My name is Milene Yerban.

She is the daughter of the Duke of Yerban, a leading nobleman in this country of Zelden.

I have black eyes on my black curly hair, it feels a little tight but I am told she is a beautiful girl.

According to Elda the samurai, there's a gap between when she stays tall and when she's pitiful (what the hell kind of maniac is that?!) Seems fascinating, but I think this consists of Milene before and after remembering her previous life.

Yes, I look like a sword and magic fantasy, the maiden game "Miracle of Love. Seriously! 'I'm a freshman at Zelden Royal School in a world similar to', but in my previous life I was a Japanese high school girl who played that game.

I knew I didn't want to go.

"What now?"

"You're behaving too badly, please wake up"

Sleeping in a bed in a room that was not so luxurious as a student dorm, he groaned with a sigh, and Riddie, a squire with a steel mentality, and Elda, a samurai, barely penetrate me.

This is because of Milene before.

Somehow she grew up as much as possible as a villain warrant for the maiden game, and she seems to have become an all-you-can-do, all-time, untouchable lady with a gaze from the top.

Naturally, neither the squire nor the samurai could date the lady at the side heart, which is why it was this Rydy and Elda who eventually stayed beside her.

I say too much because of this, even in private, I live every day stuck to two heartless, mediocre high school girls who are beyond my control...

I think Rydy and Elda have served well.

I know, but I think you could be nicer to a girl in love!

Now, what do I not want to go to?

It's going to be a dance party this summer.

Unlike Japanese summers, when it comes to summer, the summer here in Zelden is refreshing and the dress can be worn in total comfort if the sleeves are short.

It's supposed to be the first dance party that comes to mind for me that I've just entered this school, but unfortunately my heart is melancholy because of the Maiden Game scenario.

I have a fiancée. It is the first prince of this country, Rendor, who is said to be the next king. Yes, I am in the position of the next queen.

Having fallen in love with him at first sight at a young age, I asked my father to fit quite forcefully into my fiancée's seat.

Of course, I seriously intend to be queen, and I am an honorary student who works hard on whatever she tells me is Queen's education anyway, studying, horseback riding, dancing and modus operandi, and still does well.

However, you have a difficult personality.

I'd like to think that the game correction worked, but I'm trying to get Milene out of school by all kinds of harassing Maylie Ford, the heroine of the game, after she became a high-flying lady wearing a kasaa that she was the next queen... she was,.

But, hey, let me make an excuse.

Milene really liked Prince Rendor.

The Rin of an Orthodox Prince made me fall in love at a glance with a young but still maiden heart, dancing around the room with the thought of rising to heaven when I was able to get engaged, and I vowed to be a fine queen and live on his side for the rest of my life.

So I didn't want him to be close to other girls (because this country, say king, is all monogamous!) I really didn't like Mailie approaching Prince Rendor any closer than common sense when she was a civilian and didn't know how to behave appropriately.

Besides, Prince Rendor was also a selfish young lady and she seemed to be getting better at Milene clutching herself at things like her fiancée, which was unnecessarily applauding Milene's behavior.

Thought you'd see me if Maylie didn't exist.

Milene, who was only a mean villain's warrant in the game, was also really a clumsy old lady in love.


I've fallen in love with that Prince Rendor twice, and I'm more of a fool!

'Cause you don't have a choice! Prince Rendor, who was a handsome offender in the game, was a sparkling prince who wasn't half as destructive when he actually met him.

I'm not immune to good-looking people. I was a dick.

Sarah's blonde head like it was made of gold thread, deep sea blue eyes.

Exquisitely lined and neat parts on the oval shaped face.

He is tall, and his body is tight and tight and muscular because he deals with swords.

The picturesque aesthetic has popped up in reality - a young man who feels like it.

This world has a high rate of aesthetics, but among them, the one who shines once and for all as the long-awaited prince of maidens, that's Prince Rendor.

It's not human looking.

I know, but it was me, the prince who met me without my heart ready, who took my heart all at once.

Yeah, I was originally in love as Milene, so that's thorough.

That's why I'm going to a summer party with Prince Rendor as my fiancée.

"I don't want to have a summer party villain event."

According to the game's story, Prince Rendor, who hated to escort me, does not look at me when he finishes the first dance, which is the ordinance, but leaves me alone and dances with the other courtiers.

And when you dance very well with Maylie, the heroine, you two go out on the balcony and talk a lot.

Mailie, who has a back shield behind the baron and is admitted to this school with the recognition of strong magic, may have an honest and pure charm not found in the aristocratic courtier, and Rendor, who feels the weight of becoming the next king, is healed and fascinated by her.

Seeing it from the shadows, I let Mairie recruit anger and do a harassing staple of hooking her legs, breaking her dress and banging her wine, and Mairie is helped by Prince Rendor holding her princess when she sees it, and the two friends deepen.

I don't want to see it.

I would never want to see two people attracted to my heart and stare at me amicably!

"If you're sorry you didn't have to go to the party, I'd at least like to go with someone who's not Rendor. That's how you spend your time keeping the two things out of sight."

"That won't be possible. She's my fiancée."

Rydy told me like I was stunned.

When Elda threw me out of bed and sat me in a chair, he made me tea.

"That's right, didn't you also send me a nice blue dress? You should act properly as your fiancée."

"No, I know!... Yes, I hope Master Rendor says no. I hate it. It's a lot better than going with you. You seem to hate me lately, so I'm sure you'll be happy to say no.... It's a little complicated."

"That prince? You think I'm gonna leave the lady to another man? I don't know about that."

Rydy, this is another handsome guy with a cool feel, who looked prominent with his husband named Dark Green Eyes in his hard-to-green silver hair, said meaningfully.

"Isn't that okay, even if you ask me? It would be better for the lady to know a little bit about reality."

This is Elda, a beauty with golden, shiny straight hair.

This world is full of beauty and eye care, but don't you think it's a little busier for those who serve to sparkle than a lady?

Dark-eyed brunettes are too plain because of how many villains they are.

said Rydy laughing with his nose.

"If you say no well at the end, I'll escort the lady, if that's the case."

"The reality is, I know too much about you! You're going to say no, because you think I'm such a disturbing woman."

Both Rydy and Elda say strange things, so I pointed my lips not like a lady.

"It's not me, you just have to go to the party with Maylie from the start."

I must have had a little face for what Elda said, as I began to tear my eyes as I rinsed my tea.

Because I was desperate to see you about to cry.

Elda sighed, and Rydy somehow tapped my head gently and stroked me.