Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
1-2 Difference after stunned
"Deep snow has been seized!?
Everyone surrounded the table in the doctor's room and began explaining on his behalf.
The first voice is this.
Shiraishi Miyuki snow.
One of the victims who was abducted without questioning the rest of the world.
And he was qualified to be a "Virgin" who was a member of the heroic party.
"No, was it grabbed, or was the situation protected?I'll settle down around there. "
"... I don't know why you guys are so calm, but is that the reason around here?
Yumi strokes Hayabusa's head as she holds a cushion on her lap and plays sports.
It looks like he was seen three years ago when he flew over there.
However, the last time I saw him, he embodied a magnificent statue of a "brave man".
"No, there's one guy who's upset."
"Hayabusa, take a big breath and calm down.I'm starting to feel like I'm disturbing you. "
"Wow....Phew, phew, phew.... "
Falcon began to breathe deeply to calm down.
While looking sideways, Mao sends instructions to the doctor to move forward with his eyes.
"First of all, all of us, including the snow, came back here on Thursday night, or maybe on Friday.Well, it's about that late at night.It was in the parking lot on Mt. Uehara. "
"Hmm? Ueharayama parking lot?Wasn't it in the building before they kicked you out?
Mt. Uehara is a famous mountain, although it is reserved for residents of the area.
The route to the top of the mountain is also accessible by car, and there is a park.
It was also famous for elementary school students' excursions and hiking courses, and in the autumn it was home to a pear named Uehara Pear.
However, at night, the parking lot at the top of the mountain is locked, and there are few pedestrian streets and lights, so complete darkness surrounds the area.
For this reason, there are sometimes young people who come to try their liver in summer, but generally speaking, it is a point where no one gets close.
"Moo-san was able to come back because of a malfunction of the Summon Magic Team that remained in the original ancient ruins.You know we were lurking in the ruins looking for the original of that formation or any way to activate it?I was gathering materials that Yumi could analyze some of the operating methods, but I came to talk to you about whether Shigeru has returned to Japan.The only gatekeeper of the dilapidated ruins has disappeared, and the analysis tools around the sorcery team have been thoroughly documented. Of the two options, I don't think the passive Moo-san's "Maybe he'll move on his own.”
"Well, I don't know if I was lucky.I went to peek at the daily routine, and the light started.My body moved aggressively instead of my head.The result of jumping in is this. "
At the tip of the jaw, there is a TV screen in silent mode.
After nine o'clock, I suppose you quickly set up a special call.
On the top right of the screen, it says, "Urgent discussion!!"Knight" and "Warrior" appeared in modern times!What is our path!?It was.
Instead, smart people are keen to discuss it, so I'd like you to teach it to the bush more and more.
That's enough.
There is no doubt, however, that the opinions of the people on this show are structured in such a way as to perfectly narrow down Mao's future way of life.
"Wow, I wonder if you've seen this footage.You're jumping between Bill and Bill!Superman!
"It keeps coming out.This is exactly the beginning of the era of total photographers for all Japanese citizens..... "
On the screen is "First released on this program!"Knight of Light Speed" Latest Post Video!".
"Why did you come back to such a convenient, unpopular place?It's too slow. "
"We had a lot to do over there...In fact, after Shige-san returned to Japan, he handled the affairs there for about three months, or took over.I've been cleaning up that mess. "
"... is that so?
The other three nodded at the same time.
"The search for records of analytical instruments left in the ruins as a top priority and the matching of summons-related materials obtained from ancient ruins.Next, make sure Shige-san isn't there.After we returned to Japan, Shigeru actually stayed there for a while.I want to avoid that. "
Well, of course.
Hayabusa explains this to Mao.
It seems to have settled down a lot.
"And then, greetings to all of you who took care of you.Thank you so much for everything.I was persistent in asking if the great one would stay there quite a bit.Especially the proposal to Hayabusa was amazing.Hey, I've never seen a real harem before.I feel like I've met all the unmarried princesses in the past three months. "
"I bet you do too.A lot of young nobles told me about you.
"I like good-looking people, but I still have a face.Everyone doesn't look Japanese, do they?No, I think it's cool.Come with Don to see it, but dating me was hard for me, yeah. "
Well, that's how it is.
Mao wouldn't dare say.
Even though the doctor next to Yumi looked strange.
After all, it will be raised between the two of them.
"... I didn't have that kind of event."
"Well, once you've finished your first year of training as a soldier and you want to be assigned to them, you'll be drawn to those ancient ruins, and all the women will ignore your guns.You hardly even went down to the city, did you?
"After all, I need to be close so that the magic team can be activated at any time...While I was in town, my team was actually moving, and I couldn't go home, so I can't even regret it. "
"Bibi or rattling...I'm worried about it, right?Don't you want to talk to people?Normal "
It can be lightly disguised by Yumi.
Mao objected in disagreement.
"I'll talk to the merchant about supplies once a week.Sometimes when the hunter came to stay and hunt, we ate together!
"You're almost a abandoner!
A "brave man" says to be rude.
I go to work every day and shop regularly.
Eat and drink with people.
I wonder where this element of abandonment is.
"Ah, this is the moo-san's dug house for the gatekeeper.I handed it over to the village joint facility.Dishes, bedding, etc.I didn't seem to have any valuables, so I gave them away, but did you need anything?
"... it's not like I don't have any memories, but I can't even go get them now.It's okay. "
It would be a waste of expensive liquor to hide behind the shelf just a little.
What kind of flavor did it taste like when I never opened it?
"That's why Yumi carefully researched the Summon Monster team.That's okay now. Three months later, we all decided to go home.Everyone threw their gear into the item box, took out their school runs, blazers, and put them on. "
"At that time, I was pretty cool.Rena-chan and Fukayuki aren't here.I didn't grow up too much.Somehow, it was erotic.I think it was a crime to dress up like that. "
"... my jacket, too, was patchy.How was Hayabusa?
"I couldn't hold my jacket.Then it snowed. "
Mao imagines the scene.
Indeed, the two "Virgin" and "Holy Knight" may have been a little poisonous to teenagers.
The "Knights of the Holy Spirit" are about the second half of 180 with their upper back beyond the bush.
Let's just say the "Virgin" was too far out.Rather, it may have fallen short of the average for fairly common Japanese women.
At the beginning of the abduction, I didn't need any bespoke clothes.
"The guy from Reina looked back at Camado in the woods.
"Yes, I'm sure he was happy.He said he's grown too big.I was worried about how to explain it to all my family and friends.No, it was really good there. "
Yumi's feelings are honest.
That would be the case.
I grew up fast because I was young.
It takes at least as long as summer vacation to make an excuse.
I'm sure you'll be surprised to see my acquaintance on Friday, the day after he disappeared on Tuesday.
"What were you gaxing about earlier?
"When I got through it, my body was wasted!That's good, it's my ideal shape!?
When Yumi's ideals turned out to be cool beauty and it didn't matter what Nice Buddy was.
It can be said that Dr. Yumi ignored Yumi because he got annoyed for the time being.
"Well, it seemed like I could set the place and time to come back, so I set the place and time to be less popular at night and came back here.Naturally, the other Summon Monster team asked me to shatter it after confirming the activation.It's Camben who calls me like us anymore. "
"Naturally.I think it's a good decision. "
"So, I was surrounded by the bodyguards of my deep snow father who was waiting for me when I came back."
For some reason, a sudden expansion.
"So, everyone, including me, was taken in deep snow without any hands or feet.Since then, I have not been able to contact you at all.... this is how it works, just in case. "
Silence descends on everyone.
The three people except Mao looked painful, and Mao couldn't stop asking the question mark "????" on his head.
"No, I don't know.Or is there something I don't understand? "
Hmm, I'm worried, but I don't know how.
"... in the meantime, where?
"... in the meantime, if that's okay"
You can look straight at Hayabusa in front of you.
"To be honest, Hayabusa can poke me around with her bare hands and full gear, right?Reina could probably do the same thing.Dr. Yumi, deep snow is in the back, and if you have a bare hand, it will be hard for me, but if you have a normal person, you can do anything.Is Dad's bodyguard that strong?
I can manage to get out of the police net alone.
If there were five more of them, such a herd of bodyguards would be killed instantly.
"... no, on the contrary, it's strange to ask.Mao, how can you be a Knight of Light Speed?
"What? What do you mean?
Mao was asked that straight by the other three.