Isekai Adventures

adventure 1033

Shortly after busting the middle mist, Catherine unleashed a massive flying slaughter with her weapon Dracula and attacked. And then, to talk to Victoria, Katherine turned her body toward Victoria.

"Victoria, you, you threw up blood! Are you okay? Can you still move?" Catherine was so worried after seeing the blood on Victoria's face.

"You don't have to worry, Mr. Catherine, this much is fine! How did Mr. Catherine get in here more than my wounds?" Victoria wiped away the blood stains on her face as she told Catherine.

"Why, that's because I'm worried about you guys, so I got in here! Victoria, it's not just me, everyone else got in here too! Here!" Catherine said, pointing to the bats in the sky with her fingers.

As Catherine pointed at the bats with her fingers, Slime Lewis, Slime Dauphan, Sultana, Constantine, Rania and Arthur jumped off one bat after another to the ground.

"Ho, ho, everyone really got in here ah! Shh, wow!" Victoria was amazed when she saw the fellow jumpers.

When Catherine was talking to Victoria, Fruit Army was using its timing and simultaneously getting close to Catherine and the others at superfast speeds. Fruit Army wanted to attack Catherine and Victoria, but the large bats protected Catherine and the others and interrupted Fruit Army.

"As you can see, Master Catherine is very busy right now! We'll deal with them!" As a representative of the bats, Bram told Fruit Army.

"You, are you no longer able to fight? There's more to pity than that!" After moving in front of Alexander, Slime Lewis told him.

"Ah?! Who got out of combat?! I can still fight!" Alexander released an enormous amount of energy as he told Slime Lewis.

Sultana, Lania and Arthur moved next to heavily bled Caesar.

"Are you all right, Mr. Caesar? Does it still hurt?" Sultana said as she wiped the blood stains on Caesar's face.

"I worry too much, you! I'm just a little hurt, okay! I can still fight!" Caesar, after telling Sultana, summoned Gladius the weapon, and recovered.

The middle mist laughed out loud when she heard Catherine and the others talking.

"What fun are you talking about, you guys?! This war has just begun! This is where all Origins live, there are overwhelming numbers of soldiers here! What can you do alone?" The middle mist told Catherine and the others out loud.

Shortly after the Middle Mist said it, all Origins besieged the Catherines.

"Shut up, you! It doesn't matter how strong you guys are! We'll never lose, never! Bloodmoon!" Catherine said, then flew to the sky and threw a giant energy bullet from her right hand at the Origins.