Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
6-1 Suffering and laughing
"Gh, ghh!
In the helmet, the sour smell of gastric acid refluxing from the mouth and the sweet scent of chocolate picked from the chips are mixed and spread.
As he began to fall off his knees, he moved his body, which had just been “sniped”, forcefully and rolled into the concrete shadow of the nearby water supply.
A red band runs on the ground of the rolling concrete.
"Ugh, did you get shot!?Shit, you mean it was read perfectly?
Three shots are convenient from the sound.
Two of the bullets landed.
The "Knight", who has a sharp teeth, hides his body with a shield and checks the current situation.
It is a wild intuition to feel a sense of killing and twist oneself.
The bullet-proof performance of the special forces equipment and the reflexes of the person's nerves caused him to twist one bullet that hit his torso. Fortunately, the damage around the ribs was as thin as a crack.
Of course, it's just that there's no serious damage to the internal organs, and suddenly and constantly echoing pain is hitting the bush.
However, the other shot was more serious than that.
The bullet is caught in the right thigh, where the plate is thin.
"Ichichi...Hehe, this is so sweet. "
From where I pressed it hard with my right hand, there was a lot of blood.
Worst of all, it still seemed to be there without a bullet penetrating.
"I know it's been scraped.I can't help it, "heel"!
With a strong hold on the wounded area, the light is faint from there.
As the flesh and flesh swells up, the bullet slowly comes out while scratching the wound.
"... fu, ku!Uhh, uhh...!
The crackling sound reaches your ears through your skull.
There is no such pain as long as the wound is healed, except when there is a foreign body that does not exist in the treatment area.
In the process of pushing the foreign matter out, the injured area is traced as it is and discharged out.
In this case, the bullet is slowly rubbing the place where it just says, "Excellent freshness, I just took the damage!"
Clearly, it is close to a form of torture.
If you don't shut your mouth, you'll want to raise one scream.
A brightly red bullet rolls out to the water outlet and makes a small noise.
Immediate response minimizes spillage, but blood that is no longer "heel" will not recover.
Lightly lose blood and lick dry, bloody lips with your tongue.
The unpleasant acidity of stomach acid still remained in my mouth.
(... hey, hey.What should we do?)
I jumped out of the third floor and got into it with a simple plan to blow it out of a nearby black outfit anyway, but it's completely visible.
As long as I checked around in "Sign Detection: Small," it didn't feel like the students and faculty were still running to the safe zone, and furthermore, it seemed like they were starting to gather in black.
They are not attacking alone, they are aiming to suppress the surface in a group.
"Hey, let's see how it goes."
Grab a scattered bucket when slightly jumping into the water station.
Slowly throw it straight up.
It depends on you wearing a bold imachen that opens a big hole in the middle of 2 ● A.
"You mean nail it here?It's going to be costly, absolutely. "
Hah, Mao exhales.
But we have to get through this.
It was such a night that I missed the life I had been worried about a few days ago about what to eat for dinner today.
"I don't have time to escape reality... oh?
The sound of a strong, well-resounded finger whistle jumps into your ear.
Looking beyond the sound, a girl student shows her face from behind the heavy door in the boiler room that leads to the school building.
Besides, not alone, the first one to fight was the "Virgin" Snow White Stone.
Rina Horata, the "Knight of the Holy Knight", bowed beside her when she whistled her fingers.
Even an inorganic helmet knows the orientation of your face.
They wave loudly where it faces them.
"You want me to come that far?You guys are being reckless..... "
Perhaps they managed to escape without being caught, and I don't feel the strong tiredness of being held so tight by their expressions.
(Whether I can go or not.Running over there for less than three seconds.... from the angle of fire, you might get a couple shots)
When you touch your hips, something touches your hands.
Equipment that was not intended to be used in this location and cannot be replenished.
And the number is three.
(Now is the time to use it.... it's stupid to game-over without using it.Would you like to bet)
It would be a waste of spirit to have a type of bush that you can save for later without using items you have acquired, such as games.
But it's not possible to retry in real life.
Then it is the strategy to spare.
(Ha-ha! Even here, it's pathetic that poverty comes out.)
A selfish, sentimental smile fills the Met with zero.
But it's time to spend a few more items to make a better bet.
Say something good!
Determined to do so, Mao removed it from her waist.
"Come here somehow!
It is Reina who monologues with a somewhat impatient voice tone.
Originally known as the "Knight of the Holy Knight", she was eager for the bush to flow into the situation like this.
Why couldn't you avoid the moment you were shot when you jumped out the window?
I wonder if you couldn't get a plan to run away right away.
However, I soon fell into the impression that the idea was shallow.
(Right, that guy.I didn't go where I could do that.)
It took some time to get there.
Naturally, what he had in mind was completely different.
I was talking about it, and unlike the other four people I was actually looking at, there was a perception error in Reina who just told me.
The point is, if you're on the "brave" side of the cheety ladies, you can get through this without difficulty, but the hurdle is too high in Shigeru Sugiyama, where the "soldiers" stop.
so that no one understands genius.
It is not easy for a genius to understand the upper limit of mortal beings.
That is why he looks shameful and unusual.
I always scratch my feet hard.
Scratch your feet, scratch your feet, scratch your feet, and always.
I always knew how to get to their feet.
That's why I thought you'd be here this time.
"Knight of Light Speed" waves his right hand.
A dark green can of it, thrown out of his hand to crawl through the ground, rolled to the ground and made a sound.
At that moment, smoke blows up violently from the can.
"Smoke screen!?
When the deep snow that is looking around screams, the "knight" who was on the other side of the smoke moves.
However, the snipers who understood the situation breathed their lives into what they had in their hands.
It shoots randomly from the smoke screen.
Without calculating where to hit by just observing, just leave it to luck at the same time.
In the back of the boiler room, a squatting little girl raised her head and screamed.
She was a girl from the brass band called Ainu on the island with black rim glasses and a mask on her hair.
She felt a little cold and coughed up and got involved in the incident when she left the club early. So she ran into Reina and deep snow to protect her and hide.
It didn't seem like I was used to rough things (or ordinary students were not used to it), but I was always scared since the incident occurred.
There's this shoot-out.
I don't think it accumulated from her.
The knight rolled into the thick door of the boiler room with the momentum rushing in.
"So, are you okay!?
Deep snow and Reina rushed towards it.
Yeah, for now.
Probably a bullet scratched him before he jumped in, fresh blood dyed his right arm to the fingertips of his right hand.
"I will stop the bleeding."
No, it's fine.
Holding Satona close by with the hand of the uninjured side, she proceeded to Ainu on the island while squatting without seeing them as they were.
For some reason, I feel the feeling of being cut off.
Um, "Knight"?
As Reina watched the act strangely, the "Knight" suddenly moved with all his might.
Reach for her bright red hand and grab her collar as she squats defenselessly.
While Lina and Deep Snow shocked, she lifted the poor girl with her right hand, stained with blood, and slammed the girl into the oily wall.
The shock exhaled the girl in agony.
At that time, the glasses fell to the floor, and the mask danced in the air by twisting his face.
The hand pressed by the right hand stained with blood stains the collar of the Silver Ridge Academy uniform.
From the side, it's nothing but the moment a crazy man tries to assault a poor girl.
Naturally, the "Virgin" and the "Holy Knight" cannot allow such an outrage.
"What are you doing!?Sugiyama-san! Please remove Shimakami-san immediately!!!
He leans on the "knight" of fresh blood and speaks to the girl of the horn in a tone of tenderness and without a shard, except for Reina, who tries to let go of his arm.
"On the island, huh? Are you kidding me, you?
"Are you kidding me? Sugiyama-san?
With that tone of anger even feeling angry, Satona stepped back.
Both hands were stained with blood from the "Knight".
"... ufufufufufu!!Ahahaha!!!! "
I can't help but laugh at a girl named Aiyuki on the island.
Deep snow and Reina were horrified by that madness.
I just realized that the girl who believed it was harmless was not so, not so.
He laughed once and, when it was over, turned his face straight to the "Knight of Light Speed".
"Fufu, didn't you say" that time ”?Are you sure you want to set the stage?
"Oh, I see.That's why I came.Here he comes.
The girl smiles with a smile and her teeth peeled off.
The girl in the skin of a harmless girl named Aiyuki on the island.
I get angry when my bloody cheeks are shiny.
The smiling face belonged to the girl who had characteristic octagonal teeth at a glance and had been seen in the park before.
Mayumi Garcia. In fresh blood, let's laugh.