Isekai Dungeon de RTA
Lesson 39: Unexpected
After that, I continued to guide the neighborhood, but Princess Leia was always up in the sky.
And from time to time, I can wonder what it's like to think about it.
Maybe we should have talked a little more wrapped up in oblate.
After I've completed my guide to the neighborhood, I've decided to come and negotiate with the princess.
Of course, after the story of the boy with the wand, I went on to underestimate this country and myself.
Exactly. Now I'm going to be careful with the way I talk.
But the princess's faceless expression remains the same. It's very hard to read what you're thinking.
In the meantime, let's explore the direction as we talk…….
Returning to the vicinity of the castle could cause the minister to rendezvous.
A little further away, I speak to the princess.
"Princess...... I need to fold in and talk to you a little bit"
"............... Yes, what is it?
Princess Leia looks at this one by responding with no discouragement.
That's hard to do.
Let's just stick to our original schedule.
"... I will not make it bad for the princess. Why don't you decide this story never happened?
"……………… What is this story?
"I'm talking about you... coming to my castle. Take the utmost care, of course. I'm gonna take full responsibility."
A princess who thinks into my word for a while.
Did you miss the reading?
I thought you would give me an instant answer...
"………………… May I ask you one question?
"……… Ah."
I answer that without changing my expression, but it starts to get a little rushed inside.
In the meantime, think in your head about the pattern of questions envisaged and have answers according to their content.
... but my efforts end in total waste.
Because I have an unexpected question.
"It was a surprise to be honest...... you understand the current situation in this country correctly. From what I said earlier, that's how I got it. Why are you left like this?
... What do you mean?
I can't hide my confusion from a completely unexpected question. He's probably even on his face.
It would have been painful irony if it had been received on par.
Could this country have been in much worse shape than I think?
... No, it's also possible that you still just believe in my making up stories.
…… check it out.
"... this one was surprising. How long have you known what's going on in this country?
"It was only a few days ago."
... Too bad I got my back off.
Probably after I first met the minister. I don't know what your intentions are, but I'm sure you investigated them.
But even if I knew what was going on in this country, there was no reason why I had to do something about it.
I'm not that full of volunteerism, and I'm not a fine person. I don't have that power in the first place.
I can't grasp what intent there is in the princess's question.
It doesn't suit my sexuality to keep my mouth shut without being told.
"I don't care if they say I'm leaving you... then I know. Doesn't that mean I'm leaving you, too?
Princess Leia, who pointed out to me, still has no expression, but answers a little more grumpy than earlier.
"With me, of course, I'd like to reach out...... but that would be something you should do more than me, the princess of another country, wouldn't it? You who have the power."
No matter how I think about it, it is overrated.
Perhaps she has fantasies about me at the top of the world rankings.
When you can do anything with that power, you leave the money and power wanting...
Seems like there's nothing I can do about it without solving that misunderstanding first.
"... don't get me wrong. Listen to me. I really don't have that power. You can swear."
I guess I didn't think of my words as acting.
She stares at me with a strange face.
"... is that possible? The fact that the top of the country cannot sift its power………………"
"Oh, just because you're at the top doesn't mean you can't do much"
"… So you're saying there's no real power?
Real power? You mean the kind of power that moves a country?
That's a lot of overestimation. Is this also the power of the title……….
This is the time, so let me be clear.
"I don't have that power."
"I see... I thought you were too young, but I was convinced"
"Sounds like you got it."
"……… Yes"
All right, apparently, we've got a misunderstanding.
I tried to reopen negotiations with the princess, but I was blocked. There is no other princess herself.
"……… I have a suggestion to make"
I have a bad feeling about it.
It just doesn't make sense not to ask.
"……… Let's hear it."
"Please, could you keep me in the castle?
We all have no idea what the hell went from the stream to the idea.
"May I ask why?
"…… I'll tell you the truth. I don't want to go back to my castle."
"What's the meaning of this?"
"… I am not that castle, but the same."
I don't know what it means more and more.
"Does that mean you're not allowed to exist?
"… yes. I have only been recognized for the precise value of the tools of political marriage."
Something is starting to stink...
"I hear you have a magical talent, don't you? That power should be valuable. I don't think it's surprising that in the future, we will stand on our backs."
To my inquiry, the princess bites her lips.
"… it didn't actually happen that way. As a result, it would not be an exaggeration to say that having a magical talent was going to devalue me in my castle......"
Apparently, it's a pretty deep-rooted story.
You can listen carefully, but it's time to join the ministers.
I just want to ask you one thing because I really cared about it.
"Why did you have to tell me the truth? Besides, at first, I didn't feel very comfortable coming to my castle..."
"You're right. At first, I thought it would be hell for me to go back to the castle or to you… I didn't want to choose either."
"Why change your mind?
"……… because you and I talked."
I'll try to remember what I talked about when they said that...
I feel like I only said lowering this country and lowering myself.
"You were even mourning the tragedy of this country. And my lack of strength..."
"Men seem to want to look good in front of women. At least that's the man I've met so far. … but you are worried about the country without even showing off the fine dust"
"Have the right knowledge, personality, and strive to save the country. When I saw that attitude, I wanted to help."
"Yes, I understand…………………"
Obviously, her last remarks would have been made by her own delusions.
When did you show me that I was trying to save my country?
What I did was counterproductive?
Hahaha, what I did...
Princess Leia looks at me with a masochistic smile.
I can't hide my upset from what I'm talking about.
There would indeed be plenty of room for sympathy.
But I just hired someone with just a magical talent......
You felt something disturbing from my expression. I keep selling it in.
"Please!! We'll make sure it helps."
A princess desperately bowing her head.
What to do…….
I've never seen a royalty bow its head against a civilian like me on a boulder.
I guess that means you've been struggling.
I became more and more disturbed by unexpected developments.