Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
2 - Alright - night shift after back overtime
"Yes, yes. Yes, yes.Yeah, I know.I know, I know. Email received.Yes, definitely give everyone a confidentiality note.Yes, I understand.Definitely. Yes, yes.... so excuse me. "
The man slowly puts down the receiver.
Grab the ends of the steel desk with a strong grip, taking your hands off the silent receiver.
My body trembled when I sifted.
Gradually, however, the tremors are getting stronger.
It completely exceeded its limits, and the scissors that had been inserted into the pen of the desk couldn't stand the shake and rolled out on the desk.
The digital clock placed on the table turns around ten o'clock at night.
The man looks up slowly at it.
Full smile.
A man on the scene who is passing through with a strong face.
Tatsuo Kobayashi, Director of the Department of Applied Engineering, Shiraishi Institute of Special Steel, 49 years old.
I have just received the report in the room assigned to him.
The tremors haven't stopped yet.
But there was something he had to do.
He slowly picks up the phone and summons the men of each team who will be working overtime, straining their minds and body for the “big job” that began so quickly.
Your fingers tremble and press the phone button many times, making the wrong call.
"... Kobayashi.I'm sorry, but tell the team leader to meet in the first meeting room in ten minutes.... ahh, just the ones left.Hmm? Everyone's still here...Fufufu, it's not good to stuff the roots too much.Oh, please. "
Put down the phone.
The tremors have finally stopped.
Let's get ready for the surprise.
"... so...We are due to arrive tomorrow afternoon.It's a sudden call, but I thought I'd have to tell her.It's out of time, and I was wondering if I could do it tomorrow. "
The man and woman sitting in front of Kobayashi stared at us with a dazed face.
By this time, almost half of the department was silently working overtime after work, seeing too intense "materials" that jumped in this morning.
Of course, because I usually work, there are houses and things that cannot be removed, and nearly half of the people who go home, but unfortunately, with an extreme expression, I went home with my back hair pulled.
I can't say this is normal.
Normally, it is a department with few overtime in the laboratory, and it is a workplace where everyone works affectionately.
That is the face of all the staff members today, and they were obsessed with the "materials".
The men and women who were called here also came to Kobayashi temporarily away from the scene, dissatisfied with what was called.
"Really?That. "
"I've checked again and again.Definitely tomorrow afternoon.He's coming here. "
Their cheeks, which solidified with their soft expressions, gradually melted.
Specifically in the form of a smile.
"Uh-oh!!!Really, really, that's it!!
"Yes, yes!I'm glad I worked here!Really good!!
"... wow.Wow. Seriously?You've run out of luck. "
After exploding joy, Kobayashi waited until they settled down the whole way.
I know how they feel painfully.
Because he himself is.
"Director, it means he called us.You're sure the Knight of Light will use our gear?
"Oh, of course. Until then, if he doesn't like it himself.Only the person mentioned in the confidentiality document and memo will see it in person.Information leaks are never allowed. "
"I'll get everyone's memoirs now."
So are we.
"If you'll excuse me, I want to move right away.
Each squeamish team leader looks like a racehorse that was overwhelmed.
Kobayashi handed everyone a letter that had been e-mailed while laughing bitterly.
It is a confidentiality document made by Mongura.
They jump out of the room with their hands full of paper.
While contacting the PHS for in-house use.
"Hey!! Book a meeting room from the PC now!!Hold them all from morning till night in my squad!You can complain, we'll take it all in the “Shield” department!!
"Nikaido-san, check with the General Affairs Department to see if they can manage to use the computer room from the morning.Two prototypes for today, so we can move them on the data by noon tomorrow.... I know it's impossible.The reason I'm being reckless is because I'll come back and talk to everybody! Even if I can't do two, it's the worst.Worst thing I can do is show that spear data on my monitor!!
"Hey, get out of the car and put it on the front right now.Yeah, run to the materiel control warehouse.... I know it'll take two hours on the highway.I'll go get it when I'm done explaining.Check which shipment contains the “axe” for the sample.We don't have time. Talk to the head of the materials department.Hurry!! "
Only Kobayashi and the skinny man remained there after the men and women who ran out of breath disappeared.
"Yoshida, you're not in a hurry.You all right? You all right?
"Yes, I can't help rushing at this time.... I checked the paperwork.Now if you'll excuse me. "
As he slowly stood up, the man called Yoshida left the meeting room quietly, not in a hurry.
Kobayashi smiles at the sight.
"Yoshida-kun, you're not being honest."
Kobayashi did not miss that the tip of Yoshida's leg was slightly impoverished.
That's why Kobayashi couldn't stop laughing when she giggled.
"... I'm sorry for the night.Tejima, I need you to buy me a cup of noodles and energy drinks for fifteen people for a few days, a commercial rice cooker and rice, and then something like vegetables.It's going to be a lot... I don't know what you're talking about at this hour, but please.... of course, I'll pay the full amount.Please replace it temporarily.At this time, of course, I will give you the rent to apologize for not being able to pay for the car.... I'm really, really sorry.I know that there is no such thing as insanity and rudeness.I can't tell you the reason on this phone.Tomorrow, I'll explain and apologize to you.So please.... "
……… ………
Yoshida returns to her desk and calls outside.
The caller made an extra-hour, rude request to his employee who was on vacation today.
Naturally, what Yoshida is doing in this world is nothing but power harassment.
However, Tejima is well aware that this boss, Yoshida, hates such things very much.
The reason why they moved from the previous company to the White Stone Special Steel Laboratory was because of their relationship with such people.
Normally, Yoshida, who is calm and has no doubt about judgment, bends himself to this point and says such nonsense.
There must be a reason for this.
When Tejima answered in surprise, he lowered his head deeply to his subordinates.
Yoshida then stood up from the desk and proceeded to his team.
"Well, we have to make presentations that no other team can beat.First of all, from a cage with three plans.... "
Yoshida walks as she tries to blast into her team while snapping her leather shoes.
The leader of the armored coordination team was quietly burning a pale flame.
Laboratory ah. It's troublesome to go.I don't want to go.... "
"Don't be ridiculous.Mao, please go home and go to bed.Tomorrow at 9: 00 in front of the station, right?
"But... Doctor.After all, it's going to sneak in after a while.... I don't think I can do without that. "
"You're an adult, right?Let's keep our promises. "
"That's right...I think I'm getting a chill. "
"I'm sure it's my fault.Here we go. Here we go. "
Perhaps the chills are worm news.
I didn't know that the Knight was about to be thrown into a flock of hungry wolves.