Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
8-0 Early morning after dawn
Intermittent mechanical sounds echoed indoors.
The lighting is only minimally indirect, and the darkness of the night is overwhelmed by the morning sun that finally rises when the curtains are opened, even though it is dim.
The light emitted by the monitor of the medical device placed in the room by the wall is painful to eyes accustomed to the darkness.
The mechanical sound emanating from it engraved a regular rhythm, inviting some drowsiness.
A man sitting on a stool a little away from the window, Gankura, the head of the White Stone General Property Security Department, uses the light of the day that leaks from the curtain to look through the piles of files on the table and reach for a warm coffee cup.
Net, add some caffeine to your brain that keeps moving all day and night to keep you sleepy.
A cup that touches the saucer lightly makes a dry sound.
In the silence that even sounded like that, a sound was heard from the bed mentioned earlier.
The first rubbing, and the second sound, was "the restraint cuffs hit the fence of the electric bed" because the person who rubbed the clothes badly.
"... no, what is it!?
I guess that loud noise woke me up.
Mayumi Garcia, a girl connected to a low-floor electric bed and infusion stand placed in front of the gate, raised her voice of confusion with handcuffs and restraint belts covering her body in an unexpectedly impatient manner.
So the gate closes the current status report of this incident in his hand and walks to Mayumi's side.
When Mayumi noticed the signs and stopped making noise, she glanced at the face of the door closer.
It was somehow frightening and I didn't see any favourable feelings.
"Looks like you're up.... Mayumi Garcia, are you sure?
"... does that mean this isn't the True Blue side?
"For the time being, please answer this question.Are you sure your name is Mayumi Garcia?
The tone of the gate gave Mayumi a strong and hard impression.
As a result, you become aware that you are an uninvited guest.
That would be the case.
Extremely speaking, the raiders and their roots grow from the same place.
"... yes, my name is Mayumi Garcia.... where are you?
In response, the doorknob sat on the bedside chair.
The voice recorder was removed from the inner pocket of the jacket and placed on the headboard when the REC button was pressed to make it visible to Mayumi.
"My name is Gankura, and I work for the Shiraishi General Property Security Department.As you may know, I have a relatively good relationship with him. "
"Well, can I think of a situation where I can just take a breath?
"I want you to think that depends on where you stand.Of course, the unauthorized restraint may also be taken as a sign of distrust and straightness towards you.The extent to which it disappears depends on the results of the questions and answers we're going to ask. "
"Unjust detention of a childish girl.I suppose this could be jail time or a juvenile raid?
"Ha ha ha. Let me argue that we did it as a defense against possible disturbances arising from treatment of" accidental "protected persons in need of treatment.After all, we're weak "ordinary people."I heard from somewhere that a criminal had gone straight to the emergency operation because a beautiful girl had slightly depressed her chest...Do you think it's natural to be somewhat vigilant?
"... I don't know."
Mayumi's face strayed away.
I can see a surveillance camera that emits hard light in the corner of the room ahead of me.
The gatehouse that saw it switched on the electric bed.
"Leaving my right hand alone is the best concession I can make at the moment.I also have a TV remote with me, as well as morning newspapers.When it comes to toilets, there is also trouble on the nursing side.If you can, I'd appreciate it if you could help me get rid of my restraints. "
"I can't believe I'm nervous enough to say that to a young maiden.... I'd like to go to the bathroom myself if I could. "
"That's good. First of all, we got to understand each other one step further."
While Mayumi is not free, she shakes her thighs and feels something strange under her buttocks.
Perhaps she was put on a nursing nappy when she was put to bed here.
Should I be grateful for not having a urethral catheter in it?
Undoubtedly, if wasted, the excretion relationship will remain on the bed.
"But it is also true that such threats alone do not create a better relationship.So let me give you this first. "
"What is it?
I was handed a few sheets of paper.
At the top is a numerical table of blood tests.
"Every request from 'him' who brought you to us.It looks like you have a slight injection mark on your arm. [M]Something strange struck him, so he said he "cured it" easily.However, since I am not a full-time physician, I want you to do a proper examination.I'm glad you can't even find the marks...That is the result of what has just happened.Oh, we've been watching without permission, but don't worry about the May fly.The doctor says there will be no particular problem except that there is not enough iron.And no "dangerous drugs" have been detected that concern us. "
"Thank you so much...But nothing was detected... "
There is no doubt that the strange medicine was taken.
The absence of it at all would be the work of "him", which is discussed many times here.
As a matter of fact, I saw her in a tight state even though she was in the water, and I used the magic I kept until the end to release the elementary state anomaly spell "First Aid" to Mayumi.
However, it is only beginner.
If you were using a very powerful type of medicine, it wouldn't be effective.
I also thought about it and handed Mayumi over to the gate.
Well, I didn't even have a theoretical idea.
The fact that he dared to put it on the table means that this man named Gankura is someone who can make some contact with "him," that is, the "Knight of Light Speed."
I mean, even at the moment.
"... is there anybody else besides me?Yes, Masaki. Where's Masaki Garcia?
Looking at Mayumi asking, Gankura takes the headboard remote control and hands Mayumi the morning edition of the prefectural newspaper, which had the greatest share in the prefecture.
"It hasn't been half a day since you lost your mind.... there's been a lot of movement.Well, it's better to catch up on the situation while watching TV.It's still before 7: 00 to contact "him."It will take time to explain things. "
That said, the gatekeeper pushed the remote control switch toward the headboard TV.
I'm home.
When you get home, you open the door and tell them to come home.
I guess I can't help but get a little tired.
When I called earlier, it would be such a late night, no, it's already early in the morning.
Regardless of whether it was 6: 00 in the morning, the family was awake and waiting.
After all, it's just after 7: 00.
It is an early morning when the surrounding houses will wake up slowly.
When I took the newspaper in the mailbox and tried to take off my shoes, I heard a rumbling sound.
"Dad! Oniichan is safe!?
The door leading to the living room was opened with a bang and loud noise, and a girl in pyjama appeared.
Shinichi Tajima, the owner of this house, replied, laughing bitterly.
"Oh, I'm just outside.I'm sorry, but the customer is with me.Can you make me some coffee for now?
"Customers? At a time like this?
My daughter asked my father for help.
That would be the case.
Don't you think there is enough common sense to come early the morning after the terror that set the school up?
Slightly, no, my pretty brackish daughter just feels a little sick.
And then, he hung the sandals from the front door on his feet and peeked gently out.
Then, his brother Hayabusa Tajima and his guest Shigeru Sugiyama were rubbing together.
"No, that's why! I'm going home!You're in my way early this morning!!I know as much as a TPO!!
"Why do you hate it!I thought you invited me to have a light breakfast and coffee at home!?
"Are you and Shinichi stupid?Are you stupid? You should calm down slowly on a day like that!He said he needed time to take care of his family and his heart!Why are you trying to penetrate a strange foreign object like me on the spot!?And why do you call me Rina, Yumi and Deep Snow?
Next to the car in the parking lot, two people are arguing and arguing that they don't understand the meaning of arguing while hiding their voices so as not to cause trouble around them.
And if you want to see a polite strange person, he is the one who is telling the right truth, and vice versa, the real father and brother are saying strange things.
"It would be more annoying to make noise in this place!?Come on in!
Aiya!Kaeru!Think about it? When you get up in the morning and go down to the kitchen, paint a stranger drinking coffee with the landlord and son of the house!No matter what you think, that's disgusting!?
Truly correct.
In view of the common sense of the world, nothing is wrong with what Mao is saying.
"The owner of the house says it's good, and so is my son!Let's have some tea!!
"Idiot! I can't do your" Ojiola "!Your line, if I change it literally, I'll tell the cute girl walking all over the city!!
"That's good, isn't it?
Iyaaaaaaaaa!I don't want people to think I don't have common sense!
Sho Hayabusa, who learned the common sense of resisting with a twist, and his real brother who tried to do something about it.
Tajima Mika (Tajima Kyoka), her sister, was staring at her from the entrance door.
"So, I'll go home and have my own meal...... ah, good morning. "
"Oh, Mirror incense.I'm home! "
The two finally realized that they were staring at each other, they greeted each other in contrast.
This is how Tajima's eldest daughter, Tajima Mika, met Shigeru Sugiyama.
The first impression of him, though.
(It was kind of noisy, but normal people...Why did you come home?