Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
4-0-1 Depression of relocation
"After all, where does the net get caught?"
Ishijima blurred while transporting to the desk the dishes in front of the bowl covered with wrap and rubber bands.
"Some people say that they don't have a land intuition.More than that, Gangster is the best neck.Actually, it's not helpful if your shoulders are too narrow. "
Kato comes with a bowl of water next to Ishijima.
Put the Ishijima cup of tea on your desk.
I moved to a new workplace, but this cup moved here with me from my previous workplace.This division was rapidly created to deal with cases that departed from the peculiar common sense that began with various "Knights of Light Speed" recently.The name is also tentative as it stands.That's why I feel my feet are fluffy.
In this new atmosphere, in the restlessness of the buttocks, the touch of the bath somehow causes a sense of peace of mind.
"Don't make me a tea boy.If you're not used to it, your hands will slip away. "
Moisten your mouth with gumbo and tea.
When the wrap and rubber band are peeled off together, the scent of fluffy and miso ramen can be put in place.
Break the chopsticks into the noodles.
Fufufu, cool gently, then rinse it up all at once.
"... even a tea boy is better off with a normal job.At this age, I didn't think it would be a glittering feather with an occult book.You're going to get mental illness. "
"Just enough. I've given up around here.I will not know what to solve. "
"The same thing happened when I started using Yaku's urine on the back site.Ishima-san is getting more familiar now. "
"It's work. You can lick it if you don't understand.You can't just leave me alone because I'm a jijijii.He was driven by the need. "
Roasting rice cakes and char siu, sipping noodles.
Ishijima thinks that before leaving, it is limited to the shop that brings Okatomi, which is old age.
Because it is a testament to the human trust of the land that I have been using for many years.It's not discriminatory, but it can't be done with the smartphone pre-service that is popular today.
Even if their pre-delivery bag is used up, it doesn't taste as good as Okatomi, it just looks dirty.Instead, I feel like I will lose some sense of cleanliness from what I have used up.
Reach for the water while the char siu remains in your mouth.Pour it in with tea, place a split on the edge of the bowl, and speak to Kato next door.
"It won't be as long as it's a waste of food.No matter what I say, it's true that something is coming out that looks bad, right?“Technically," he said, analyzing the details at a university research institute.I don't think it's a good idea to just let me know the results. "
Crack and unlock the door from the desk side table and get the papers out.
Ba-san, put it on Kato's desk.
What is it, me?
Placed in front of you is a fairly thick ring file that brings together various materials.
Paper of various sizes protruding from the cover just insisted on eating it neatly and shit.
That's three files for convenience.
"Ask her for the route she crossed during the Legends of Cleopatra.They sent me the personal data I collected there in relation to "True Blue" and "Woman's Loess."Did the professor tell you that?Let me use it a lot. "
"I did say that.Is that just personal data?... how many people are there? "
"I don't know? I dare to focus on my face photo.Nevertheless, it seems that some of them are already in the Gypsy Register and have been imprisoned.From this point of view, was that Mr. Beepin's white doll?If there's anything that leads to the girl. "
"... how can I capture it with data?"
"Thanks for your kindness.”It can't be copied, but it seems to have been processed from the beginning. "
"Let's share, if it's a serious case like this"
"... this, maybe through public security, comes from the other side of the military."
"... are you serious?"
"Seriously, I'm really surprised by the network of professors.That said, if terrorism is caused by organizations in Japan and abroad, it will be foreign affairs that will gather the most information.If you want information, it's very annoying. "
I scratch my head.Chopstick and grope.
Snap like you gave up.
"How can I make a copy like that?It's not a dangerous noise, maybe. "
In addition to database conversion...
"We've gotten to the point where we need to check in and out of the building.It's just a mess. "
When the rice bowl is tapped with the rice crackers, Ishijima goes back to the miso ramen.
"Regardless of" True Blue ", the other side can also attach to the contents of the" Woman's Hazard Loess "relationship.I hear it's a first-class bullshit.When I had the story, it was said that the "New World Oracle" had quickly emerged as a scattered emerging religion.However, the "Woman of the Loess" sent me to throw it.Honestly, you don't want to be involved. "
Push Kato with the least organized file opposite to the one with the split mouth.
That's all that looks old and dirty.
"Hmm? This smell?"
However, Kato noticed the smell after opening it.
The file opens with the sound of a snap, but one side of it is stuck with something dry.
"... three generations ago, when the officer in charge was having a gentle lunch with a team member, he suddenly pulled himself out of his head.Until that morning, he seemed to be a futuristic tough guy with nothing funny going on. "
"Isn't that just bullshit?"
Close the file and sit away from your desk in a castered chair.
"It's a class that competes for 12 in my detective life.But think about it. "
I was surprised by the courage of being able to continue eating meals flatly while watching Kato's condition.Instead of lenge, I grabbed the bowl and put my mouth on it.Ishijima drinks soup.
"You, that Tondemoni black stone.... do you have the guts to touch it?"
When Ishijima told me, I was scared.
"At least I'm better at this than getting involved over there.It's still our territory somehow. "
"That's true... I'm not scared"
"Did you say that Cedar Mountain would pick it up without hesitation?That nii-chan was also introduced by the professor.The back, the front, and the occult make my shoulders narrow. "
"I don't really believe that.Like ghosts or curses or something. "
"Untie it, untie it! I can't figure it out at all!! That's why."
Squeeze and throw a split at the empty donburi, and grab a cup of water.
"Let's go make amends first. When I asked the professor, he introduced me to the shrine, which is the most spiritual experience."
"... that's right. Maybe that's why I started."
"Let's get a pile of clean salt.No, I'm scared. I'm scared. What a bump, what a bump. "
"... no, I'm going to the shrine, so that's not it, is it?"
"Well, well, well.Wahahahaha! "
After all, when you try to do something you can't do, you still don't know what's going on, but you try to use the help of something you can do.
... I don't really get it anymore.