Isekai Adventures

Roast Pork Bulbs

"Good day, everyone. I can cook, eat more and more." Caesar told everyone. Everyone joined Caesar. "Roast pork bulbs. They're delicious." Dante told Caesar. "It's an easy dish, but I can guarantee the flavor. Not just Rania, but you too, pet owner?" Caesar asked Dante. Dante is holding the fox, stroking it. Dante enjoys it, but that fox looks in a bad mood. "Hard to explain. I'll spend the next few moments with this fox, I've made up my mind." Dante said. "... But the fox doesn't like you..." Lewis told Dante. The fox wanted to escape Dante's embrace, but he didn't. Dante looked at that fox and said: "Sure, this fox hates me, but it's on the brink of something we met here. I don't want to imprison this fox, but if I let him go, he'll end up in trouble. This fox still can't protect itself, so I'll take care of this fox for a little while." When I heard Dante talk, the fox stopped running. "After the conversation, it's the night meal, so let's eat fast." Caesar said. "Mr. Caesar, was it difficult to make these roast pork bulbs?" Sultana asked Caesar. "No, it's not hard. Because roast pork bulbs are an easy and made dish. Once you have gathered more ingredients, more luxurious roast pork bulbs will be made!" Caesar said.

Lewis, Alexander, Catherine and Constantine exercised a lot, so they eat a lot. "This is seriously good! Can I help you?" Lewis asked Caesar. "Of course there is. Eat more and more." Caesar said. "When did you catch this pig?" Alexander asked Caesar. "I captured it when you guys were fighting first. Very fresh." Caesar said. "I want to eat raw, but I can't wait for this roast pork bulb! Super delicious! Bram, you want some?" Catherine said. "I'm fine. Please don't hesitate." said Bram. "This is great. Let's eat this every day from now on!" Constantine told Caesar. "No, no, no. Not every day!" Caesar said. "This is a little hot, so be careful when you eat. Open your mouth, uh." Dante told the fox. Dante held the fox and fed it with every bite.