Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
Miscellaneous - Revised after 3 costs
This is the White Stone Special Steel Institute, Conference Room 3.
Everyone is working hard again today.
"... we plan to be able to achieve an improvement in strength of less than 12% and a further reduction in weight of 5.5% compared to the previous prototype.However, the procurement price is expected to rise due to material changes of about 18% in total.I'm more likely than I originally planned..... "
"With regard to the budget, it is said to allocate subsidies to some extent.Just 18%...Do you think it's that cost-effective?
Everyone sees the thick file "Kni-PL-Ver.3" printed on the back cover.
Just one-third of those pages were now open and the department in charge was explaining the report.
Among them, referring to the budget, Tatsuo Kobayashi, head of the Department of Applied Engineering and the most important confidential plan "Back blacksmith (still tentatively named)", who sat in the chair, spoke.
Silence descends in the conference room.
Everyone stepped on the magnitude of the cost increase.
Is the expense really necessary?
"... honestly, I don't think it's subtle.Naturally, the realization of weight reduction will lead to an improvement in the relay ability, and the strength will exceed 10%.However, the use of the Knight himself is the most important indicator.Considering that this is a complete one-off specification for a "knight" and that it will take a retake.... "
"In addition from our armor team, we are already in the validation phase where stretchability is sacrificed in increasing strength based on current materials.In terms of mobility, the field is asking questions.... or rather, the "Knight" style.Except if you're going to rudder in the direction of specializing in guards like turtles, but if you're going to collaborate with a special formation team in the security department in the future, I've received the opinion that you should aim for high mobility, high thermal power. "
The man who was mainly in charge of the meeting asserted the view that the overall balance was taken into account, and the attendees of the sidelined armour production team insisted on the quality aspects that could not be compromised as a site.
"Indeed. However, in this video, it was also clear that the" Knight "chose to throw away his armor.In some cases, it may end up being single-use.In that case, is it possible to provide technical feedback to the successor version?It is not the intention to lead us from the abandoned to the "knights".... from that point of view, heavy armor can be a boost to the choice of abandonment.It is an urgent task to reduce the weight.If the cost is high, what about careful selection of materials and re-examination of the components used?Is it difficult to use the same at a lower cost?
"... if we're going to push costs down, we have to have some bulk or recurring purchase contracts.If you do them too much, you can explore them from within the group rather than from other companies.Even so, the search for "Knight" patrons has begun.... you know we're the most powerful, right?
"It's hard to deny because it's a fact....My old college friend called me the other day.Guilt and superiority.Secrets are sweet, but perhaps it's human nature that makes you want to blow them up?
Looking lightly at the sports newspaper on the table, the new armor of the "Knight of Light Speed", stretched from various videos, is analyzed by part.
The official name "White Stone Specialty Steel Research Laboratory" Light Speed Knight's Dedicated Full Body Armor Ver 2.0 "thus showed its prestige through paper to convenience stores and stations across Japan.
Nevertheless, some of the analyses made by far-sighted speculation are out of step with the intentions of the production team, and some members are outraged.
Specifically, "Such a conspicuous colour scheme is pointless in practice" and there is no need to follow the design of the previous helmet.Even from aerodynamic resistance, it is irrational to say, "" I can see some things like carvings, but it is useless. "Many people chewed their teeth and stepped on the taro.
By the way, all who are here belong to the majority.
"Is Ultimate proposing a design change in detail?
"Currently, two proposals have been submitted to the area around the basket.Regarding the first proposal, we started the molding work of the 3D output model.However, it seems that the budget is significantly exceeded.There is also a 21% increase at the moment.More for future modeling..... "
"No problem. Go ahead.Various equipment during prototyping should be numbered and stored.... we'll need to do a visual check later. "
Immediate and immediate.
The discussion about prototype design and sample making went straight to the point where I wondered what the discussion was.
Probably the moment when some sort of boy's mind came to life.
"The next item on the agenda…" A carving proposal aimed at visual intimidation of hostile forces on the surface of the shield ”?... explain. "
"Yes, as it stands, there are four proposals from Ultimate.In addition, there are three proposals submitted by internal aspirations.Of course, the Ultimates are genuine professionals, so it's only natural that they should be the top priority..... "
"We started at the scene first.What the hell are you doing sideways?
"Well, to put it bluntly, that's what it is.It's breathtaking to say that things that prioritize design can't be practical.Would you like to compete and let them compete seriously?
"... first of all, I don't want to see what's coming up."
"Now, please turn over one piece of material.Please check the document next to A3. It is a reference document in the 3D model. "
The sound of the collapsed material being opened dried up in the conference room.
"... in case of damage or loss, we started manufacturing the same type of shield as at the time of the Silver Ridge College incident.Spears, shields and axes are considered basic consumables.However, the shield alone weighs just under 15 kilometers.Though exclusively for "knights", should lighter weight be considered?It's pathetic, but some of the staff were overwhelmed by unexpected weights trying to lift it. "
"No, what does the Knight personally think?In some of the footage I saw, I can see beatings with shields.As a "knight", you can run it without a problem.It can be considered robust and powerful. "
"The original base is made considerably lighter than the current black-painted shield, tentatively called" heavy duty. ”I hid it on the campus without being able to collect it at the College, so I don't have anything until Ginling College resumes, but I want to prepare something close to the original from the data as soon as possible, but it's difficult to reproduce it.... "
Rururururururu! Rururururururu!
As the debate heats up, the conference room telephone rings.
The nearest attendee takes it and answers it.
"Yes, this is Conference Room 3.... what's your appointment?... no, wait a minute. "
A man looks back and talks to Kobayashi with his hands over a landline phone on the wall.
"Director, apparently there is trouble.... the security staff at the main entrance told me they were covering the incident. "
"... are you here?But sooner than I thought.Did you get a leak from anywhere?
Troubleshooting, the conference room groans.
"... I may have come to call you.In the absence of the person in charge, do you want me to ask you to keep your business card and make an official appointment with the security guards?There are also strong elements here that serve as research bases for various materials.When it comes to unapproved visits, there's nothing strange about rejecting them. "
"... no, let's face it.However, please do not enter the factory compartment.We should avoid the office building and proceed at the entrance security post.If you're here to call, we should also find out how well they know.... did you come to us as a destiny, or do you have a roller depending on how many shots you hit?In some cases, it is also necessary to ask the superior instructions.You may be able to look at other companies as if you don't know anything. "
"... it might be easier to respond without taking the time.Well, it's probably water on a burnt stone. "
"The PR department at headquarters is going to increase the number of telephone exchange operators.Interview offensives are coming not only from home but also from abroad.That's why you can't just throw a round at my office?
That's right.
"... so? Where's the press coming from?
Scratching the forehead with the ballpoint pen buttocks, Kobayashi tries to take a note and flips the copy paper that is no longer needed.
"It's called Kudo, a weekly Tokan reporter, and Kurokawa, a photographer.You're here in a set with reporters and photographers. "
"I can't help it.... once it leaves.Keep going until I get back.The reporters took him to his room.The entrance to the campus, including the research site, is also prohibited.... instant coffee and proper tea pastries. That's why we're here alone.... can you get three of my handkerchiefs to the table?
Roger that.
At that moment of the Silver Ridge College incident, the desire for knowledge was scattered all over Japan at Joey Don.
The game of finding out who the "Knight" was, where the brand new armor came from, and even seriously leaving the "Knight of Light Speed" himself behind.
Kobayashi leaves the room to respond to the media and resumes the agenda.
"Now, the next agenda item.... about the possibility of creating a support gimmick development department... "
I love you!!
The door was opened without knocking, and Kobayashi shouted in his face.
"Ah! I forgot to mention, please turn around the special vehicle items from page 72!!I'll tell you about the plan!!
Tatsuo Kobayashi, Head of the Department of Applied Engineering.
Until he was registered as a manager, he specialized in the design of construction machines and large special vehicles.