Isekai Adventures

Adventure 723

After greeting and having a little conversation, Zarfeld told Dante how the interview was going. "At first I ask Mr. Dante a question. After you've answered all the questions, you can fight the combatants here next, okay?" "Of course you're fine. When do you start the interview?" Dante asked. "As soon as Mr. Dante is ready, the interview will begin." Saarfeld said. "It's been years since I've had this interview... Ever since I came to this world, I've imagined a lot, but I never imagined I'd be interviewed for this world..." Dante thought.

"We're ready, let's start the interview now!" Dante said. "If Mr. Dante wants to get started now, let's get started!" Said Zarfeld, looking at the material he had in front of him. "You're going to ask questions now... What does Mr. Dante think about good and evil?" Zarfeld asked Dante. Even though it's an issue that has nothing to do with the interview, Zarfeld is serious about listening. She would very much like to know what Dante's answer is.

"With regard to good and evil... If you want my answer, you say what you think. As for good and evil, here's what I think, good and evil are not just adjectives, good and evil are the result of so many choices. One choice doesn't have a huge impact on our lives, but if we make a variety of choices, it will have a huge impact on our lives. It's not morality that influences our choices, each life we spend influencing our choices." Dante said.

Dante went on to say, "Whoever has had a bad day does bad things, whoever has had a good day does good things. Those who have had the worst day do incredibly bad things, those who have had the best day do incredibly good things." ". Each life affects each choice, each influence affects good and evil? That's a really good answer, Mr. Dante." Saarfeld said.

"If you can take it, that's above all. What's the next question?" Dante asked. "I don't have any more next questions, because I've heard a lot from Victoria about Mr. Dante, so I don't want to ask Mr. Dante anymore. From now on, I want you to fight the combatants." Saarfeld said. "Do you want to fight here? I don't think there's room here to fight." Dante said. "Of course it's not here. The place to fight is another room. I'll show you now, so let's go together." Zarfeld said, then went with Dante to another room. The room you two go to is bigger than the interview room.

said Zarfeld after getting inside the room. "I'm going to explain the battle now. There are four stages to the battle that will begin, each stage has a different difficulty. If you complete all difficulties safely, the interview will pass. The opponent is here, so as soon as Mr. Dante is ready, we'll start right away." Saarfeld said. "Let's start now! I'm all set!" Dante said.