old. Competency Control Officer (left hand glove).

"Well, isn't Master Tsukasa and sister Kristina always like this? If there is a gap, it will be. If I had reacted, I wouldn't be here with you."

Sarah says with her face.

But Sarah, what about that nine-year-old girl line?

"It's nice to have the beginnings of a newlywed marriage and the breath of an abalone as if accompanied for years...... but it doesn't seem like there's room to interrupt, does it, Sarah?"

"Cecil, don't say anything extra..."

Sarah and Cecil join the conversation very naturally from close proximity to me and Christina and Seto flying on "Fly".

The content is a relentless scratch.

As for Sarah, whose face is brightest red and nodded at the white fur, it seems that Cecil's natural remarks ended up blowing herself up.

Sarah recently went to "magic training" (...) and hasn't had a spare moment (...), but she hasn't gotten to "fly" yet.

Mr. Cecil unfortunately doesn't have the "magic power" to work out in the first place.

It is thanks to the alchemists, including Grandpa Nemo, that the two of them are able to travel in the air to meet me, Christina (O.K.) and Seto.

My magic powers, extra demonic (monster) materials, and funds were thrown at all costs to customize Sarah's exclusive "Artificial Demon (Facti Familia)", the "White Beast" Bestia Dj Albs ", and Cecil's exclusive" Artificial Demon (Facti Familia) ", the" Black Beast "Bestia Dj Atel" can now fly.

The "White Beast" and "Black Beast" of the "Artificial Demon (Facti Familia)", which produced as many as 100 fully tonal machines as a result of my "repetition", have been studied by the Alchemists and are by far the best "Artificial Demons (Facti Familia)".

But Sarah and Cecil's guardian demon pair is a special Ver called "Origin."

All the other tonal machines are under this pair of controls.

If you can fly in the sky, you can "transfer (teleport)" on your own, and if you are no longer a boss (class) demon (monster) there, you can instantly kill performance (spec).

Honestly, only within (...) of us would be able to win on people's own.

I'm the one feeding, but I can't solve it because I really seem to recognize my protectorate as the Lord.

Well, fine.

Sarah and Cecil also trust the White Beast (Albs) and the Black Beast (Athel).

As far as flying in the sky on your back, to the point of not being scared at all.

"If I'm sick and tired of this, I can't live with my owners. You're not ready for Sarah or Cecil. Me and others every morning..."

Something in my arm that bothered Christina, or my balls stop saying things along the way.

These days my balls treat Christina (Ogu) properly as my lord.

Sometimes I wonder if it's more than me.

I don't care what I say, I'm not gonna stop the words I put out, and my balls are.

But Christina, it's still embarrassing to know that one act every morning.

Well, he said it was a dream situation No. 1, and it is certainly embarrassing to be found out that he tries on it every morning even though he is a scumbag.

I haven't asked in detail what the dream situation and how many of them are, but I'm pretty sure I'll do all of them sooner or later.

I just hope the knowledge of this world (La Vulcanan) doesn't make wall dons or jaw quizzes numbered.

"Fine, Seto. Isn't it time to get ready?

I wouldn't say that none of us have any intentions to divert the conversation, but it is also true that the point of fact "A (...) ru (...) work (...)" is approaching.

It's a floating group of islands that only seems to be moving slowly from the ground up, but it's actually traveling at considerable speeds because of the scale.

"... am I really going to do this?

It is not like Seto is in a mood for pulling.

One of the purposes of this "journey in the sky" is to demonstrate, and to have the practical work associated with it.

Is it right to say that you are reluctant to me rather than to?

"My father-in-law (Altrius III) also said that it makes sense because Seto, who is within me (...). I'll work with you on the magic replenishment to Ceto after it's done, and the actual magic exercise is Ceto, so you won't have to hesitate."

"My master says so."

"A (...) ru (...) work (...)" from now on is rough work to create a major international hub port that handles ships that are becoming impossible only in the port of Falandine, Wang capital.

Assuming that it operated as a relay point for international transactions, the most well-positioned point from the Wang du Farandain was that it was covered by a huge rocky reef and could not operate as a very harbour.

The water depth is also too shallow for large trading ships to use.

I manage that problem with "magic", which is difficult if it is modern construction technology.

Seto is supposed to play the part I used to play this time.

It seems important to make Ceto have a track record as "the most disciple of absolute immortality" rather than Ceto as the third seat of the "Thirteen Apostles".

Because of this, Seto is still in charge of the work after the jump to the side of the papal administration.

I guess Ceto could have been something in a way because the work over there just opens up the "demonic (monster) realm" near the Pontifical Agency, but using "magic" for "construction" doesn't come in pins.

We do things together.

Just "magic" the object beyond the control of ordinary people - demons (monsters) or, in this case, rocky reefs or the seabed.

The details later are done by the actual work team.

"I'm glad I didn't tell you. Go. Everyone on the planet is looking forward to some fancy magic."


Did you give up, or to be honest about it, jump with "transfer (teleport)" to the specified point?

From the ground up, Seto will look less than a grain of beans, but he won't be able to see it.

The "Giant Laminated Magic Formation", which has just begun to unfold to it, will surely be visible even from the ground during the day.

It's obviously flashy from here.

"Oh, you look like you're watching fireworks during the day."


Until recently, it was called a "miracle of God," and I am sure there would be a temptation to compare "magic" to fireworks, which was forbidden to be used by all.

Until recently, fireworks were familiar to me, but I didn't even believe in "magic" or anything, so I don't know.

But now I can't help but feel more comfortable with the magic that I can use without the need for a former hand than with fireworks that take both skill and labor time.

Well, this is even more true at a time when "magic" is being used for "Gulf construction".

Even for folks who are now enjoying themselves as "events" on the ground, the word "magic" should no longer be from "nagging" to the perception of a real "convenient force" in the last few months.

It would be dangerous to go too far, but it would be okay to be able to use it that way because it would be limited around me.

While thinking about it, Seto has activated one "grand magic" after another, evaporating the rocky reef in the designated area from one end to the other.

This is really like fireworks being shot from the air to the ground, if you look at it at a distance.

Whenever the Great Rock Reef disappears, the cheer that springs from the ground is exactly the nori of the Fireworks Games.

As a result, an international hub port can be created that is important for the Kingdom of Vain and hence for the enrichment of the people of this world (La Vulcanan).

It would be good for everyone, albeit somewhat flashy natural destruction.

The crushed debris lands and raises the large water column.

Demonic shards of heat evaporate seawater, causing massive water vapours to blow up.

They are so beautiful reflecting the light of a sunny day.

I think it's more established as a spectacle than I thought.

You couldn't stand it anymore, and the Eight Dragon Kings started helping.

Because I love flashy things, those grandfathers.

Don't take too many Seto charms.


As far as acts of natural destruction were concerned over a small hour, the development of the designated section was almost completed as instructed by the technocrats.

Seto returns with just a snag.

"Dragon Kings, thank you for helping me. It was harder than I thought."

"Good day."

That's right.

"Changing the terrain" is more like one of the "great magic" conditions than it used to be.

Now Seto's in on the Great Magic.

"I totally teased the magic, though. Fill it, please, Master."

"Leave it to me. Well, you'll have the last finish on the Vain side (this way) before that. -" Massive Transfer "opens.

Jumping on "fly" is bad for a likely billionaire Ceto, but finishing without cutting the flow would be more effective as an "act of demonstration".

It's easy to imagine that if we activate multiple Massive Transitions (Gates) immediately after a series of individuals perform all that "Great Magic", "Magic" is inexhaustible for us.

I don't get tired of it anyway, and I'm sure some of the audience on the ground have intelligence (espionage) from all over the country.

I asked my father-in-law (Altrius III) if it made sense to me now, and he said, "Is there such a thing as Fujiko in the country?," he said with a bitter running face.

It was kind of funny that it became like a weird stream swallowing party afterwards.

I also got stupidity and scolding, but "Swallow with my daughter-in-law's father-in-law" is somewhere ticklish.

I could listen to Christina (O.K.) and Sarah's mother, and I could tell you that we had fun listening to the two old stories.

The story (saga) of my father-in-law (Altrius III) and my mother-in-law from the beginning to marriage was particularly interesting.

Christina or Sarah will ask me to listen, but I can't talk because it's a man's promise.

I just want you two to have a beautiful memory of your parents.

Forget it.

In accordance with my will, a multiplicity of magic formations emerge that are quintessential enough to cover each floating island in its own direction of travel.

It wraps thunder and fills all the magic formations with "magic" light.

At the same time that it reaches a critical point, a high metal sound and at the same time a giant magic formation is scattered, opening up a "massive transfer (gate)" like a pitch-black sinus.

Familiar Capability Control (left hand glove) controls all ten Massive Transfers (gates).

I don't know, every time I think this is the only thing that can be controlled simultaneously.

Speaking of magic, there's so much "magic" swirling that I can scorch all four sides of my sight right now.

"Spatial Transfer Magic" increases the "Magic" required in acceleration as its mass increases.

Is it reasonable if it is a "massive transfer (gate)" launch that just jumps the nine floating islands plus "aerial cities" at the same time?

Sounds like the Dragon Kings are going to jump in front of each other while they're floating in the air.

"Now let's go. Meet Seto's sister."

All floating islands enter the "Massive Transition (Gate)" and disappear from over Vain as a non-tense reply returns from each one.

Without a time lag as it is, it appears with the sound of splitting space over the sky near the Pontifical Agency of Gias.

Rapidly replenish the near-depleted magic of Seto.

Seto's charm ground is the real deal from here on out, and we need to give the Zionists a good look at Seto's strength, which is now deviating from the realm of men.

"Yikes... don't rush me, Master"

"Oh, sorry."

Magic filling seems to feel strange.

I can't do anything but me, though I don't know what that feels like.

- Or don't make strange noises, Seto.

When I said that, I was scolded by all Christina (O.K.), Sarah and Cecil.
