When she closes the door of the passenger seat, Mao puts on glasses that have never been put in from her chest.

"... disguised?"

"I got it from Monkura-san.You'd be better off without it.It just doesn't suit me. "

Nevertheless, thick frame glasses in vibrant marine blue.

Especially if there is a thin bush with characteristics, it seems to be effective enough for your consciousness to be carried there.

This is Mio Kamiki behind them, Yui Fujido.

"Wow, what a splendid house...I can't give this to a rich kid. "

"... unfair!"

A detached house in the middle of a residential area where Yui and Mio expressed their feelings.

The walls surround the area and are invisible, but the size looks larger than the surrounding houses.

Yui wears a thick tea shirt in tight, easy-to-move denim, a sports shoe with lame at her feet, and a cap on her head.The lightness of the form is emphasized, and I wonder if it will also start with the gravure shooting of the street model.

The other beauty is a loose pale blouse on gaucho pants, with regular sneakers at the feet and a large knitted hat that holds the hair together.Her eyes are hidden by the thick, fashionable glasses of the frame, just like the bushes.

However, this also looks like a gravure shot by Town Magazine.

Finally, the early seedling looks like a regular denim, shirt, and leather jacket, but this has a strong impact even from the somewhat familiar bushes.It is the good or bad quality of the underlying material that suits these stylish outfits.

Now, what I've written for a long time is, what do you mean by that? What does it look like from the side if there's a man in such a glorious group who doesn't hold a file on his side.

(I wonder if it looks like a manager.It's the best camouflage.)

This is something that people living in urban areas never know, but honestly, if there were people like these three, it would be quite floating in the countryside.

This is not a matter of clothing not suiting the individual, it is just a phenomenon.

Even if you dress up in a magazine like that in an urban area, it doesn't have much impact, or you bury it in the surroundings.Urban areas are because people around them are pregnant with such air.

However, if these visual people are present in this rural regional city, there is no surrounding air that can tolerate them.It feels uncomfortable when you put milk in the coffee.

Those who go to the local terminal station will understand, but don't you think they'll notice if they dress like that?And I don't really care when I go to the city.

The point is, it doesn't suit the atmosphere of the place.In this saturated outfit, the people and the country air that suit you are thoroughly and devastating.

"... let's get in early.It wouldn't be good to stand out too much. "

Step ahead and approach the gate of the splendid house.The plaque reads "Long Boat".

Some of them aren't popular, so they're not making a scene, but there are also junior high schools a little further.If only one person noticed, it's likely that if you wrap up three people, they'll find out.

First, this is the scene of a recently reported strange homicide.A wild horse who sees something scary doesn't have to search the internet to visit.

I would like to try not to be seen as much as possible, whether in the bush or in the beauty.

"Yes, let's get this over with."

In such a hurry, the early seedlings first passed through the restricted tape placed in front of the gate.

I met two men in suits behind me and a uniformed policeman and smiled lightly.

Following the early seedling, Yui and Mio threw the tape while saying "I'll disturb you".

In that case, the Mao must also be prepared, but this tape also feels like a kind of boundary.

The point is, if you go further, you will be involved in the denial, but if you turn your heel and run away, it will have nothing to do with this.

(Well, I don't have a choice.)

Hah, with a tired sigh, I'm moving my heavy body around with tape.

It's troublesome, but there's no other way.

Maybe you'll get caught up without knowing anything.In contrast, gathering information after taking into account mental health stresses should be useful.

The impressions you get on the ground are more versatile than the printed paper materials.

Well, do you want to do it?

With a file in his hand, he slapped his chest lightly and Mao headed for the entrance.

"... stinks"

It may seem like the most important thing to say when you come to a person's house, but that is the first voice of the Mao.

"Well, there's something I can't help it with.A lot of people get used to it. "

Kato, the man who leads with a snorting nose, says.

The man in the suit in front of the entrance is a relatively young man.

Another elderly man, Ishijima, is talking to the earliest seedling.

"Is this the smell of blood?Sure, if you stay long, you'll feel sick. "

Mio was wrinkling between her eyebrows.

The smell of raw blood that lingers in the house.

After the evidence has already been taken out, the rest remains.

(... no, I have that too. The smell of life is worse)

Let's call it the smell that is unique to a man living alone.

It is a mix of unique and the smell of blood mentioned earlier.

An empty mail-order cardboard to fill the aisle is placed in a mess, supported by a bag of empty pet bottles to prevent it from collapsing.

I wonder if the pet bottle inside has not been washed.The cap is supposed to be colorless and transparent, but there are still a few things in it that create a rough pattern.

In this state, it seems that the three elements of cooking, washing and cleaning have been completely abandoned.

"... even if I have money, I guess this is it.It's not a situation that invites people in.Whether you're a friend or a family member, nobody wants to come. "

It was unfortunate to receive a shoe cover in front of the door.If you were told to walk through the aisle of this house with socks, the tension would fall.

"Like hiring a dispatched housekeeper.You don't use such a service, do you?I wonder if it was a jerk. "

"At that point in time, there are many cases where this type of person is having trouble communicating relationships, even though it meets the premise that there are no financial problems.I have an offensive aspect of my territory, in this case my home, but I can't stand or be interfered with by someone entering it.Both have in common “self-defense."From the information obtained from Mr. Monkura, he used his money sparingly to satisfy the feeling of superiority towards others, and because he was showing off the beauty of the matter, he always seems to be concerned about the evaluation of himself by others.It also leads to self-defense with its own weakness, vanity and disillusionment that it does not want to show its problems.I suppose he was trying to compensate for the low self-assessment complex from another aspect.It is not satisfying to seek ordinary happiness as it is everywhere.But I don't have the talent to make up for it.In that case, we need financial resources to fix it quickly and quickly.... it's a chicken race about how much your wallet holds, but it should be a rare success story.I couldn't stop myself even if I noticed it.If we stop somewhere, we can make it back to where it was...I feel like I've dropped it, and I'm desperate.That's where you get your hands on crime with a view to reversing it.Well, such a human plan is an idle one, and there is no hesitation in causing trouble to anyone other than yourself.As a result, subsequent actions are childish and important. "

Early seedlings analyze the late Nagafune.

Wow, the more the beauty and the yu, and the more the bush grows, the more I raise my voice.

"Because most of them are self-defense chunks of" dexterity, "you have the conviction that things must remain what you think they are.So, even further away from others, you become more and more alone.Perhaps that's where the White Doll came in. "

"Seditioned and in good spirits?"

Mao asks Early Seedlings, "Wow.

It seems to see an unremunerated middle-aged man's sexuality poking money into a woman in his favorite drinking house.

"I can only guess.But so far, it seems that there is no relationship with family, rather than friendship, which is truly impressive. "

"Dad, it's been more than a year since Mom and I saw each other face right away.I heard that the conversation was a word or two over the phone because of the real estate contract.It doesn't feel like a family conversation either. "

Ishijima flips his notebook and replies.

Pull, pull, pull.

"Feel free to go to the venue of antique items of interest to you.Other than that, it's a convenience store supermarket.Not all the time at home.Depends on the definition of pull. "

Ishijima answers.

"... I envy you. Why aren't you doing anything when money comes in without doing anything?"

Poppy and beautiful.

I wonder what a luxurious and wasteful thing to do from the beauty of living an undesirable idle life based on the debts of my lost father.

It is a big assumption that each situation exists, but what if I were in that position?

I have pictures of myself going to high school and college and interacting with friends of the same generation.

Or I might have been in a job and working desperately with everyone in the workplace.

However, the reality is that the unwanted talent of the person who is happy or unhappy or idle flourishes at an incredible size and is known throughout the country.

Perhaps a person who doesn't know anybody at any time in the future will say, “Oh, that person..."

No matter what life you lead, it will not be gone.

The door to the future is open.

But it is no longer a free sky for Mio.

"Well, many people don't realize they're blessed. That's what life is like."

Yui slapped me on the shoulder, and Mio dropped her shoulder.

People who don't have trouble with money have trouble with money.And I don't know about people who are not blessed by the talent of performing arts.

I have just reached the desired amount of money for the windy performing arts life that I started for gold. The consciousness of cutting it off should be hard for those who want it.

This would not be the case if I did not feel dishonest about staying at the top of a huge idle group called the Papip Group, which lost its incentive to repay its debts.

Either the difference between gold or status, if anyone but the party sees it, it doesn't look like a waste.

When I realized that my words would come back to me, Yui rubbed the wrinkles of Mio with her fingers with a light smile.


"Well, I don't like this feeling anymore."

Ishijima coughed at the two of them.

"One person is dead here.I think we're both a little careless. "

Ah, yes.

The two of them are embarrassed.

Sometimes the conversation is over and Kato opens the door in front of the desired room.

When the door opens properly and everyone peeks inside, the smell from there to a little bit stronger.

I mean, it smells like raw blood.

Hmm. Is that what this is all about?

The two women peering looked around, but the shocking sight was no longer there.

A few days after the incident, the investigation has been completed.I have investigated everything.

Why did you come here?

(Would you like to take a look?)

Wow, close your eyes and concentrate.

"... high sense"

Activates a skill with a whisper that no one can hear.

In the open eyes, you can see the slow-motion people.

The senses are sharpened, the eyes and ears of the lush, and the sensation of the skin.The sense of smell and so on is sharpened only for a moment, and jumps in as information at once.

Nevertheless, things like physical evidence have been identified with state-of-the-art forensic technology using modern science.That means that Shigeru should capture something else.

(... smell, kiss... Ahh, it could stain my eyes...)

The physiological disgust that you feel when you come in is attacking.The air in the house of a man who lives alone in sour garbage is mixed with a faint smell of blood.

You might want to imagine taking a deep breath next to a drunk sprinkled with gellos.

I feel it with the skill "High Sense" to sharpen my senses.

I'm already in a bad mood.

While taking mental damage close to half-crying, she feels a single touch from there.


A sharp and fast sensation returns to its original state, one deep breath.

Slowly strokes your hands against your chest without knowing.

It's disgusting. If this isn't someone's home, it's enough tension to rub it in the sink and wash it all from nose to throat.

What do you think?

The young seedling who saw it peeked into the face of the bush.

"... uh. Maybe it's not in the house.I think it's around the garden. "


There was something nearby that looked like a modus operandi other than the entrance.

Go there and take a step.

"That's right. Let's get out of here."

Outside, in the light of the day you plug in, you exhale with enough momentum to leave no shards behind from the back of your lungs, and breathe in with fresh and fresh outside air.

"Fuuuuu. Kouuuu...!"

At first glance, it doesn't look like karate or other breathing, but it's just deep breathing.

I turned it around a few times and finally felt comfortable.

After all, it was a bush that I sincerely thought humans had to swap air and breathe outside air.

"Um, so? You said Sugiyama-san, but he said he noticed something?Something out there? "

Kato was preparing a small garbage bag as an etiquette bag just in case the bushes would return to grandeur after seeing humans get sick at the scene of a tragic incident.

Speak to see the bush calm down.

Mao receives the offered bag and laughs bitterly.

"Um, maybe.... can I go that way?"

Holding the garbage bag in hand, it points to a place where grass would have originally grown in a vegetable garden.

"I'm fine. I'll look into it as much as I can."

Well, let's try not to touch it too much.

That said, the Mao chooses to proceed on a stone laid so as not to leave any footprints on the ground as much as possible.Everyone else will follow suit.

While slowly stirring up the grass, the bush occasionally snorts and sniffs something.

Doing it several times and eventually stopping was just a weedy vegetable garden trail.

Looks like it's here.

"... it doesn't look like anything's going on."

Ishijima will have no choice but to say so.

It's probably a place where no one's stepped in for quite some time.Vegetable gardens are no different from wasteland because they don't even cultivate.It just looks like it leaves a clutter of acorns.

Crouching bushes pick up dirty pots of pottery and rotten sticks of wood from the ground buried in the grass around them.

Put the garbage bag you gave me in a bowl and start digging the ground again with a stick of wood.

When I digged a little further, I felt something hard touching my skin.


"Seriously... I know how to stay here."

Mao scratches the soil from around the hole he dug while receiving the crumbs of Ishima.

"... uhh, this is it. Professor, what do you think, this?"

It was as big as a can of beer.

It looks like just a black stone.

But also Shigeru Sugiyama. And it is not forbidden for Harumi Fujishima to have a sense of sight (deja vu).

It was very similar to the colour and smell of "different sizes” and the smell that can be felt in the nose of the bush.

"I think I've seen it somewhere.Maybe at the time of Hajimemashite. "

"Ah, is that what you think? It's similar, right?"

Drive the black stuff into a bowl with a garbage bag so it doesn't touch directly with a stick of wood.

And the bowl containing the sole was placed on the ground.

Kato, call forensics. I need you to analyze this black stone as evidence. "


Said Ishijima, Kato shouted when he took out his phone.

"Ah, you should stop."


After that, I just put my finger on the red circle of the call. When I called Kato, Mao crouched down and peeked into the bowl.

"What do you mean?"

Ishijima asks Mao.

Then the bush laughed as if in trouble, how can I help it, and snapped up the black stone from the bowl with its right thumb and index finger.

Then the smoke rises from the lush fingers lifted from the bowl.


"If it weren't this big, it would have such an impact if it were born.... maybe, but if a normal person tries to touch it, the skin of his fingers will melt.Like gloves? I don't think the police are familiar with this kind of “system".So I think we should leave it to the details. "

Then he put the black stone back into the bowl, and rubbed the smoky fingers together.I lifted the bowl and gave it to the young seedling who was nearby sometime.

"Can you do something about it at the professor's place?"

Yes, that would be better.

Remove leather gloves of the same material from the leather jacket and put them on your hand before receiving the bowl.

Ishijima asked about the two's “I know” state with a bitter face.

"Hey, what the hell is that?It's important evidence, but I know it's a Tondemoni hazard. "

Early seedlings return to Ishijima.

"It's kind of occult that's been spreading suddenly lately.It's not like you're rolling around there, but it's real.But I've seen the same thing before. "

"Oh, I'd like to ask you a few questions for the after-school, but where did you see such a rare thing?"

Smiling and laughing, the seedling crouched down and gazed at the bush.

Looking at him sighing with a tired face, the seedling answered.

"The other day at Hotel Skyscraper.The size is different, but it's probably homogeneous.It's called a “spell."

"When you missed the word“ curse. ”The smell was all of a sudden... I wonder if you can tell by looking at it. "

Ishijima asks the crouched moors, not the early seedlings.

"I can tell if it looks similar or not by comparison somehow.I mean, I don't want anyone making this kind of stuff to tell me.It's just a nuisance to Futu.That's why it hasn't really appeared before. "

She stretched her finger into the bowl held by the young seedling and bounced at the bottom.

Early seedlings grabbed the garbage bag and tied their mouth, pulling it out and saying a word.

"That's why if we had" this ", we could talk about this incident.Now you can move not only through True Blue, but also through the possible involvement of the Woman's Wonderland.After all, it's a great subject to gather information about Red Nothing.Let's use it well around here. "

He looked up at the face of the young seedling, smiling, and said, "I'm sure I have something to do, too," and looked at the clear sky over the young seedling.