Isekai Adventures


Meanwhile, Caesar cooked an easy dish for everyone. "I think this is enough for now because I get fat when I treat at this hour. There's nothing I can do, even if it's not enough, so be patient until tomorrow." Caesar told everyone. "You're too attentive, you are. There's no way I'm fat, is there? I want an extra portion of this much rice, but, well, I'll just put up with it this time. Thank me, Caesar." Lewis said. "Why am I thanking you? I don't thank you for dying." Caesar said. After eating, the men Lewis, Alexander and Constantine went to bed. The women got sleeper and sleeper, but they don't want to sleep. "You can sleep if you're sleepy. Because the adventure is tomorrow morning." Dante said. "We will never sleep until Mr. Catherine returns. We are worried about Mr. Catherine." said Sultana. "Worrying about your people is a good thing. Me and Caesar are worried too.

It's a good thing you're worried about Catherine, but you don't have to fight sleep. You guys can rest assured, because I'll be on my way to find Catherine soon. "Dante said." Does Mr. Dante know where Mr. Catherine is? "Victoria asked." Who do you think I am? There's no way I don't know. as her activity time. It's still early,

You can wait a little longer. It's her activity time now, but it's not your activity time, go to sleep. Having had enough sleep makes people healthier. "Dante said." I'm like a mom, Dante is. "Rania said. Lewis, Victoria, Alexander, Sultana,, and Lania slept in an easy place to sleep. After everyone slept, Caesar went by Dante and asked Dante in his serious face." Don't you have to stop her? "" Did you feel her rampage, too? Honestly, I don't know if I should stop her or not. "Dante said. Catherine's unusual rampage, Dante and Caesar know.

"There's no way I don't know her rampage! Her powers increased incredibly all at once! What the hell's going on with her?" Caesar asked. "This is my guess. Catherine might think of something weird right now." Dante said. "Weird thing? Is she thinking nasty?!" Caesar said. "I said weird isn't nasty weird! Now she's probably thinking of something sad." Dante said. "Sad thing? Has anything happened to you lately?" Caesar said. "She probably remembered something from before. Well, if you're going to live in a world you don't know about, it's not weird to remember what happened before. But if you think too much, it's a big deal." Dante said. "So we should get ready to stop her?" Caesar asked. "I don't want to get ready for that. But when it sucks, we just have to stop her. Catherine today is called spirit, power, very dangerous." Dante said. "We're going to stop her before she completely runs wild!" Caesar said.