Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
2-2 Nemesis after Appreciation
Thank you very much.
A static greeting that can be hung simultaneously when the automatic door opens.
Mao left the car rental shop with all the staff on their backs.
Now Mao arrives in Tokyo and looks up at the sky different from where he lives.
No, I didn't see much sky hiding in the valley of the building.
Well… I don't care if they tell me to waste my time. "
The pine was brought home as originally planned, and the Sugiyama brothers arrived at the sugiyama residence, but there was a shock.
“I'll clean up a little bit, so two hours.No, I want you to crush an hour and a half. ”
I was told that I can't go in there until it's cleared up.
After a little questioning, the bush broke and became like this.
After all, it is good because I had to return the car to the car rental shop, but it is a long time.
(It's been there for a long time. I didn't know the room was open....)
I recall his room where his parents' room had not been cleaned up much.
There's only one thing to think about from there.
Is it really going to take an hour and a half?
(... I don't know where to go.I'm free.....)
* Giggle *, Mao shows the expression of a bitter decision.
This is helpless, but in a recent incident at a convenience store, the option of reading a cartoon magazine, which is one of the young people's time crushes, has disappeared.
But time is running out.
An hour and a half, or two hours in that fierce state of affairs.
I want to avoid resting on a floor that becomes a bed of woods and boulders, unnecessary things, and even garbage.
Pachinko slot excellent shop and stained climbs lit up the road to the shop at the end of the troubled Mao's gaze.
"No, you can't.I don't know what kind of punishment you get for gambling with the money you owe me. "
If you don't have any money, you can increase it.
A man who thinks like that will be punished.
I'm sure of it, definitely.
"Well, then...Nothing to do. Isn't there something interesting about it?
Looking around, “it” appeared in the eyes of the bush.
"Ah! I see, it started on Friday.Wow, let's do that. "
Mao is in front of the car rental shop now.
Basically, car rental shops like these exist in popular streets and convenient places for travelers.
Of course, it's around the airport and harbor.And it's in front of the station.
And people pass in front of the station.
This means that it is a place for customers to enter.
Not all stations have such a thing in front of them, but this is Tokyo.
There are also stations that seem to be destinations for the bushes.
The nearest station with a fierce house was one such station.
"Long time no see! I haven't seen a movie in three years!
Beyond Mao's gaze is a movie advertising poster stretched out on one side of the station building.
The title is "Dead Hunters - City Hall Crysis".
If Mao's memories were correct, it would have been the most topical work of the year featuring young talented Japanese actors.
It is also good to call it an action piece of the movie's own completely original script rather than a previous or original one.
If it's a genre of action of your choice and an original script, you should be able to ignore the recent information here.
Okay, it's a movie. It's a movie.
Mao sends a quick email.
“I'm going to the movies.In the meantime, I said, "Clean up.”
I'll get back to you soon.“Please, take your time."
"Yeah, I'm busy from tomorrow, so let's take it easy until today!
Well, needless to say, the moors have no money.
I don't have enough money to borrow from my brother.
I don't have enough money to borrow a high school student's travel expenses.
However, it was an outrage to spend the money on entertainment expenses.
... Mao didn't think that the tight cemetery would come down on him after this.
"Chi, kushhhh...."
Mao was desperately fighting his mistakes.
No, I was fighting for what I deserved.
(Damn it...If so, it's punished.....)
The faces of other customers coming out of movie theaters other than Mao seemed generally satisfied.
I took it for granted.
"Dead Hunters - Tokyo Metropolitan Government Crysis -" released on Friday was able to cut the top start dash in the film released this year in just two days.
Japanese filmmakers were also delighted when Japanese films took first place in a long time hit after being pushed back by Western films.
The action scene of starring actor Hayama Sword is brilliant, and some repeaters come to see it again.
Word of mouth about SNS was spreading, and unconfirmed news that adults who were looking forward to seeing how much more entertainment revenue would be made had already decided to produce sequels had circulated online.
(Did something like this still happen?!... goddamn it)
Walk out of the cinema and in front of the station with a fluffy step.
The 15-minute walk home to the fierce house is very heavy.
Sometimes people look at each other with strange eyes.
(... I didn't really think this would affect me.Two, hard)
"... super boring.I may not see the action anymore..... "
I watched the movie excitedly with popcorn and M-size cola in my hand.
The first 15 minutes are exciting.The next 15 minutes are confusing.And 30 minutes of abstention.The last hour was like ashes, just staring at the screen.
The content was certainly of a confessional nature, and both the script and the actor were excellent.
Now, hold this head and walk about like a bush.
Three years of harsh life in another world raised him to be a soldier “in another world”.
You'll see.
The action scene I saw earlier was “a normal soldier's standard from another world."
My extreme physical abilities made me realize that this movie was a play of the noise that constantly attacked me and the dazzling light that just closed my eyes.
It wasn't as bad as the first one, but the action scene that was plugged in.
Every time it flows, “Oh, can you avoid it?" "Huh?"Why did you hit that kick?" "No, that was a chase."
A storm of comics “by the standard of a soldier from another world."
When the dust is piled up, it becomes a mountain.
Fifteen minutes have passed and the toilet is in full swing at a confusing time.
Washing your face and returning to your seat hasn't changed the momentum for action since then.
Probably if I hadn't thought about watching a movie with the money I borrowed from a high school student, I'd have noticed it in an action movie that runs on TV.
But there's something quite spiritual about being able to pinpoint this fact in a movie that's headed for 100% expectation.
Let me be clear.
He was rightly punished.
(Oh, me. I wonder what to look forward to...)
"Uh-oh. Akan.This is Akan..... "
Hold your head down and look around.
The upset was exhausting the mind.
Holding it down is close to its limit.
I need a break from the house of fury.
Luckily, you can see the park nearby.
The bench is lit up with sparkling vending machines.
(Hey, I did it!Hey, give me some water!
Walk slowly toward the vending machine.
I was standing in front of a vending machine and trying to fish for the cheapest mineral water in my pocket.
"What, koala!!?
I heard anger coming from the public toilet in the park a little further away.