Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
4-11 Reunion after ancient poets
"... okay.Buy yourself as much time as you can.Everything but this is just a matter of time.This is the time for mass production prototypes.You can start everything.After all, it's disposable. However, "true" is your timing.It's none of our business how much the shield gathering will cost us. "
All I could do was stare at the black mask sinking deep into the guest sofa in front of me.
Perhaps an instruction to a subordinate can be understood as a word, but only as a sentence, and not to its true meaning.
We know that, and we're communicating magnificently on the spot.
Further afield in the VIP area of the ship.
Men in masks and tuxedos face each other in the finest VIP rooms.
"Well, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.Yugo Shiraishi. Please forgive us for the barbarity of incarceration.Yeah, maybe I should just say something else.The Captain we saw earlier is our accomplice, but we are protecting your family.We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.Naturally, the love for the company, the passengers and the crew remains the same as for the family.We're just telling you the order of priority, right?So please don't tease him so hard.I hope this conversation will help him to overcome his stigma after all.Of course, it depends on how you feel.
"It's just an outside road, isn't it?You guys!
Yugo Shiraishi, the head of the substantial owner of the luxury ship Legend of Cleopatra, threw up his contemptuous ridicule with his blues engraved on his forehead.
I have been attending several meals with family members of the captain I have known for many years.
The captain knows that he really cares for the children he has had since he was old.
That is why I am convinced that what shines in the eyes of the apologetic captain is true.
It was a statement that came out of the pain of tightening my chest that I knew because I was a parent with a child.
Men with guns move around the speech.
The masked man who took them by hand.
I don't know his face, but the man in front of me smiled thinly.
"Well, why are we here?Can't you imagine?
"... in the hearts of terrorists, I don't understand."
"Well, calm down.Anger is natural, but anger loses its coolness.I'd like to talk more about business lines.That's why you haven't been violent with your neighbor's daughter, has it?
In that words, Yugo takes a deep breath again and again.
Business. Business. The man in front of me said.
Then I would have taken it.
That is your battlefield.
It's a world of good people, bad people, charms, dreams and hopes, despair and crying.
"Hakuishi Yosaburo," Fantasy Psalms. "Twenty-five poems spelled by a wanderer traveling across the world.They didn't sell it at all at the beginning of the publication, so it was immediately discontinued without any printing.What we are looking for is the remaining 15 poems that are said to have been removed from the original 40 at the draft stage.They bought each publisher and destroyed the original manuscript, but they've digitized 40 pieces and kept them in a block that only you can view in the head office archive, right?
"... I don't know how I found out about that.It doesn't look like you're interested in literature. "
"Fufufu. Well, my index fingers don't move in poems that can't be sold.But I can't wait to see those 15 "deleted" articles.So could you please give me a chance to read it?
That said, a man next to him puts a net-connected notebook PC in front of Yugo.
"What, it's only 15 amateur poems.Please make yourself at home. "
"T. Tomales!
The bush pointing at the gun was in a bit of trouble.
(I'm glad I made it in time.I didn't think about anything after this.uhahaha... what should I do?)
I checked the room for signs: small, and found that the hostility of the reaction that seemed to be a terrorist jumped to a level that would harm someone.
Such unthinkable behavior creates this situation.
(Already, yadayada. Why do you always want to kill this guy?Don't you have a peaceful solution?I'm so sorry, I'm stupid!!
The terrorists who hid their faces, like the moose that became the traffic surface under the helmet, can be seen to be in a panic even from their gestures.
It was not strange for bullets to pop out of the muzzle.
There are five killers in this room.Among them, four were left because the idiot who was pointing a gun at the child was stuck in the wall.
Three people are relatively close, and only one is slightly away, slightly closer to the hostages.
(If it was as dark as the room just now, I could deal with it secretly.It won't be dark again.... I can't help it. Shall I try a small workmanship?)
When the bush leaves just one foot forward, the terrorists take twice the distance.
That would be the case.
They have guns, and they have a spear, even though they have a reach.
It is obvious to everyone that it is right to distance ourselves from nature and suppress it.
Jabba, Jabba, Jabba, everyone targets the Knight of Light Speed again.
And the moment I thought I was in a perfect position.
/(adv-to, adv-to) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) cheeky/(2) (on-mim) (on-mim) cheeky/cheeky/cheeky/(3) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) cheeky/cheeky/(4) (on-mim) (on-mim) (on-mim) cheeky/(P)/
The spear disappeared from the Knight of Light Speed, and instead the gun was held.
Naturally, we are all in the middle of a bloodstained eye, trying not to miss the behavior.
As Mao threw his spear into the item box, he pulled out the clown set's pistol.
It suddenly appeared to me like a magic trick.
Everyone in the killer group, just for a moment, a stiff time passes.
Rush there.
/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) thump/thump/thump/thump/
The luxurious carpet silences the noise and whispers less, while kicking the floor and cutting the wind to fill the distance to the terrorists.
The pistol disappeared again and the spear slipped back into the right hand.
Shortly after being surprised by the presence of a free-flowing spear, the distance packed at once was fatal.
Most of those who were taken out of sight at a faster rate than expected, and terrorists who came straight from the front, were the only ones who could point their gun at the "Knight" in an angular direction.
Naturally, of course, the trigger is pulled.
The bullets, which were supposed to be fired in succession, did fire with a few sounds.
However, it is only slightly faster for the "Knight" to poke a spear stone like a pendulum in the terrorists' jaws.
The knight receives a sharp and firm feeling from the spear, and the knight plays the bullet directed at him with a "shield bash".
It bounces back to the killer next to a man whose jaw is shattered and blown away.
Carefully use the "shield bash" to reflect straight flying bullets.
Mao deliberately forced her to jump.
The bullet from the thigh decapitates the flesh and loosens the blood.
But he hasn't let go of the gun yet.
Naturally, there will be a chase.
With the same momentum, he threw a shield shaken to bounce back at the man who had been shot.
As soon as he tried to shoot back, the edge of his shield ran into the man's face.
Eliminate 3 people for convenience.There are two people left.
As soon as you throw your shield, your left hand side will be able to move more or less freely.
The position of the two people into which the mo penetrated overlapped in a straight line with the position of the third and fourth person.
With this positioning, there is also a radiological problem, and the fourth terrorist, a little further away, cannot rule out the possibility of a friendly fire to the third.
I will prune the third without thinking about the confused fourth person.
It might have been a mistake to take a few steps away and make the first shot.
If we were two meters away from the two men under control, we would have had a chance to fire at least one shot at the bush.
In reality, however, the distance did not exist, and the extraneous leg force narrowed the step to one leg.
/(adv-to, adv-to) (on-mim) thump/thump/thump/thump/
The footsteps sound again.
Mao's free left hand grabbed the terrorist's trigger on his right wrist.
Reproduce what you've done once.
First, crush your wrist.
A scared chin hook, throwing a spear into an item box and throwing the bottom of his palm with his empty right hand.
Similar to the pool side of the VIP area, the body that is likely to blow up because it is grabbed by the wrist remains on the spot.
Naturally, from the bottom of the mask to the neck, raw warm blood was flowing, and only a tingling convulsion was transmitted to the supporting bush.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Because of that posture, the last four people won't be able to shoot.
The third person who has fainted naturally serves as a shield for the flesh that protects the Mao's body.
Even if you shoot, there's hardly anywhere you can aim.
It was impossible to shoot accurately at the fingertips of this moment, when your body trembled.
(... it's important to look around.)You're in such a hurry.)
Covering his body with tight terrorists, Mao noticed as he looked around.
Slowly and slowly move out of the hostage ring.
I also noticed the hostages around me, but nobody talks about it.
Of course. Everyone here is a hostile terrorist.
"Damn it!!
A frustrated, half-thrown man turned his muzzle at a fellow terrorist who served as a "Knight of Light" and a meat shield.
The sound of an explosion piercing the hull resonates at that time.
Loose and loose...!!!
I heard the helicopter rotate earlier.Besides, there are multiple sounds, not just one.
Mindful of that, the killer's gaze swimmed through the ceiling.
The panic distracted him from his calm and attention.
Something hard was stuck in the back of my head.
At that moment, it was cold and sharp, and the voice of a woman could be heard.
If you move, you'll be relentlessly punched out.You may not understand, but I'm talking with a gun in your head right now.Although I am Japanese, I am familiar with handling such firearms.Look, if you know what I'm saying, slowly take your hands off the trigger. "
I was spoken not in Japanese, but in English that terrorists are familiar with.
Understand the person behind you, slowly pull your finger out of the trigger as directed, and pull your hands out of your body so that you can see them.
Keep kneeling. Then I crawled on my stomach.Turn your hands behind your head at the end.Okay?
I see.Follow the instructions!
You can't lose sight of the Knight of Light.
But from the voice behind me, I felt so killer that I had to obey.
The Knight of the Speed of Light is ahead of that gaze.
(... maybe, be quiet, don't resist, did you say something personal?I only know English somehow.)
A terrorist just in front of me crawled on his stomach.
He holds a gun that he was able to catch because the terrorists who poked him first dropped it naturally, and just watches Hayao Fujishima complain about entering the hall in a dress.
(Wow. I've never seen a hold up before!That's cool, Professor.It's amazing after all!)
Disable Tekipaki and the terrorists, perform a body check with the gun muzzle pointing at their head, and collect guns, knives, and radios in addition to automatic guns.
I think Mao has a clown with him.
And then I had to go to another place, and I was worried about what to do.Even though the rescue team added security staff to it, we don't have enough men.
- Huh? Is that it?Why, why?
When I used "Sign Detection: Small" in this gap to try to locate the remaining enemies, there was a sign of someone I knew, or a skeleton.
Perhaps normally, they came as the helicopter approached earlier, but this was unexpected.
I thought it was a mistake, but the unique reaction that I don't see in Japan is definitely true.
Certainly, there are black trees and bushes in this ship right now.
"Now, Knight?It's been a while. "
In the agitation, Harumi Fujishima, who had just dressed up and messed up, approached.
He gave away his pistol to another slightly more powerful man and asked the terrorists to suppress him, and spoke to the "Knight of Light Speed" with a slight flare of fire.
(... what do you want me to do?It's kind of an amazing jet coaster development, and I just have an honest feeling about it.... I want to run away!)
I don't know, but I'm sure I can't help it.