Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
8-3 Attention later planned
"... there seems to be evidence that I don't know anything is safe, but I don't think that's a good person in this information society.After all, it is important to tell her immediately whether she is safe or not.That's the phone for that, right?
"No, of course...."
With no sound from the mouth of the coffee, the bush hits the correct theory from the front.
There is a young woman sitting opposite him in the box seat of "Camado of the Forest", a part-time worker, trying to get a set of mornings.
I had a light breakfast while watching the morning news at the Tajima house, and after 8: 30, I left Hayabusa to go home.
An unexpected customer was waiting for me as I made adjustments to my shift from today to Kamado in the woods, a part-time job on the home route.
Ume, a friend of Sugiyama's fierce brother, Ume.
When my early colleague taught me to go to the box seat, I was told to sit on the umbrella with a slightly dazed expression, and this happened.
"Takeshi and Sugi... my brother will be here soon, so I'll leave you to it."
"No, I'm really sorry...I didn't think there'd be any trouble with my phone. "
"... why don't you just go and cheer it up?I'm not familiar with that kind of thing, but I think it would be easier just to say, "You're cheating on me."After all this trouble, it might feel like a favor. "
"Ahahaha.Yeah, I'll look into it. "
Though I answered with love and laughter, Mao thinks.
But if you want to list the troubles, not just the phone, but the rotary in front of the station, the luxury ship, the raid yesterday.
How much would it cost to add more details?
How spiritual a shrine would it be if they were solved by mere deception?
I have to wonder if it will require the manifestation of the gods who have not covered the heavens.
He talks to Ume from the bush in an attempt to change such an annoying topic.
So, what are you going to do about Ume?
"Ah, you don't think much about it.In the meantime, I would like to go on a city sightseeing trip.Look, the "Knight of Light Speed" related spot is quite online. "
That's how Ume puts her smartphone in front of the bush.
The site shown on the screen is "Knight of Light Speed", an unofficial fan site of "Knight of Light Speed".
Updated daily by his ambition, it accurately details "Knight" emergence points covering the entire city.
There's so much food in the city that I can't tell from sightseeing sites.
However, Shigeru Sugiyama, the Knight of Light Speed, seems to have a different opinion.
"Somehow, let's take a look at the map of the appearance of unconfirmed creatures like Tsuchinoko and Yeti...."
"... that means you don't know who you are." So isn't "Knight of Light Speed" something like that?
I wondered if my “cucumber” was similar to the UMA in Occult Magazine or a mysterious creature with a bounty from the municipality.
To avoid being noticed by the sea urchins in front of me, I sigh and swallow the American coffee I asked you to bring into my mouth.
Oh, it's bitter.
Don't tell me exactly what happened.
/(adv) (on-mim) snuggly.....
The bell rings to announce the customer's visit.
I heard the clerk say "Welcome” near the entrance.
Just slightly out of the box seat and peering near the entrance, you can see your brother's fierceness and his friend's bake.
When I waved my hand slightly, I wondered if they noticed this too, and told the clerk that it was a tree by pointing to the box seats of the mo.
"Aniki, no. Why don't you call my phone again?
"No, I wonder if you can't use an old phone, ahahaha...."
A bush floats with a dry laugh.
For the record, in normal life, it is not normal for the electric current necessary for fainting to flow to the body.
"Long time no see, onii-san.... Ume, just fill it up a bit. "
"Okay, we were both pretty quick.Are you still on your way?
As soon as I met him, I saw a fierce thunderbolt with a painful face, and a bamboo shooter sitting next to a sea urchin and already holding a menu table.
For that noisy feeling, the moose and the moose laugh again.
"Hey Ume Sugi, aren't you hungry?I ate rice balls at the convenience store in the morning, but I'm a little hungry.Why don't you guys share the sandwich?
"Ah, then I guess I'll have some pasta too.... please call my mom before ordering.I think you're worried.Come on. "
Saying so fiercely to Takeshi's suggestion, he takes out his smartphone, swipes it, and hands it over to Mao.
Start a consultation with Ume Take Sugi about which menu table to keep on the table.
"... it must be a long time, Mother."
I left when I came from a group of college students who started talking with a fierce phone.
I went to the bathroom and played “Call” with my fingers on the screen labeled "Parent House”.
The call sounds and goes on for a while.
Hello, this is Sugiyama.
After a few calls, a clear woman's voice reaches Mao's ear.
Mao said a word with the utmost apology to his familiar voice.
"Oh, Mom? I'm Mao.... I'm sorry to make you worry, but I'm calling from a fierce smartphone right now.
"That will take a while.Mom, it's been a long call. "
After the order was finished, the cold placed on the table moisturized his throat and groaned.
Beyond his gaze, he looked like a coma in front of the bathroom.
Probably, but they're asking a lot of questions.
"Heh... Sugi's house is over-protected?
"I don't think so.This is the second time, including the other day.And something like terrorism just happened.We got checked out when we got off the highway.... I didn't do anything wrong with that, but it sounds exciting. "
"Those cedars were the movements of criminals.Looking behind me was a mess, though!
"Shut up! Bibi can live longer!
Sugi Take Ume talks pleasantly with woe.
The contact with Mao's parents' house was not over yet.
"Wow, I'm so squeezed...I'm tired..... "
Mao, who was pushed to the table by her mother's attention with a loud voice, whispered a weak sound as she walked around next to her.
"What the hell were you doing until this morning?I thought maybe she was sleeping at home, but even if the lock was locked and the bell rang, she wouldn't come out.Just to be safe, I thought I'd put the turtle in front of my part-time job and stick it in front of my apartment. "
"While I was leaving Ume, I got in touch and turned around, but I didn't go home to work... Worker Holic?Onii-san "
"No, Take-kun.There are a lot of reasons for this. "
From there, Mao tells a cover story prepared in advance with the gatekeepers and Shinichi.
Mao, who is personally close to Falcon Sho, a student at Ginling College, is both familiar with Shinichi. When she was worried about this incident and contacted Shinichi, she learns that Falcon Sho was involved.
Although it was no help at all, I accompanied Dr. Yumi, a friend of Hayabusa, to Silver Ridge College to help him with various spiritual support until morning.
Incidentally, it's a setting that didn't help, but came back for breakfast.
"Eh! Well then, onii-san.Did you see "Knight" directly?!
"Ah, well, when the Knight came out of the wall, he was in a parking lot a little away.I can't see from that position.And then, when the first helicopter came out, you were unlucky enough to go to the bathroom. "
Wow, what a waste!
It's supposed to be.
In fact, I don't know what the air was like at the scene at the time, and it's not good to have a bump because I was told to tell you.
That's why we need to play Shigeru Sugiyama, the man with the worst timing.
"But didn't you feel the air at the scene?This tingling atmosphere is unique, right?
"Well, yeah. They're all being held hostage."
In fact, it seems to have tingling.
According to the True Ones.
"But I'm glad the victim wasn't seriously injured..."
Mao mouthes as she talks about it.
As far as the announcement is concerned, there are no serious injuries in the sense of trauma other than those at the level of hospitalization for True Blue members.
However, the need for mental care has been repeated many times by facial commentators from early in the morning, and there is nothing to deny about it.
Apparently, the Board of Education decided to send several mental health experts to Ginling College.
It was difficult to say that everything went well in that respect, and even more, there was something like a thorn in the heart of the bush.
(... there's no mention of Masaki's body at the moment.Also, no information was received from Mongura-san that he was being transported as a wounded person.... what's going on?
The helicopter that came to get us out of there.
The helicopter was borrowed from a man who was taken hostage when the tunnel blew up. Masaki contacted the police on his phone, and it must have gone fast.
During the rescue of the man with the gun in his head (the man in the interior shop), Masaki noticed the situation with "Sign Detection: Small" and observed the trend.
That's why they deliberately angered the opponent with the move as a test stone and turned the muzzle towards the Knight.
If Masaki hadn't moved at that time, he wouldn't have been on his special attack plan.
As a result, gambling with the "Knight", who believed in Masaki only once, took place at the last resort.
Mayumi was eventually rescued and the Knight of Light was able to escape the crawling body.
However, Masaki, the gambling player, has lost his footsteps.
(... if there are no bodies, would it be natural to think that you escaped?It is possible that the damage is too great to move....)
In a surprise attack with a flash of love in the lake, I definitely saw his mouth fall to the surface of the lake after a counter-attack.
I think the movement of the mouth certainly said “go.”
As a matter of fact, Mayumi's condition was also very bad.
It fell on the lake surface, but it was tight without breaking out. Breathing was shallow and there were multiple injection marks on the arm.
Someone who needed medical attention as soon as possible and one who fell into the lake.
A "knight" who is not an omnipotent hero had no choice.
I couldn't help it.
That is all, the limit of the Knight of Light Speed.
"What's wrong, brother?Are you bluffing?
"Oh, nothing.I mean, that's why it feels like it's open all night.Honestly, I'm sleepy..... "
"We were taking a break, but we ran all night.Sleep is so sleepy. "
Fluffy, the bamboo butt chews off the stretch.
The club sandwich on the table was already empty, picking the parsley I had with me and sucking it into my mouth.
It's not like I'm going to eat it or eat it.
"Oh, but Ume-san was talking about sightseeing.
"Ah, because I'm not the only one who drives very much.I was wondering if it would be all right if everybody called Dallui and turned the tour around tomorrow. "
"Well, it looks like the police car was circling yesterday today.I don't even like the quality of my job with this tension.... "
While walking from Tajima's house to here, I saw about two police vehicles patrolling by lighting up only the police lights without sirens.
"Well then, take it easy. I'm sorry, but you can take me and my brother to the boarding house by renting a car.There was a stroll along the road, so rest there.Let's get together and have lunch somewhere. "
"Well, I guess you shouldn't have to.I guess so..... "
"Ah! Well then, I want to go to the deep-fried shop because I came out the other day!!
Ume raises her hand and expresses hope.
I just flattened my snacks and that's the idea.
Do young people generally like adventure?
"Ahhh.... that's where Professor Fujishima went, right?Are you sure you taught me that via Ou-san?
"Deep-fried from? Oh, you mean" bird eater ".... yeah, well, it's voluminous, but I guarantee the taste.Chicken is delicious over there. "
"Nfufu.Have fun!
Well, shall we leave the store for now?Find out more on your way to boarding. "
Everyone starts preparing to take their seats in the fierce words.
Mao grabbed the bill of lading and stood up first.
"You came all the way here.I'll pay for this place and lunch. "
"Oh, yeah? Aniki, aren't you Bimbo lately?
The wondrous bush replied with a bitter smile.
"... I'll be paying for my part-time job soon, and I had a little extra income.... well, you can handle it. "
"" Thank you!
While stroking his wallet from above his pants, Mao took the voice of Ume Takee and proceeded to the cashier.