Isekai Adventures

Adventure 650

I'm on Gladys now with Dante and Caesar. Thanks to drinking water, the fever has been lowered a little, but Dante is still suffering. "Are you the only one who came... Caesar?" Dante asked Caesar. "No, Mr. Dante. Mr. Caesar isn't the only one here, me and Mr. Constantine are here too!" Alexander is on Constantine's shoulder. "You guys too... Why did you come to such a dangerous place? Yes, are the women and Lewis safe?" Dante asked.

Dante is more worried about his people's situation than he is about his health. "Don't worry about them, they're safe now. By the way, Dante, what's the situation now?" Constantine asked. "I almost could take him down... Can you guys give me a hand to take him down completely?" Dante asked his people. "Of course, fine! That's why we're here!" Caesar said.

"You say the water smell, don't you, Mr. Dante? Let's do our best together now!" Alexander said. "I'd love to work with you, but do you guys have an operation to take down that stuff?" Constantine asked. "Unfortunately, there's no operation that can take him down. I still haven't found his weakness yet, so we're just gonna have to go in the mood." Dante said. "Isn't this the worst? Well, do we have to?" Constantine said.

"" Gwwwwww!!! "" The fear beast shouted out loud. "We attack together, we do! Leave ranged attacks to me or Alexander, Caesar, Caesar, Constantine, and melee to you!" Dante told his people. "Roger, dragon roar!" Alexander made an energy bullet and attacked the fear beast. "Skullforce!" Dante attacked at the same time. "Constantine, I'm left!" Caesar flew to the left of the fear beast, and came from Gladys. "Okay, then I'm right!" Constantine ran to the right. Caesar and Constantine desperately hit the scared beast from left to right at the same time.

"Don't stop the attack, Alexander! Tons of power will drain you, but good luck and bear with it!" Dante told Alexander as he attacked. "Okay, Mr. Dante! I'll do my best to the end!" Alexander said. I haven't stopped the dragon roar bullets, the skull force, or the two ranged attacks. "Constantine, you, put more power into this! Gradius, fight with me!" To do more damage, Caesar called Gladys.

"I'm using my whole body! You're the one, don't be shy!" Constantine, beating him, said. Four full assaults did a lot of damage to the scared beast. To escape everyone's attack, the Fear Beast attacked Constantine with his tail. At the same time, the fear beast hit Cesar with his body. After busting them both, the fear beast used its wings and flew into the sky. "Everybody, run now!" Dante exclaimed. The Fear Beast charged its wings with power and sent out a massive meteor pack.