Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
10-5 - That's enough from the back site!... anomaly from the scene!?
Online distribution of Paradise Pixie Princess turned out to be very popular with fans who missed out on the day's premiered ticket draw and seemingly Meehar's online ticket purchase.
In case of a server shutdown, we will respond to the rapid increase in the number of servers, and we will hold the event on the same day in a well-equipped system.
The response was also very popular with many viewers, and the viewing continued smoothly without any problems such as lowering the resolution, rattling, or flying sounds.
The ticket sales are nearly 700,000, which is amazing. However, it is the number of tickets purchased, and it is not equal to the real viewer.
For example, it is different from a platinum ticket that can actually enter the field when people and families who buy tickets like Meng and connect to the biggest monitor in their homes can gather and watch.
If we assume that half of the ticket sales will be viewed by two people, the actual viewership will exceed one million, which is a number that can be said to be a great success. Of course, some people want to take a closer look by themselves, so it is only a hypothesis.
Even so, it is unlikely that more than 700,000 people who purchased distribution tickets will not see them live on the day.
That is why the outbreak of the incident and its discovery were to be linked in near real time.
After footage of the terrorists appearing at the concert venue, the viewer's perception of the outrageous incident, and the chaos of the scene for perhaps a few dozen seconds, please wait for the transition to a still screen.
Raging calls to online distribution companies, as well as to papyrus operators and the police, disrupted communications due to the concentration of some telephones.
From the display of the incident telop on the terrestrial television screen to the emergency live broadcast, the broadcast content was switched as soon as each television company was ready, and within less than an hour, the incident flowed around the world, not only in Japan.
However, the communication to the distribution company that was streaming the video inside the concert hall was completely cut off at the end of the "barrier" that covered the center of Far Mi City.
"...... that's enough from the scene."
The director wears a helmet for disaster prevention and tells the studio the situation at a distance from the point where the tape on the control line blocks the road, then shakes it.
"Yes, it was a report from Director Shigehi who is on the scene." Shige-san, please be careful with the coverage. "
Yes, I understand. I'll let you know if there's any movement. "
Mike nodded lightly with a strange face in one hand.
Then the screen that was being broadcast turned into a studio that usually broadcast news programs in the evening.
“So, from this time on, the studio is looking for a new expert.”
When the announcer does so, the screen reflects the man in the suit.
"I am Kunito Wada, a military journalist who is familiar with overseas military and security maintenance. Wada-san will also participate in explanations from here, so thank you very much."
Yes, thank you.
Wada bows his head to the camera.
“Now, I want to repeat, I want to follow the chronology of the situation so far.”
"... so you didn't get any new information?"
While looking at the live broadcast that is just now broadcasting with a bitter face, he sighs and exhales the current situation.
A re-enactment of footage from the local area that has no substitute, footage of the first incident, and information that has not increased except for the increase in commentators.
Perhaps you can teach about the activities of the security forces such as the overseas military and police who have confronted "up until now" terrorists according to their own experience, who are also the commentators of the new Wada.
(At the end of the day, when it comes to "Knight" and "Skeleton" and other disgusting people, I can express my "impressions".)
The head of the news bureau, Kojima, packed the place so that no matter how this situation moved, it could be judged immediately.
Stirring up a cup of coffee that has warmed completely by being placed on the table.
The flavour of the beans is fragrant, but I don't care what happens.
It's just that the extra strong caffeine is finally delivered to the brain through the stomach bag.
If this were an incident in Japan caused by a terrorist group armed with firearms, Wada's commentary would also be useful as a source of information for the audience.
However, this is positive for those people, and the intervention of the "obviously foolish people" is definitely being seen.
In other words, "Knight" is a flying motorcycle that enters the "barrier" in the camera, and "skeleton" is pushed to the temporary command post of Yuanmei City. Several videos have been uploaded by viewers.
No matter what you think, you can't exclude them as outliers.
Rather, there is more to "insanity" that cannot be solved without them than in front of us.
(Only at these times can you get in touch with Yotsuta-san!)
I checked my phone, holding it in the opposite hand to the hand holding the coffee.
There is no history of incoming calls from Yotsuda, and the messages sent are not read.
He checked the phone and looks at the people next to him.
I guess the same goes for my men who looked at my phone. Look here and shake your head.
I immediately called Yotsuta, a freelance journalist, about the same time as the incident.
I wanted to avoid being taken with him by other mass media.
But I never got caught, and I thought maybe he'd gone somewhere else, but so far, there's no sign of him showing up at any other station.
(Is something moving or stuck?)
Although he claims to be a freelancer, he feels that there is something about Yotsuta's back.
There is a section where I stand around very close to Clever and make good adjustments to my remarks and those of others who are drawn from them so as not to get too much of an opinion in the show.
Even when asked for personal feedback, I don't use examples or data to push myself too hard.
If you don't feel the intent around it, you will be disqualified as a person involved in the press.
Although it is a slightly neutral position near the government, it seems that it has information and countermeasures regarding special existence such as "knight".
It's easy to use as the press because it's a person who can balance without being too pushy.
Because the stance of the press in Japan is neutral and impartial.
"Ahh, no, no, no, no. Wada-san, please try to keep it down a little bit
When Furumi confirms Mr. Wada, who is exciting while looking at the monitor, he instructs the floor director and the MC announcer to convey it as well.
There is talk of how overseas special forces and the like move around in response to terrorism that has taken such hostages, but there are signs that they will try to run a little emotional theory.
It seems that the "simulation game" will begin to talk about how the Japanese government and "knights" should use their special fighting power, even though they can only calmly tell us the general countermeasures overseas.
(...... I tried to call it a proxy, but it didn't work. It was because I was too particular about Yotsuta-san.)
Since Yotsuta had not been taken by another station, the result was a sticky one.
Blind commentators and people with a proven track record gave up Yotsuta long ago and were held back when they cut the helm in search of "second hand".
The result of calling Mr. Wada the next point after the next point is this situation.
I broke down Wada's story, which I kept talking about, but I thought about getting a commercial once.
"Seriously, seriously!?"
A human in the corner of the room shouted out loud.
Nature and everyone's gaze turned toward the person.
I pinched the phone with my shoulder and chin and beat up the information I heard with a four-color ballpoint pen in the notepad that I used with my reverse hand.
Even in such a panic situation, he ran off to the press office's ancient shrine, where he was in charge.
Of course, other staff members who were busy like that also opened the way for me.
"What's the matter? I know what happened to Nan."
The man switches the call to mute when he calls in.
And put a dirty note on the desk with a punch.
* giggle *, take a strong inhale.
Phew, spit it out slowly.
"Papyp concert footage. The communication with the concert hall at the destination was completely broken, and the concert hall was overwhelmed. It was so dark that you couldn't help it anymore!"
“Yeah, I heard the footage from the other side was interrupted after the distribution was interrupted because we couldn't play the footage.”
This is an online distribution company that used to distribute papyrus online.
There is a relationship between the lending of footage at sports events and the limited-time distribution of the latest variety of the TV station's slightly old series.
Papip's concert footage was also to be borrowed under a contract to pay for how many minutes after the end of the live broadcast.
In particular, it is not only this station, but other stations are also the same, and it is one of the new relationships in the Internet era.
"... that footage right now. It's being sent live from a local concert hall!" Some of them are still dead, but some of them have been restored! "
"Hey, hey, hey! Seriously, is that it?!"
I need you to decide whether to use the video from the other side!
Wow, the ancient reeds make a tincture by framing their arms as the place boils.
Perhaps that "barrier" has faded, which is certainly one of the reasons. Gradually, things are changing for the better.
But I don't know what to do.
(This is the problem of having the victim's family... If you are still in that "barrier", in some cases, you will be able to apply miso.)
This is a dangerous bet.
The content that should be communicated as a report, and the lines that should not be set aside as privacy or ethics.
It seemed to me that it was a project on the line.
In view of the seriousness of the case, it is in the public interest to broadcast the footage.
Meanwhile, ten thousand units of people cannot be confirmed to be safe. The number of victims and those involved will swell even further. Whether or not the broadcast is concerned about that (pom-pom) heart.
No, let's get rid of the little difficult conversation.
If we can stream the video now, the viewer will see it.
Undoubtedly, the latest, on-site, footage is quite appealing. In short, we can collect the viewing rate.
But at the same time, you need to be prepared for a lot of criticism. A spokesperson (speaker) who is drunk on the fashionable subject of compliance that has nothing to do with mental victimization and the illusion that he or she has a piece of correctness.
The legitimate former and the latter riding the asshole.
The former is reasonable, but the latter acquires a sense of superiority by loudly beating others.
The poor quality of the latter is that they think it is correct.
It's fun and unavoidable to turn down all the mass media as evil.
(It's not like all kinds of things are completely black and white.)
However, there are too many people who want to be clear in black and white.
Since the selection of information became possible, opinions that ran more extreme have become visible. And above all, you want to satisfy the self-esteem of "I am different from other people".
"...... no, I won't accept it"
Seriously!? I'll take him to another station!?
The ancient shrine lands on the judgment that it will not be accepted as the final judgment.
Naturally, subordinates who are putting their phones on hold have an expression of unbelief.
"If this video can be used." If I can get past the "Knight VS Skeleton" in front of the station, I can easily tear it apart!? "
His subordinates' brains are all over the place at that Rotary.
The extraordinary news that rushed to the top of each station's audience during the late-night hours of the day was no doubt broadcast around the world.
Such a chance to see that crown roll into our hands right now.
Is there any chance that I will visit you again?
But the Ancient Shield had already decided the answer.
"I won't take it. In light of the circumstances, I decided to decline this time..."
Why are you doing this?
Before Gu Shu could finish, his men slammed their fists into a note placed on the desk.
A paper cup with a small amount of coffee left over from the shock shakes slightly.
I could certainly hear the clenching of my teeth.
Phew, and a sigh to him, young and full of blood.
"... please tell me that you will decline." If you can't reach me, I'll talk to you. "
Ancient Shinobi offered his hand to his men.
There is not even room for debate.
Give me the phone that you put on hold.
If you do not declare your rejection, you will tell me so.
"Why...?! Are you scared?!"
Furthermore, even if you try to eat down, a line that shouldn't originally come out comes out of your mouth.
Instantly, the coworker who heard it grabs his shoulder with a pale face and pulls back.
I think it's about being young.
When I think about it, I think I'm withered.
However, as an old tree that still roots and lives in this world even when it dies, I think it will help to support the wind and snow that falls on the new young tree.
"Ah, I'm scared. I'm scared. So, give me your phone."
I commanded with a stronger tone and a stronger gaze than before.
With a bite of his lips, he grabbed the phone hard, and finally put the phone on the desk weakly.
Kojima receives it and talks to the other party.
Greet in an administrative manner, state requirements, and end the conversation immediately.
If the Ancient Shrine's station is no good over there, there's the next station.
If there is no withdrawal, the sooner the contact is refused, the better.
"... is this okay?"
The man who had held him down earlier took him out of the room with his shoulder hugged by his subordinate who was dropping his shoulder.
”... you don't even have pride?”
When he stopped at the entrance of the room, he turned his face to the ancient reed and said so.
Cook the last cup of coffee left on the bottom.
"I can't eat with your pride." No, at least not here. "
And continue as it is.
"Your pride is different from mine." If you want to eat dinner in the news, you should report that you can eat dinner tomorrow and the day after tomorrow instead of the eye-catching footage. "
"Tell them as they are...!"
I finally turn my face to him.
“You and I are“ different. ”How do you judge what you see rather than having many people see it? That's where my pride lies. Then I will give out something that the viewer can take a look at. That concert footage is different.”
"I can't believe it's right!"
"Have you told me once that I'm right? Somewhere else in the station that isn't here will probably get the earlier call. If the press is there, you're right. [M] But you know what?"
Take a seat and stand before him.
"I can't eat rice with pride. But when you eat dinner, it's more scary to think that someone has been hurt by this for a moment. If that affects all the people involved in this studio, then it's all the more so. If there's a next time, I'll do the same thing."
"...... Excuse me."
A subordinate who returns his heel.
Without stopping it, Kojima called out to him for the last time as he returned to his desk with a footsteps sound.
"Each person should have their own pride. You work with your pride. [M] If there's another time, I'll talk to you again.”
Sticking out your breath as you listen to the sound of walking away.
Thank you for your hard work.
Once you're done, a warm new cup of coffee is served.
I take it and put it in my mouth.
"... what will happen?"
"One company, two companies will take it." But that's your pride. Nevertheless, I will be told that my hips have been pulled back. "
"No, it's a lot better than fluttering up there. We are ours, and ours is ours. Let's do it with our pride.”
While doing so, another human's phone shuddered.
As soon as I get out, I'll report to the ancient reed.
"It seems that the previous live broadcast has been connected to other stations."
"... Now, is the chestnut in the fire delicious or not?" What's going to happen? "
Yuki, the coffee I took with a bite is cheap for some reason, but I feel it's the best I've had lately.
A video of the station showing a pitch dark hall arrives there.
It looks like there was movement on the scene! There's...... at the scene. ”
Some are driven by the momentum of the river, while others row against it.
After all, the big currents don't change.
Even if you resist, the result may be the same.
Still, I won't let anyone tell me that the will to stop is in vain.