Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
2 - Weird Sunday noon special
"… so when it comes to the Knight and the Samurai, does Gaucho perform with some sort of political intent?
In the middle of a table in the shape of a hac, an elderly announcer, an MC, asks.
Gaucho, a funny entertainer sitting as a commentator, answers the question with a little smile on his mouth.
"No, performance has caused damage to boulders, and even though they have been arrested for breaking the law, there have been injuries.Some disturbances have also appeared on the Shinkansen diamonds today, and the news has just come out, right?Though it's Sunday, your regular work starts tomorrow.It will probably have an impact on economic activity.Although virtually no human lives have been damaged, it is no substitute for large-scale terrorism.The essence of terrorism is political and religious propaganda carried out with fear.I think we should consider the possibility somewhat. "
Gaucho, in a flashy pink jacket and a tonal mountain hat, puts his voice to rest.
Looking at it, the man sitting opposite Gaucho starts arguing.
"What Gaucho said makes sense to some extent.But.... "
"To some extent?
Speakers whose words were blocked by a half-laughtered gaucho spin their words again with a slightly naughty expression.
He is the commentator of the royal road among the stars of this special edition.
Ordinary Incidents Political Performance Sports requires broad and shallow insights, but I am confident that they are being used for efforts to prepare opinions that are commensurate with them.
Of course, I know that gaucho is making a scene noisy, but I am still a little angry.
"This time, this TV station exclusively broadcast a duel scene of" Knight "and" Samurai ".Is that a good thing to judge as performance?Reporters are verifying, but the knight's spear strike... do you have footage?... please. "
The Speed of Light Knight Speed spear on the main screen switches to the Skeleton Warrior scene and is reflected in slow motion.
The magnification of slow-motion is displayed in the lower right.
The person who had been discussing it was shown next to it on the wipe.
"... I think you've seen this speed, but this speed is slow motion.Even if the spear was an imitation, we can guess that a direct hit would have been enough to inflict serious injury or even death.Likewise, if you are a "samurai"... yes, stop the footage at that bus stop!
Now the still image is projected.
That bus stop where the Skeleton Warrior was caught by the Knight of Light.
In the previous video, the control line was stretched and turned into a strange object that was covered with a blue vinyl sheet.
In the footage, the bus-stop that was destroyed before it did so is bent over, exposing it to the ruins that are about to collapse.
"The time display version of this bus.It is shattered, but similar structures are present in the surrounding stations.The material is made of metal, and the ground is filled with pillars up to 90 cm deep in case of strong winds or accidents.Look at that.The concrete ground rises and the soil is exposed so that it can be judged.We also received information from construction personnel at the time that it would not be broken like that unless the truck was pushed into it. "
Everyone who watched the video nodded.
Having seen it, he goes on with his words.
"In meetings with the Secretary of State and public bodies, it is called“ the person ”, but is it really a person?Is it okay to discuss it in the same way that we “humans” belong to the categories of family, nation, race, and religion?Whether or not political intent existed in the “person concerned”.I think we should think about it first. "
There are people here who raise their hands.
"In the alley, it is called" Superman. ”Superman because he is a “man” beyond the realm of man.However, the view is that what we both possess is, in any case, what we create.In other words, it's not that you don't have intelligence.So shouldn't we think about a plan to have a conversation first?I think it's only a matter of whether you're the one who said it or not. "
A woman in her suit in the middle of the 40s gives her opinion.
Formerly a one-time mayor, he's been pulling on TV lately with a good look and strong opinions.
"Yes, but are you talking to him?The Knight may have saved people from a truck accident, but isn't the Samurai out of the question?Anyway, I've been attacked by the police, and they're shooting at you.If he were a man, would he be caught violating the law of bayonets, obstructing law enforcement, trespassing, attempting to commit terrorism, or even committing terrorism?
Perhaps she wanted the screen to be gorgeous, but on the other side of her, a female talent sat down and objected directly to the opinion.
She is also a highly educated talent selling as an intellectual.
Originally a gravure model, the activity is now on fire, turning into an actress.
However, as far as an entertainer who follows such a path can think, his fingers are not enough.
That is why she needs to deliver here.
The office does not always recommend itself.
It was best understood by her, who had looked at Senpai's successes in pieces.
Well then, Mr. Nomoto.I want you to tell the audience how you actually saw the Knight of Light and the Skeleton Warrior with your eyes. "
A huge argument took place.
Do it, who got the most out of this, lost.What about coverage for damaged businesses and individuals?Before that, are they "companions", "adversaries", "relatives", or none of them?Who takes responsibility.Would you like to take it?
After all, it is only the accumulation of reasoning that can be built from reasoning.
No one but the person can tell the truth.
But people want answers.
It may be wrong, it may only be hypothetical.
Still, there is some form of answer.
"Yes, in my personal impression....."
The truth is bound to remain distant from them on TV.