Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
6 - A late-night scene that leads to a sincere consideration of the future anxiety of the scalp caused by stress caused by direct stomach pain
"It's over.... gu, ahh!
The lights also went out, and the bush grew big at the back entrance of the dark "forest camado".
Every time I shake my body to the left and right while stretching it out loudly, I hear a loud noise.
Good day ~
After the final confirmation of the fire in the store and the locking of the employee's back door, Ito talks to Mao with a bundle of keys in his hand.
It is already dark around, and the moon is half hidden in the clouds in the sky.
Oh, please sign it.
Checklist of today's lock confirmation written on a sticky note pinch in Ito's hand.
Reach out to the back door knob for the employee before signing the store lock confirmation item on the last part.
Turn it around to make sure it's locked.
First Mao signs with a ballpoint pen, then Ito writes the signature as a double check.
The other employees had already returned home, and Ito and Mao were the last two.
"Now, this is really the end of today's business.Well done. "
"Ah, well done.Well then, I'll do it the day after tomorrow. "
"Nh, okay.... but hey. I knew it was too much. "
Ito sighed at a bunch of delivery slips that had been stapled on the checklist.
The bush peeked from the side with an unfortunate expression.
"I heard in the handover that there were few regular mom friends in the morning.But the most painful thing was that there were no students coming back from the club. "
"That's right.After the Knight of Light incident in the city, there was a wind wave asking me to avoid going out.As for students, I waited for high school and high school and at home.I feel sorry for the meal menu. "
Mao feels the abundance in Ito's bitter smile.
Because it is a mistake to be completely one of the causes.
"Still, compared to before the" Knight "boom, the sales of averages were just tons or a little bit of money.Well, you're driving normally this time. "
Is that what you're talking about?
"To be honest, it's a menu prepared at the discretion of the store, separate from the regular menu at headquarters.But the expiration date itself is still far away, so I adjusted the order number a little tomorrow, so it's okay. "
"... is that so?"
"If you succeed, there is also the possibility that there will be more new customers aiming for" knights ".It is difficult to read around it.I don't understand the flow of customers outside the prefecture. "
Ito puts the sticky note holder in the rucksack and carries it on his back, removing the car key from his pocket.
"Do you want to ride? You can drop it there if you want."
Ito makes a thankful offer.
Fufu, Mao smiles and returns.
"No, I'm going to a convenience store or something.Not today. Thank you very much. "
"Besides, I knew it!I'm scared of being sent to the store manager by wolves. "
Make it look like a joke.
For a moment, Ito smiled and rode on it.
Er... Hey, Sugiyama-kun is so charming.My taste is 20 centimeters shorter than yours. [M]It looks a little softer than a gentle feeling like yours.Your hair is a little longer.And finally, the most important thing for me to send a wolf is whether I want it to be a woman, not a man. "
Since Ito is not a brilliant type, the refused mo drops his shoulders and shows him.
Her face, pointing downwards as she nodded, relaxed and her shoulders trembled.
What do good adults do in the late night parking lot?
Nevertheless, no matter how many, men and so on end up like this.
The point is, it's stupid.
"Well, don't talk stupid like that.Now, go home carefully. "
"Ahahah, that's right.Well, good luck next time.Good night. "
Yeah, good night.
When Ito got into the car, he snapped out of the parking lot with a gentle wave of hands.
The winker blinked and Ito's car went away.
"... let's go home."
While scratching me and my hair, the bush returns.
When you come for a while, it's just past time to walk.Late at night in the countryside, rather than on the streets, the car doesn't even pass.
I was thinking about which convenience store was on the way home while walking on such a small road.
The horn rang from behind.
Looking back at something, the high beam light doesn't look good.
Mao narrows his eyes to glare.
The car slowly stopped and set fire to the hazard and a person came out of the driver's seat.
"... you've been waiting all this time?At this late hour of the night, the date will change soon.
Mao, who was given a passenger seat, talks to the person sitting in the driver's seat.
"I have a lot of things to contact you about."
"Isn't it okay if I call?
"Sometimes it's better to talk directly."
That's how the driver's door smiles.
I refused Ito's car, but I ended up riding in a person's car with a little bad butt fit.
However, as for the gatekeepers, there is more than enough possibility of urgency, and it is difficult to refuse because the cheeseburgers and potatoes were prepared with coke at take-out instead of evening meals.
Actually, I'm a little hungry.
"So, what are you talking about?That group, that Kujo guy, something else... wow, it's too much to squeeze.Seriously..... "
Looking back, I can recall the unresolved problems like the wave of anger.
Honestly, it's almost overheating.
First of all, let's talk about Dr. White Run and the others.
It's open until 2: 00 in the middle of the night, and I suggest you park your car at the end of the parking lot at the pachinko shop.
Looks like it's not a short story, so I open the takeout bag.
The unique smell of that bumpy hamburger set fills the car.
Crouching cheeseburgers while keeping half the windows open to avoid getting into the car.
"An accident on a bridge leads the driver to the wrong path, confusion, wrong steering wheel operation, and slip and burn.Due to heavy rains and lightning strikes on the day, the lights disappeared due to the loss of power in the surrounding area, and the signal broke down, causing panic on unfamiliar land.However, some video sites showed footage of your day.There's nothing you can do about it, so you rescued the driver.We're moving forward with this as a bone in our cover story.We've made arrangements to finish repairing the bridge by the end of the week. "
"... is that what you can do?
Chu, look at the gate while drinking Coke.
"While we can't move openly, there are some places where you have shown a certain understanding of our presence.Yugo-sama has been working for the government.When the "Knight of Light Speed" moves, and it is difficult to reach a solution without the "Knight", we have a cooperation system.It is a judgment that applies to this case.Well, we'll still need to hand it over to them to some extent.... this is a secret, too. "
"I think the police were moving."
After the big disturbance, I ran away to wrap my ass around it with all my might, but there were a few people left, including the gate.It seemed that he was engaged in a variety of pre-work activities, and after that, he felt that he would leave it to me.
Fu, Gankura floats with a dandy bitter smile.
"Within the police organization, a team of psychic specialists has been created.We've added support members from other departments and given them some authority to take the lead on all of the cases.Fortunately, human damage, such as injuries, is only on the part of those involved, but also on the part of the perpetrators.The only damage to the civilian population was economic damage, the only thing that mattered was money.I plan to find a way out of this with compensation and dialogue so that there is no human damage.The "Knight of Light Speed" was involved in saving lives, so I got a lead.In that regard, I was able to use the lost video from that factory, which began to spread after noon. "
I am troubled to hear that.
I'm just embarrassed to see normal lost video streaming.
I would like you to send me a request for deletion if possible.
I'm sure you can't do that.
"So, who caught them?There were quite a few people, but what are we going to do about them all?
"Yugo is currently traveling to North America.It is a different matter than the original purpose, but you have negotiated it.… will be treated as military personnel, ex-military personnel, and related personnel.This is because of the hijacking of military secrets and their unauthorized use outside the country in out-of-control.They will be transferred to their home country and then disposed of by a military court. "
Remove your mouth from the straw and tilt the cup to make the ice move.
The mao shook it gently and exhaled a slightly cold breath.
"It was supposed to be....."
The gate was cloudy.
"I think I'm going to waste it on the Japanese side.... responsible for that armor.Suddenly, he was absent without permission on the day Marmalicky's video was released and died "in the middle of an inexperienced bus fishing while renting a boat in a rural lake where he had never been before.”She wore a life jacket and was found floating on the lake.The local police said it was an accident. "
"... I'm scared.The dialogue at that time meant pretending to be that, right?
"Yeah, that's what I mean.When I heard about it later, I suddenly wondered what it was, but I didn't think it would connect in this way.... "
It's easy to imagine what you're talking about.
I checked with Mao to see what kind of conversation had taken place between Kujo and everyone before I came.
A copy of what was pulled from the site run by the country paper was given from the side.
The headline and body are illegible in English, but I understand the meaning of smiling pictures of military personnel and pictures of local rescues putting “something” on a stretcher.
"We're going to be sidetracking equipment that's not hazardous and that we're going to distribute to the public.Of course, I can write a strict oath.From now on, we're going to salvage the money and information flow from the belongings of those who died in the accident and track it down.Honestly, I don't have time to come to Japan to pick up chestnuts in the fire.I would like to borrow one if the Shiraishi Group would come in as the contact point on the Japanese side.Don't you feel the need to force yourself to commit the risk of harm in the country?If you can gather samples of countermeasures against superhumans in your alliance, you can submit a report when you're done. "
When I heard that, I didn't want to get involved, Mao trembled.
Gankura stares at the state with a warm gaze.I don't know what Mao thinks, but I dare not enter there.
I don't know what to say, it's all about the head to toe.
"In the meantime, that's why there's less intelligence on your route.Well, there's still a little left, and there are others who aren't on that route.As far as we can tell, we're giving you information to crush the route. "
I don't know where to go, but I suppose you can trust me.
"So, Dr. Santana Whiteland, General Manager.And test pilot number four, Jake Stein.Same goes for number five, Anemone Whiteland.And the identity of the arrestors, excluding those who wish to return, will be left to us and our peculiar specialist team.Upon the conclusion of the military court on the other abbreviation, it will be considered dishonourable discharge and a fine.Imprisonment will prevent you from staying in Japan. "
"Getting bigger and bigger doesn't make it any worse.
"So I thought I'd talk to you first."
Hiya, Gankura picks a potato from a bag with a bush.
Puck, throw it into your mouth.
"... I asked you at the morning meeting, but I'm trying to hide Sugiyama's identity to the best of my ability.But things were going on until nothing else could be done.Until we have a certain number of people, we have to reveal it. "
"Well, that can't be helped.... just a little rust coming out of your body. "
"I don't think you understand."
The smell and the gate smile.
The bush shrivels and sucks the rest of the cheeseburger.
When you chew it, the smell of melted cheese overflows your mouth and inside the car.
"So I really narrowed it down to the“ minimal ”number of people.No, it was more convenient for me, so this one too, please. "
"... hmm?
Gankura does not smile, even in the gaze of the mao who flips the question mark until he sucks the cheeseburger.
It's the end of the parking lot at the late night pachinko shop where there's only two of them.
A domestic SUV enters the parking lot.
The car, illuminated by the neon of the pussy shop, is also bright red.
When the car is soaked, it stops while slowing down.
Yes, to the end of the parking lot where the gate car stops.The entrance to the Pachinko shop is sometimes late at night, and even though there is a spacious space, it is deliberately at the end.
And it's right in front of the gate car.
It is impossible to see the driver's seat because of the backlight of the illuminating light.
Mao couldn't speak because of the sucked burger.
But it would have been a question mark in the words, "Haah!?"
It's not particularly a word.
The SUV engine shuts down and the lights go out.
It doesn't backlight, and you get used to glare eyes.
Tips! Tips!
The sound of boots stepping on a cracked parking lot approached.
The lord of the footsteps did not get lost. As he circled to the passenger seat, he bent down and knocked lightly on the half-open window.
Concentrate, Concentrate!
The bush shrugged at you with a faint sound, and looked at the rusty neck, and there was a face.
Glasses in a silver frame reflect neon light.
Smells, smiles and beauty.
"Long time no see. Shigeru Sugiyama"
The bush that is still sucking on the cheeseburger is stiffened and blinks violently.
"And the Knight of Light Speed."You've helped me twice, and you didn't even thank me directly, did you?Thank you again. "
Fujishima Sao, a beautiful woman who lowers her head slowly and deeply.
With that gratitude, the "Knight of Light Speed" Shigeru Sugiyama moved his rusty neck again, asking for silent help from the driver's gate.
"Yeah, she's in charge over there.Hey, this is really something that's convenient. "
With a smell and a smile on his face, Mao sank his head on the headrest and decided to mechanically drop the cheeseburger in his mouth into his stomach.
Cheeseburgers that are oily and suddenly start to hurt your stomach are sure to be bad for you.
(Cheese is heavy on my stomach...I'm young.What if I get bald...)
Tired, like some other HR officer, Mao was staring at the ceiling of the car.