"!" Catherine cautioned in a sudden voice. "Oh, what are you?!" Catherine said. "I'm sorry, Master Catherine. I'm not offended, I just want to talk to Master Catherine." said the Bat King. "Are you a bat? How do you know your name? You want to talk to yourself? What the hell are you?" Catherine asked the Bat King. "As much as Master Catherine wants to hear a lot, I want to talk a lot about it. Before proceeding, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Bram, and I am the king of the bats." said Bram, the Bat King. "What can the bats' kings do for themselves?" Katherine asked. "Does Master Catherine know she exists?" Bram asked. "My existence? What's that supposed to mean?" Catherine said. "Does Master Catherine know who she is?" Bram asked. "Who do you think you are? What's that supposed to mean? I have no idea what you said!" Catherine said. Katherine lied, Katherine moved away from the facts. "Master Catherine should know. Catherine-like physical abnormalities, Catherine-like habits, Catherine-like diets, and Catherine-like people can't possibly not know who they are." Bram said. "I'm annoyed! You have nothing to do with what you are!" Catherine said. "No, it's not irrelevant. Conversely, Catherine's presence has a lot to do with us bats." Bram said.

"What do you mean? I'm not supposed to know you!" Catherine said. "Surely Catherine is right, and Catherine doesn't know about us. We bats have always been vampire me from birth to death. Our bat clan is happy to die for the vampire-rich me, the vampire." Bram said, "No way?! But there must be other vampires, get to them!" Catherine said. "I can't do that. Vampires are different in other races, there is only one. There is only one vampire, nothing else. I mean, only Catherine and Catherine are vampires at the moment." Bram said. "Oh, no..." Catherine was in great shock and ran away from reality more and more. "What have you done to my people?!" Dante attacked Bram and said,