Isekai Adventures

adventure 1014

Victoria is sorting out information about the origins and the second she gets while turning the silver book she has at high speed. "Luckily we have a lot of information, so fortunately we have a lot of information, so we should be able to find the best option!" On the way to organizing, "Victoria said.

Even though Victoria is focused, she says, "I've been wondering... Victoria, the books you have aren't normal books, are they? There's something amazing about that, isn't there?" Constantine asked about the silver book she had.

Victoria's gaze did not distract from the silver book, but answered Constantine's question. "This is the book I got from Mr. Dante, Mr. Constantine. This book is certainly not a normal book, it has a recording function! Even if I don't write, this book automatically records what I want to record! This book is a great one!

"I didn't know that was such an amazing book... Dante, where did you get a book like that? Why couldn't they have handed it out to us, too?" Constantine asked Dante.

"You, have you forgotten? That book was the one I got when I was in Amusement Land. The reason I wasn't handing you guys out, that's because there's only one book out there." Dante briefly explained to Constantine what happened when he got the silver book.

"Did this happen when you were in Amusement Land?" Constantine tried desperately to remember the silver book, but he ended up remembering nothing. "Have you forgotten about that time? Damn... What do you remember?" Dante complained to Constantine.

"Ugh, I only forgot about the silver book! I remember everything else properly!" Constantine told Dante out loud. "Liar! You, you don't actually remember anything! In fact, you forgot everything!" Like Constantine, Dante also said out loud.

"Mr. Dante, Mr. Constantine! I'm concentrating right now! Could you shut up for a second?!" Victoria scolded Dante and Constantine. "" Shh, excuse me... "" Dante and Constantine immediately apologized. Shortly after apologizing to Victoria, he said, "It's all your fault, Constantine!" "No, it's your fault!" The two complained to each other in a small voice.

After organizing all the information, Victoria picked up important information and recorded it on a new page. "Now we've sorted out all the information about Origin and Second... Now let's move on to the next phase!" Based on the important information we picked up, Victoria began to consider a variety of options.