Invincible Magician ~Akashic Record Overwrite~

Episode 01: A Day on the Cloud

"balls.... hey Holy Beast"

Talk to my left shoulder balls, whispering, as usual.

Recently, the way it is called from "Warcraft" to "Holy Beast" has changed, so it is not necessary to be there to talk in public.

It's already a well-known fact, at least for those around me, that balls not only solve humanities, but also utter words themselves.

... If it was Japan (over there), I would either be seen wrapped up in a distant winding, or I would be taken to the hospital immediately... I think it would be enough to walk with a black cat on my left shoulder.

Well, I wouldn't be sorry to make such a fuss if I found out my balls tail was triple-digit.

"Do not, Holy Beast,"

As always, Base is a cleverly floating balls to the habit of cats, such as a 'fed up look'.

Hi Himself (Omoto?) doesn't like the call of "Holy Beast".

You didn't mean to go through with it when they called you 'Warcraft', but even though being lifted doesn't mean you're a cook two sick patient... do you look like the owner?

"Then my servant."

"What is it, my lord?"

... apparently so.

I was in a good mood to get back to you with your promised reply.

Yes, your majesty!


And I didn't call the glove on my left.

('· ω ·')

Don't be discouraged by this.

But you're the same, this sturaca combo.

Nevertheless, it is also true that without this combination it would be difficult to use my powers to the full.

Especially recently, the Globe of the Left (Tsukuyomi) has taken over the task of maintaining the Magic Replenishment Line stretched around the world (La Vulcanan), and of centralizing the information brought from the Automatic Dolls (Auto Mata), dwarves (Homunculus) and Artificial Demons (Facti Familia) deployed to countries with the help of the Nemo Grandfathers Alchemists, and returning the instructions.

My balls seem to be working together in some way, and I can't help but think about the huge sturacacombination that contributes to the maintenance of a peaceful world (La Vulcanan).

My gratitude is genuine because I am definitely allowed to live freely, other than doing regular 'official work' thanks to it.

"I don't think so very much..."

So don't read the confession.

I think that's part of what makes you more of a caricature-like relationship than a thank-you.

This is the center of the floating island 'Universal Heaven', the 'Between the Rites' of 'Universal Heaven', which also makes its name as a building similar to the floating island on which it is built.

As usual, I'm a black-clad 'dress' - I can't change it now because this outfit is no longer seen as my dress. I like it, so I hope - I'm in the middle of getting dressed up in what I call an 'official job'.

Behind me in "Rituals," I have all the members seen as my one party, including my wife (Christina), Sarah, Cecil, Seto & Tis, Jean, Nay and Aria.

Exceptions are colleagues in balls and left-handed gloves (Tsukuyomi), and Lilyn is now somewhat suspicious of behavior, but basically it's a mystery where and what she's doing if she doesn't want to find out because she's making her like it.

If it bothers you, it will be reflected in the Silver Prosthetic Eye at that moment.

Similar to "Between the Fountains", where he fought his wife (Christina) many times, "Between the Rites" has all the ambassadors of the countries that live in this "Universal Heaven", their accompanying martial officers, and women officials.

"Between the Rites" has no ceilings, and it is a big difference from "Between the Fountains" that we always see sunny weather that can fall out on the rainy or windy days of the floating islands that float higher than the clouds.

Participants will have a hard time in the morning, but they will not be able to be absent without good reason because they now have all the heavy towns, including the royal family of the kingdom of Vain, the world's greatest power.

I guess it's more important to have a banquet (party) after this anyway.

"So, my Lord. Can't we just manage this' ritual 'call?

I spoke to my balls just before the ceremony started because I wanted to say something.

... At first I was nervous about doing a 'ritual' in front of the ambassadors in line, so I got a lot fatter too.

Thank you so much for circulating the first declaration or (...).

I almost inadvertently physically 'did not'.

"Ha ha, I see. Don't you like" Tianwei's Rite ""

Let's do this.

I smile at the cat's habits with a mean smile.

... I feel basically the same mental as my reluctant balls when they call me "Holy Beast" but I will put it there.

No, but you, Tama, "Tianwei".

Whatever. Whatever. That, hey.

"You're the one who exaggerated, balls"


♪ ~ ('ε')

Damn, was the glove on your left (Tsukuyomi) also an accomplice?

I'll take care of it. This is the kind of harm you can do in Sacramento.

My father-in-law in Japan (over there) used to say that trusting is something else altogether.

Let's reflect.

"Wouldn't that be nice? For the inhabitants of this world, it's not exactly an exaggeration."

No, maybe that's true.

"Once a month, magic is supplied to the" Great Demon Stone "installed around the world along with the Lord's (or) proclamation, and" Magic Tools (Magic Items) "installed everywhere can be used all you want for a small fee. Major issues will now be addressed by the" magic "mastered by the Lord's organization, and Tsukuyomi will gather information from" Automatic Dolls (Auto Mata) "," Dwarves (Homunculus) "and" Artificial Demons (Factifamilia) "everywhere to instruct them to respond appropriately."

The mechanism around it has become popular at tremendous speeds with "magic", including Seto, and alchemists, including Grandpa Nemo, senior officials of the Kingdom of Vain and the Pontifical Agency of Gias, united.

Though not yet fully exhausted, its effects are overwhelming, and there is no longer a state-sized organization to do business with the Kingdom of Vain, and hence with us, until now, when its interests are abandoned.

Well, it's only superficial, which means that there's a lot of moving states and organizations behind it.

But I don't condone that kind of thing, so I think you should stop.

"Crime hardly ever occurs, natural disasters are still prevented, and if we work hard, we become as rich as we work hard. Now is the time for them to flourish under the direct protection of God."

The real gods and dragon kings will actually exist if you give them to the king's capital, Farandine.

With any luck, I can also see a mock fight.

It is no longer becoming like a regular event for the inhabitants of the King's Capital, but it will not yet be the case for human beings in other countries.

Video related "Magic Tools" is still controlling the distribution path so far.

"Give up being seen as more divine than it is the Lord who binds it. Well, not all the worshippers, okay?"

Well, sure.

In the meantime, should I worry about the hard words and actions that will not betray your expectations in 'public places'?

Except for this ritual once a month, I'm letting you do whatever you want, and now if I say I'm going to rename the 'ritual' or something, some department will flip it.

Oh, your wife (Christina) coughed up.

You're talking to your balls, and the odd time has opened up.

Without my words, the 'ritual' would not begin.

"Start the ritual with this!

In one word of mine, all of you who stood upright without time or a word of strangeness kneel.

At the beginning, the end of the story became 'Riu', and it became apparent which adorable character it was.

If your wife (Christina) or Sarah did it, she would still smile, but I'm talking about where there's such a demand.

Mr. Aria would look great, too, but then he's going to die of rage and he's not laughable. Seriously, characters can get confused when they're mishandled.

My body behind me, including my left shoulder and left hand, was tougher to laugh at and kill, but the attendees who decided not to were tougher.

I'm not going to do that, but you didn't think I figured out what was going to happen the day I laughed.

The brave man (Jean) will be angry at you for laughing at yourself.

Well, I'm getting used to it.


Shut your balls up.

Everyone in the back is pulling too.

At the same time as my words, a tremendous amount of magic blows up from my "Silver Prosthetic Eye (Left Eye)" and "Glove of the Left Hand," which turns into countless "Overwritten Light (Overlight Ray)".

A regular line of light runs through sunny sunny weather, shifting as if the sky were a giant screen, as if it were not empty.

No matter how many times you do it, I knew you'd cheer here.

It uses the power of "doomsday" and "genesis", so it is only slightly similar to the view of the sky cracking when exercising "doomsday".

The difference is that instead of countless cracks running so that the glass can crumble, regular, bright lines of light run.

When that line reaches the Great Demon Stone installed everywhere, my magic is poured out of the sky as a pillar of light.

At the same time, "Automatic Doll (Auto Mata)", "dwarf (homunculus)" and "Video Window (Screen)" from "Artificial Demon (Facti Familia)", running everywhere, opens countless times around me, and the glove on my left hand side, its central crystal, absorbs the information displayed.

I don't even need this fancy performance. I think it's fuelling deification.

"Every thing needs an external flavor," he said.

No, it is.

Isn't this too flashy?

"Wouldn't it be nice if we were all having fun?"

Well, don't cheer every time.

Maybe it's better to be magically filled with nothing to plain the exchange of information.

Well, that's the end of your once-monthly job.

Starting tomorrow, I can act freely as an 'adventurer' again.

"There is a banquet seat before it, Master Tsukasa"

Even though she has a kind voice, she is some scary wife (Christina).

Oh, you did.

It's my job, so for telling me I can't help it, it's a cursed job that makes the women feel bad afterwards.

Why are women with ambassadors replaced every month and all come to say hello?

I think it's time you gave up on that.

"There's a word for no ex, Master Tsukasa."

Is that what you say over here, Mr. Cecil?

No, I did, too. Is that where you came from? My room?

"Well, the master is full of things just as they are."

"I don't have a problem getting my hands on a strange woman, even though she hasn't decided on my official position."

Ugh, Seto & Tis.

Are you guys really in one mind?

I've been pretty suspicious lately, but I think the collaboration itself is getting smoother than it was at a time, and it's a mystery.

"You want us officially running for queen, don't you, Aria?"

"Right, Master Sarah. Something the Pope has been doing lately."

Ah. Ugh.

"It's hot, my lord"

"I take it for granted that Master Tsukasa is hot, Mr. Tama. Chloe, the Adventurer Alliance, has a different eye for Tsukasa-sama."

No, there's nothing with Mr. Chloe, is there? I gave you one coin because back then I had no sense of money, and I said, "Master Tsukasa has given me coins! I don't think that means anything to you, Chloe?

Silo and Michele are laughing slightly, they always are.

Your wife said, "Huh? There's nothing like saying."

Tama, you know there's no cover fire!

"I'll take care of the ladies who use color on Mr. Tsukasa. Tsukasa says hello, that's fine."

No, Jean, I know you're doing that for me without any other reason.

But when you look like you, and you're in a bad mood, and you don't leave me alone, the women I'm supposed to contact accidentally fall in love with you.

I don't know what to say then. What's the sense of defeat?

"You have a small vessel"

Fuck you, man.

"... Jean, you idiot"

And your wife (Nay) is obstinate.

And that's what makes you suspicious, isn't it?

Isn't that the same pattern every time?

I can't believe this is what our one party is talking about with a serious face on the sandalwood of the ritual. I can't dream of all of you kneeling in front of me and waiting for the end of the ritual.

I also feel like a lot of things are on the ground in case they ask me, but I also think maybe I should do that.

Well, it's about this' ritual 'day that we spend all day on floating islands on the clouds, working on the ground outside of the morning and night.

I'm also refraining from a slightly more attentive banquet seat after this, but let's just say we do each thing well.

Because I think I'm lucky to be able to have this conversation without any other love.

... balls, you really need cover shooting?