Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
3 - An unfinished pre-review draft report by a researcher based on data from collaborators of rare examples of variable-specific fields
Describe the situation of the victims Mio Kamiki and Yui Fujido (real name: Yui) in the hostage occupation incident that occurred in the ship Legend of Cleopatra owned by Whitestone Shipping Co., Ltd. as of today.
* When submitting the report after review, dispose of the remaining paper such as discarding, writing, etc. in accordance with the prescribed disposal method.
At the time of the incident, the terrorist group "True Blue" performed unanimous forced transplantation of a special magical biological tissue composed of five women, including Mio Kamigi (hereinafter referred to as "A") and Yui Fujido (hereinafter referred to as "B").Since it is highly likely that transplantation of biological tissue that may have been developed under complete underground conditions has not taken any account of safety or future effects, medical records were collected for the purpose of examining the subject's health.
Fortunately, regular medical examinations by the entertainment offices to which they belong and the results of the human docking visits were left, as each was young and active in the entertainment world from 19 to 23 years of age (see attached report for details).
As long as the current medical record is confirmed, it is concluded that both Party A and Party B are healthy.For the remaining three, excessive anemia is also diagnosed as a seminal examiner, but it is likely that this is mainly caused by dietary restrictions that deviate from normal trajectories from before the incident due to retrospective attempts to obsess about appearance, etc.In this regard, as it is outside the scope of management jurisdiction of this report, we will expect support in the normal practice.
Regarding the mental state of Party A and Party B after the incident, there is a statement that they were transported to the hospital and awakened without any problems, and that there was some confusion immediately after the awakening about the memory of the incident.However, to examine its contents, opinions are still divided within the analysis team as to whether the expression "being attacked by skeletons”, which is usually considered a nightmare during confusion, comes from the actual experience of being attacked by skeletons, or whether it was intended to swallow fear as a treatment for healthy self-defense.
There have been many cases of murderous assaults on hostile others in the past and present, and I think this case is the first in many hearings about cases where it was actually a "skeleton”.
Since the terrorists on the perpetrator's side of the incident suffered similar damage, we are familiar with the approach of exploring common ground in the "Hypothesis similar to non-lethal nerve gas: Therapeutic policy 2-3 for subjects exposed to stress" centered on Mr. -.
However, unlike Party A and Party B, the subject of Mr. ― ― 's report is also treated and rehabilitated for significant bodily injury, and we would like to add it as a reference.
From regular visits and interviews by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, it seems that the trend of PTSD is less than the remaining three with regard to Party A and Party B.Nevertheless, it is only an internal problem and I cannot discard the possibility that the wound will open with some trigger.
Regarding Party A, he quit performing arts activities almost simultaneously with the restoration of consciousness, and Party B also announced that it would temporarily suspend performing arts activities for medical treatment, and then retire in the same way as Party A.From this point of view, I heard more concern than inside the analysis team that the fear of the incident caused me to abandon myself due to the stress of life, but with regard to Party A, I confirmed the statement that my retirement was decided before the incident, and it was not the impact of this case.I also interviewed the manager in charge at the time and noted that it was generally true.
Regarding Party B, after the suspension, the intention was to wait for the physical condition to recover and return, but I explained the fact relationship that was partially hidden from the public to prevent panic, and there was a history of retirement after visiting Mr. Kuroki and Mr. Fumihiro, the “skeleton”.
Therefore, with regard to Party B, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that Mr. Kuroki has a type of suspension bridge effect or a variant Stockholm syndrome from the impact of the incident.Balancing the unique abilities and mental instability of Party B is imperative.I expect a friendly relationship with you to maintain it.It is judged that the risk is not high at present, but it is also possible to be impressed by Mr. Kuroki's violent and voracious remarks.I was very careful.
I would like to confine myself to the expression that coexistence with the biological tissue grafted in the body of the five subjects is currently successful.Although part of each sample was resected as a specimen sample and analyzed, a killing phenomenon similar to death occurs from the point of disconnection from the parent subject.This leads to the hypothesis that a constant supply of energy is essential for the maintenance of biological tissue over the mother.
Nevertheless, it is unavoidable to be surprised that other species of biological tissue settle in the same organism (human) without any problems.Administration of immunosuppressive agents is essential from the point of view of rejection, even in the case of biological transplantation between human beings.However, neither Party A nor Party B, who are collaborators, need to prescribe such drugs.Considering the possibility that there is a production system for such drugs in the transplanted biological tissue, the blood in the body is analyzed, but the corresponding/very similar drug reaction has not been confirmed.In addition, the maternal circulation was completely fine, which was a healthier value compared to the pre-incident blood test figures mentioned above.
The question here is how the transplanted biological tissue coexists, but not exactly symbiotic, but parasitic.
In other words, dietary calorie intake is essential because energy to maintain biological tissue is supplied from the mother and obviously covers that amount of energy.
Based on the above, the calorie intake of Party A and Party B was compared to the average value of women of the same age and the target value to maintain a healthy life.* Comparative data is extracted from MHLW FY2017 data.
What is displayed in the graph is the data of Party B.As you can see, almost no significant deviation from the two data of the aforementioned Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
For this comparative survey, calorie intake data for 15 days is also attached with the consent of three persons other than Party A and Party B. I would like you to confirm it.
We would like you to understand this survey only, but we have excluded it as an outlier with respect to you.
This was last published as reference data for outliers, but it is obviously a figure that doubles even when the difference is smallest compared to the calories consumed by women of the same age.
At first, we were astonished that we needed a huge amount of calories to maintain our biological tissue, but let me conclude.
This is a “generic” diet for Party A.We regarded it as a kind of joke, but it is generally true not only as a result of Party A's own declaration, but also as a result of hearing from family members and former managers.
After taking this much calorie intake, I was so interested that the female member of the analysis team asked me if there was some factor outside our common sense that I was able to maintain that physique.
However, this is unrelated to this survey.
Return to the story.
It does not secure calories from the diet, but what is the energy required to maintain biological tissue?I still don't know about this.Further investigation will be required.
However, this biological tissue is quite fuzzy in response to requests from parasites.
It is even possible to expand or concentrate on parts of the body to cover the surface, and by expanding it to the whole body, it is able to acquire physical abilities that are isolated from ordinary people.
A step-by-step investigation of grip was conducted as an example.The results are attached as a final document with the image. I want you to confirm it.
Although we have not been able to know the limits because we cannot force our cooperation on robustness, it is presumed that we have excellent bullet-proof blade capability to the same extent as military tactical vests, and the upper limit is still unknown.
It can be said that the biological tissue was touched on a human basis like a stump, but from the video at the time of the incident, it seemed to be the opposite situation that the biological tissue was in charge at that time.From the stories of the corresponding units, parts of the receptacle (receptacle) that receive information from the control device or from outside have been destroyed by "Knight" and "Skeleton".
For this reason, it is hypothetical that "True Blue" has the technology to enable control of this biological tissue (although it is presumed that it may not be completely controllable).