Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
10-7 - Fractured Through White Liquid Crystals
A knight with a spear and shield gear moves as he rises from his slowly bending posture.
Raise your voice and take the oath.
Along with that, both hands of the "Knight of Light Speeds" glow thinly as they roar.
A level watcher, no longer called the "Knight of Light" Mania Freak, looks at his hands and notices them.
It was different from the usual shape of the cage hand.
Based on my experience of seeing minor differences in the equipment versions of the "Knight of Light Speeds" that have been confirmed in previous generations, the system is different.
It is said that there is a significant deviation from the type that can confirm the transition with the accumulation of fine retakes.
Obviously, it is a huge increase in size that imposes a handicap.
Above all, several cables on the back of the hand are stickyly attached with insulating tape.
In the end, this handkerchief does not originally assume that it will be put into actual combat, and it will progress to imagine that it is not a prototype.
Above all, his hand was sworn by the "Knight" and began to glow mysteriously.
Something like a thin, blurry glowing belt wrapped around a spear fluttering from a basket and a shield.
The Knight holds the spear and swings it down.
With that momentum, the dry ice flowing on the floor was dashed to the ground.
However, the glowing band that was tied remained tied to the spear unchanged.
In other words, it is a mysterious manifestation of the will of the "knight".
In view of the previous oath, "chanting" and "spells".
Even though it has been reported sporadically in mass media reports until now, it is a "that" that makes you feel the fragrance that you never saw "there is indeed" as a clear video.
It is undoubtedly a historical moment in modern society in which the "fantasy" of "magic" is firmly "recorded" in the public space, and it is also a moment in which the trend words of the Internet have been completely rewritten.
Don 'T!!
The "Knight" kicked the floor unexpectedly because of the audience's applause.
I overcame the smoke of cold air pushed out by the momentum, and fleshed out into a necromancy (ghost).
Arrogant, doesn't make sense. Even so, the necromancer closest to the "Knight" (Ghost) intercepted him with such a scream that it froze the soul of the person who heard it.
Necromancers (ghosts) who have no substance and almost no mass move their arms upwards as they bounce the incoming "knight" straight from the side.
The point is, it's a gigantic vintage.
Straightforward “knights” seem to have no room to dodge sideways, in front of them, or behind them on a narrow runway.
The moment everyone thought they were going to hit the beaten-out decabinta.
He jumps.
When the knight's voice resounded quietly and briefly, instead of leaving it to the powerful momentum, the knight's body was about four meters high from the floor, right above Dekabinta's hand, which was supposed to be slapped.
By the time the evaded necromancer (ghost) turned back to the "knight", the arm on the side that grabbed the spear was half-rotated in a hollow, and the "knight" was squeezed back enough to make a sound.
The squeeze, which also took into account the rebound force that jumped up, was perfectly aimed at the huge palm that remained completely stuck underneath.
Immediately after.
* giggle *!
The high-pitched sound of hammering the iron with a hammer and the screams of similar and different fears echoed through the hall.
Shut up!
Throwing a spear directly underneath, the knight landed in front of him and headed straight for the screaming necromancer (Ghost).
Of course, the necromancers (ghosts) tried to move somehow, but they couldn't.
The spear that stood on the floor clung to the hand of the necromancer (Ghost) and didn't make him move.
Even when I left the knight's hand, several glowing bands of "Tasogarekazura" were entangled in the spear and had not disappeared.
A necromancer (ghost) with no substance is placed on the floor and is effective.
Almost all viewers who see a necromancy (ghost) for the first time have no way of knowing, but this didn't work before.
There was no way to resist, and I had to leave it to be rolled around.
Fortunately, I got nothing because I had the "Saintess" stock potion, but from the unevenness of that time, it was the difference between clouds and mud.
Developed based on the ominous prediction that there may be such a thing again, this special white stone steel laboratory's renovated armor, Ver3, dedicated to the "Knight of Light Speed", "Prototype for Magic Operation Specialization", type: Apprentice.
Some of them were tightly secured and sealed when their long names turned them into playing tools for the Miko people.
It is the spell "Tasogarekazura" of re (re) and creation (products), which is supervised by "Demon King" and has not been verified yet.
An experimental spell that temporarily inflicts light with a magic factor on an object by generating multiple "hikari-no-tane" for the base light source from a sphere to a band.
The magic power of the lowest line required for activation could not be provided by the staff of Shiraishi, and it could not be used except by the "Demon King" Yanagihiro, a substantial developer.
Therefore, with the cooperation of the "Knight" in stages in the future, it is planned to verify how far it can be deployed, and it is here that the disassembly adjustment was rapidly re-assembled.
Now, the "Knight" who went to the Necromancer (Ghost) who tried to escape, now beat him with his left hand, who grabbed the shield attached to the "Taso Galekazura".
A single blow to the face of a necromancer (ghost) who screams like a frozen spine.
When the blown face comes back, the side is like a backblow. Second shot.
Then, I filled it to a zero distance, hung it under my chin, and hit it all over my body, making it an upper cut.
"But, ahhh..."
The third ghost collapsed with a thin voice, assimilating with the smoke of dry ice.
The two remaining ghosts who saw that the unified necrophilia (ghost) was quickly wiped out did not move to pursue from the spot for some reason.
When he saw it, the Knight pulled out a spear that stood on the floor.
Then, shoulder to shoulder, hold the shield in your hand again firmly, and stand up to the king.
Every time the necromancer (ghost) moves, it reacts to a small fraction and doesn't even show a single gap.
Overwhelming the enemies of a different person, his appearance was truly worthy of the name "Knight of Light Speed".