Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
4-9 Worried Assault
The current time is 20: 42.
Information that Legend of Cleopatra had been seajacked by terrorists had spread throughout Japan, and many people who had learned of the information were watching the trend with a steady spit.
Of course, many owners of smartphones, tablets, and PC download Heinen's video apps and open them simultaneously to see what kind of on-board video is distributed in Heinen.
In order to announce Papip's new song, some enhancements were made to prepare for server down, and although there was no delay in the delivery of the video, it was certain that it would have fallen if there was no countermeasure.
The counter to the number of still images viewed by Hyen, which has so many viewers, has already surpassed one million and is increasing even more.
"What the hell is going on?I've been telling you everything!Didn't you get any different information?
Sugiyama was one of those many.
Your PC opens Hyen's broadcast, and your TV tells the story on the news screen.The smartphone is connected to Papip's fan site.
Of course, it is certain that Mio Kamiki, one of Papip's top idols, will be on board after the concert, and there is no reason why he desperately fails to gather information worrying about his safety.
But no news source can tell us anything new.
Rather, it was a new move, since the names of "overseas counter-terrorism expert" and "former captain of a large ship" were gathered and sat in the news commentator's seat in a hurry.
Incidentally, experts from similar or nearby stations are called, and irreplaceable comments of the same content are spoken without delay.
The initial response of the former captain during sea jacking was explained.
"No, initial handling.What do you want me to do when Seajack hears about the initial response right now!?
He shouted at the wrong side of the TV.
This is the only time there are no bushes.
Around noon, an e-mail arrived saying, "My acquaintance's father will eat, and I'll be home tomorrow."
When I called to confirm, I was told that I would hang up the phone because it was a slightly high-quality cousin, so it would be an upscale shop.As long as I'm really flattered.
I'm sure my brother is drinking alcohol and getting a little expensive dinner right now.
"You're talking about hanging up the phone.I'm sure she'll be back in the morning.Aniki often wears drinking parties with big cases like this. "
The fierce sigh will not disturb the fun alcohol.
I have been in a hurry before the bath and my body is getting a little sticky.
I was hungry because I shouted out my stomach.
I can't resist human menstrual phenomena.
If my brother was at home, I'd ask him to buy some beer and a large potato.
"I can't help it.... may I ask you to step forward?"
If you mess around with your phone, call me when you call a registered contact.
I took a small flyer placed on my desk while the other person was on the third call.
"... ah, please deliver.... yes, with the address registered with this number.... the half-half of the Corn Mayo and Pulcogi Special in M.... one potato on the side with honey mustard and ketchup sauce.Oh, I don't need a drink.... oh, I knew it.... yes, I'm waiting... "
Call Tekipaki and Pizza Kaiser to put your phone back on the original Papip fan site.
"After all, we're all asking for delivery at once.Will it take a little time? I can't help it. "
Sitting on a sleigh and chair, he stared at the PC screen.
There seemed to be too many people who had no items in the contents of the writing on the boulder, and the writing tab that had been opened earlier had changed to "No".
Since the last history is careless, it is a slander against an individual who has nothing to do with this.
Well, maybe it's because I thought on the hyphen side, you don't have to write anything down in this video.
"... uhh!?Got it, really got it!Seriously, this one. The footage of Seajack in the middle...Wow..... "
I watched a 30-minute backstage show before today's show, and suddenly I knew where it was.
It was at the Legend of Cleopatra fashion show where the open Heinen footage was shown.
I remember the monuments originally installed on the distinctive ship.
It is impossible to reproduce unless it is combined with the same large set somewhere.
"Stand microphone on the runway.Is someone coming out?
I can't relax because I feel like I'm seeing something I shouldn't.
I feel blood flowing all over my body from my heart.
Of course it was because of your mind, but it seemed like blood with such a beating would jump all over your body.
There is movement in such a fiercely staring monitor.
A man in a suit wearing an eye-catching hat probably stands in front of a microphone placed on a runway.
At that moment, he gathered the spotlight for the fashion show.
The camera footage zooms towards the man's face.
The zoom ended as the upper body was projected, and the eyedropper lightly fixed his tie and told the viewer across the camera.
Everyone who watched this video at Heinen.Nice to meet you. I'm sure you're familiar with the rough story of watching this broadcast.… we have captured this ship, the Legend of Cleopatra, taken hostages and mastered its navigation.We are True Blue. It's a small environmental protection organization.I want you to know something. "
I lowered my head deeply and introduced myself here.
The type would be classified as a theatrical pleasure offender.
They behave like they're upsetting people's nerves.
Well, some of our demands have already been communicated to the Japanese government and the Shiraishi Group through Heinen.But there will be a lot of process before it is passed on to the top finalists.Therefore, I want to use Heinen to transmit it because I definitely want another means of communicating it to "many people".What is it!?
I hit my hand and stood back.
It can be seen that the movement of the one is clowny and has an external flavor.
Speaking of which, it's a waste of time, to be clear, it's a bumpy move.
The camera is chasing the upper body of the eyedropper, which has the microphone removed from the stand.
Thanks to the persistent sound of the shoes, it seems to be wandering around the runway.
Take hostages in adult numbers and pass the request.Such a Seajack is terrorism.I know that.That's why I don't want you in the anti-terrorism department.Of course.... so I'm going to make a request first.Until then, vessels, aircraft, drones, etc. are prohibited from approaching this ship.If this is not acceptable, a funeral will be held for celebrities you all know.It's sad. You don't like it, do you?Then don't do it.Secondly, the police are preparing vehicles for escape.We will split into the vehicle and escape.Again, of course, I will take the passengers aboard the vehicle and leave.Let me dress like us, it's fine.Shooting at the wrong place to suppress it could hurt irrelevant customers, right?Yes, please stop this too.And finally, for those of you who are watching, please stop watching immediately if you are a minor or a frail person.Anyway, we "
Zoom is removed when the Eyepiece Hat is cut off.
The angle of view was drawn so that the entire runway could be seen.
Next to the eyedropper is a desk that had never existed before, and a display with flowers in a large, tall pot.
As the entire audience focused on the pot, the eyeball cap grabbed it in his pocket and took it out in black.
"Hey, it's a pistol!
At the same time as the fierce shouting, the trigger was pulled.
Simultaneously with just one shot, the jar broke and the water and flowers scattered to the floor.
Perhaps a lot of Japanese thought the same thing.
I shot him. He shot me.
We are terrorists.If you're thinking nonsense, the next thing you know, the head of one of your guests is going to look like this.Don't do anything strange by saying it's a peace bummer.Understand, this is what happens to the human head next. "
At the end of the day, it was the only part that made me feel completely ridiculous.
Ninety-nine percent of the viewers rarely watched serious terrorists.
That's why the increase in viewing counts that we've seen so far has slowed down all at once.
He ran away considering the possibility that death could actually happen to people.
In fact, the number of viewers of Hyen fell at this moment.
On the other hand, the TV that conveys the news is slightly increasing the viewership.
I think it is because I still apply a filter if it is a TV.
"He's not licking us."
However, some understand the other party's intentions.
This means, in short, that they are trying to add to the police and anti-terrorist forces.
Perhaps he deliberately gave information to be criticized by the general public if he made an impossible entry or broke a negotiation.
Naturally, reckless manoeuvres are condemned.
If it is non-negotiable, it will also be condemned.
But the slower it moves, the better it will be for the terrorist side.
Simultaneous broadcasting for stepping on two legs.
Perhaps the effect will be negative.There is no doubt that this makes it impossible to summarily execute the personnel who are attached to the position.
"... okay, they're moving.After all, this kind of thing is scary for Japanese people. "
In the intelligence version of Seajack's smartphone, work has begun on identifying items worn by guns and terrorists, predicting their origin based on their intonation location, and searching for True Blue, an environmental protection organization, based on information on groups that may be carrying out terrorist acts around Japan.
Though I didn't know the truth, a lot of information was flowing in.
Some people encourage the police or send out intentions on the part of the culprit.
Now, after that, I'll show you the state of each hostage's room in turn.If anything happens again, I'm going to contact you like this. "
That said, the screen projected a room packed with people thought to be hostages.
The screen shows the faces of people in a room one by one.
I don't have any voice, but I feel painful watching the tired face.
Rage stared at the bitter bug with a crushed face.
In it, I notice a point.
Are you a clown or a terrorist?
For a moment, the clown appeared from behind the curtain, and the cover ran out of the screen.
The screen blacked out at the same time as it went all over the country.
"Eh!? Yeah yeah!?
No, it's not.
I didn't lose my footage.
The video has arrived more than a blurry projection.
The light source was lost.
That's why the screen doesn't show.
The slightest glimpse can be attributed to the leakage of light from the display board indicating the emergency escape route.
There's no sound, it's too late for something to move around.
In fact, it may not have been 20 seconds.
The light, which was probably an emergency light, turned on again.
"Nhh... no, what is that clown?Super scary. "
On the monitor, a man thought to be a terrorist with his face pressed against him rolled without a scratch, and a few more fell around the clown.
But that's not what's causing weird fear across the monitor.
A clown who did not look so musculoskeletal lifted an obviously shrewd pro wrestler with a tall neck hanging tree and a masked man of open body.
Besides, it's not both hands.With one right arm.
The other left hand somehow held a large spanner.
"Wow, what is it?Yeah, it's live, right?
A big man with a twinkle pulls his throat with both hands, or puts his knee on the clown's head with his free legs, but the clown doesn't seem to move.
In addition to the appearance of 1 micron not feeling itchy and not scratching, the clown face with the mask fixed with a smiling face simply gave nothing but fear to the viewer.
The jaw-dropping man's face passed red with cyanosis, and clowns let go as purple bleeds appeared.
It wasn't just the rage that relieved me that the felling man was moving while twitching and convulsing.
"And the Special Forces?Such a person? "
At these times, humans try to give the most rational answer.
But that dress wasn't a proper human costume anyway.