Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
4-3 Proposal after interruption
Ha, are you going to re-divide it once?No, I don't mind. "
After the first exercise, Mao was told to sit in a pipe chair in a tent and play with the shield of "Heavy!". It was the end of the afternoon training.
"It's very difficult to say that you've taken the trouble to carry your feet, but you've only been in training for about 10 minutes.... but the staff suggested a radical overhaul of the security plan.The current plan doesn't seem to be a training program. "
"Really? I had a lot of fun.Ah, wasn't it a bad idea to punch through the wall!?I didn't have to think about the repair cost, so I was in good shape.I was talking about preparedness for sudden emergencies, so I tried to act like a thief, but it was a failure.... "
Mao answered the apology again to the gate where she stopped contacting me.
Now it's a Jersey & Helmet Ver, not a set of heavily armed prototypes.
It was a bit of an impossible behavior, so it was overloaded, some of it was damaged, and returned to the equipment development team.
It seems that the data is also taken from the condition of the damaged part, so I don't have everything now.
"Don't worry, I told you about the repair cost.But are you a thief?... I'm sorry for the intriguing question, but how long would it have taken you to get across from the front, given today's deployment situation?
Mao worried about the sudden question by placing his hand on the chin of the helmet.
Mmm, I thought a little and came to the conclusion.
"I think it's probably the same.It's just that I'm tired.I can't let you get hurt anymore, so I have to take it easy. "
"Cut it out, huh?Hahaha, that's.... "
"Ahahah. Hey, we were talking about training this afternoon, and it wouldn't be good if it had an impact on that.
Laughing at Mao and Gankura.
There was also a man behind the gate who served as the leader of the security staff this time, but his expression was as bad as if there was a slash in his face.
The smiling voice of Mao was causing him less than good mental damage.
"By the way, don't ask questions, what if it's easy?
"... even if you say it's numerically advantageous, you can't make effective use of it in the building.I had a bit of trouble with the rotary in front of the station.... that's why I see it.Hmm, maybe. Probably?
The sound of swallowing your mouth and spit echoes in the leader's ear.
"I was healing even if I was shot a little, and then I blew out the barricade.If I thought it would take about 10 minutes to get to the top floor, I think I could go there in about six minutes or five and a half.Then we do a lot of things to get out.... I see, less than eight minutes, seven minutes.Well, it was your first time seeing it.Look, he's the first one to die.We should be able to do anything from now on. "
"I will give you a plan after considering what kind of response is possible by the next.... that's it.This will dissolve today.We will send you to your accommodation, so please return to your car first.I didn't know where to go for lunch, so I decided to eat it where I knew it. "
"Eh? Everyone's distributing lunch and I was wondering if that's it."
Looking out of the tent, a group with lunch and a pet bottle walked almost uniformly with a sinking expression.
Outside is clear Pecan weather, and the wind blows well enough to make it a very pleasant day.
One reason why I can't think of it is the proof that Mao is just a common person.
Incidentally, what I have in my hand is a tabernacle lunch, not a so-called cheap convenience store, but a slightly better price for the tabernacle lunch that I asked the vendor.
Prejudice is close to assumption, but I think the difference between the two is whether there is an orange or grape in the lunch box.
No, it's just an assumption.
And a little high-end tabernacle lunch is delicious because it's not in the tabernacle at a convenience store.
It's not a basic dish, it's a local dish on the land.
That's very delicious.
Cooking cow burdocks and seasoning variations on the land of satoimo.
It's not plain, it's nostalgic.
A memento of the land dealer.
That's very good.
And dinner.
I would never go on an adventure, but there are a few variations.
Shiso is shaken, chopped with high vegetables, or hung thinly.
To be honest, Mao may have been looking forward to such a small high-end lunch.
(I was looking forward to it....Besides, I don't know if I'm the only one out there eating.Don't you guys look so good?
The team leader beside the gate raised his face slightly upwards, as if he were biting something, and desperately caught a cloudier expression than before.
Mao doesn't know much about what he's up against.
There is a difference between "brave man" and "ordinary man."
"No, I just need to get my mind back together with the security staff.It'll probably get rough, so we'll have lunch somewhere else. "
"Really? Really?Well, that's fine. "
As you exit the tent, a small mountain bird flies.
Ah, I thought it was pleasant weather, but Mao followed behind the gate to the parking lot.
If the keys go off, there's a sound of the keys coming off.
Rusty old doors open with loud sounds over the years.
"I'm back."
"Welcome home"
When you reply to a simple homecoming, the person who answers turns back to the TV that you left on.
Upon returning home, he lowered the superbag he was holding onto the floor, took off his shoes and headed for the seasonal refrigerator.
"Masaki, thank you for the purchase.So what did you buy?
"The onions were cheap today.I bought some spinach and a little pig bear later.I stopped the eggs this time because I still have the old ones left.And then the groceries. "
"... don't you have a choice to eat in a stylish restaurant?
"No. Rather, we should live in a discreet life as escapees.Do as much as you can to risk losing this rattle.I don't think so. "
Throw the freshly bought ingredients into the fridge.
The room with the curtains closed is dim even though it is noon.
Among them, the man called Masaki sat between the six tatami mats on the tatami mat mat floor when he hung his jacket on the hanger without removing his sunglasses even though he said he had come home.
There is a can of sparkling liquor in my right hand that I think I took out of the fridge.
I grabbed a bottle of tea on my left hand, but I don't think it's for me.
When I put it on the tatami mat toward the other person in the room, I gently pushed it there.
Before the tea was extruded, there was somehow a woman who sat on a cute cushion of undeniable characters in this room.
Zapping the old brown tube TV with the remote control in his hand.
"Thank you."
To put it lightly, grab a pet bottle by hand and drink it to make it easier to watch TV.
"Mayumi, aside from that, it is.Let's see what we can do about the Knight. "
Hmm, yeah.
Operating the remote control and turning down the volume, a woman called Mayumi turned her face towards Masaki in sunglasses.
Put a bag of snacks placed in front of you in the middle to share with Masaki.
She smiles when she shows her eight-degree teeth.
As you can imagine, they are two people whose "Knight of Light Speed" and Sugiyama Shigeru's part-time attacked the shrimp.
"So? Is he moving?
When she leans her neck cutely, she asks with a face that fully understands what kind of response she will get.
Masaki pushed the can top, drank the alcohol, and threw a couple of snacks into his mouth.
"Last time I saw you was in front of the station yesterday morning."
"I thought I was actively hostile to them...I can't believe your hips are so heavy. "
I see. I don't think he wants to be on the stage very much.I feel that kind of vibe somewhere. "
"Was your previous reputation as a hero unexpected?
"Fu... Yeah, maybe.Looks like a man who just happened to be lifted up.But still. "
Drink the sparkling liquor all at once and squeeze the aluminum can.
I made a noise and it crushed.
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to get involved.The enemy of the enemy is not an ally.But being an enemy of the enemy doesn't change anything.We create a situation in which that man has to be involved.This is the list of stakeholders. "
A file is handed over to Mayumi.
I took it and crushed it while rolling the cover.
"... so many younger generations.At the top, in her 40s.Your relatives live apart, right?
"Oh, there's a distance-related problem, and it takes a lot of effort to get there.As it stands, we will have to move with this hand. "
"I'm guilty everywhere, everywhere.Masaki, do you believe in curses that lead to blood?
Looking at the materials at hand, I turned my neck to look up at the sky.
The smooth neck is exposed and its whiteness stands out.
"... I don't know.Me, you, when I was born, I was on the spiral of this family's blood.If there is such a curse, we can only cut it off here. "
"You're a confident man.You "
"You have to make one out of a dice to live.Such a scene has slipped through many times.Then you can give me one this time too.That's all. "
Exhale as if Mayumi is tired and place the file at hand on the tatami mat.
"That's right.That's how we live. "
Mayumi exhaled again, gazing at the small stain on the ceiling.
File placed on a tatami mat.
The expanded pages are printed on copy paper with images that may have been captured by digital cameras or smartphones.
Some of them photographed the exterior of Shigeru Sugiyama's part-time "Forest Camado".
Photos of the manager Ito in the cashier's box and several bust tops in a part-time uniform.
In addition, there are some things that are different.
One of them was a student.
Photos of several students sitting and laughing in their familyless seats.
And a couple of girls walking side-by-side on some road.
Boys in school runs and girls in blazers are ill said, but they don't know which school they are in because of their outfits in a unique form.
However, the clothes of the male students sitting face-to-face were characteristic among them.
The uniform, which enters the fashionable category in the region, is popular with both males and females, and some students aim to enroll in it.
As a general rule, high academic ability is required in schools.
The school, Ginling College, is also known to be attended by many children of celebrities such as businessmen and politicians.
And finally.
On the last page, there were exterior photographs of Ginling College, aerial photographs, and a map of the surroundings.