Isekai Dungeon de RTA
Episode 53: Conversation
Oh, the side room!? But it's... it's about Harlem, right?
I'm just confused by Leia's sudden words.
The queen is just a little surprised.
"Well, did you...... by the way, are you from this country?
The queen gives me a glimpse, but immediately returns her gaze to Leia.
Yes, I'm afraid to think about what my gaze means right now.
But you don't look too angry if you can say you're lucky.
Um... Is this world generally allowed to harem in the first place? Of course I don't have the courage to ask on this occasion right now.
"No, I am from a neighboring country, the Kingdom of Earl. I'm asking you to put it here because you can't."
Hmm? I suddenly made an amazing statement, so I was wondering if Leia had any intentions, but there are no lies in her words other than the word 'side chamber'. Rather, it just feels like we're talking honestly.
Looks like the queen also had some doubts as far as the expression goes.
"I see… so are you a 'candidate'? There's going to be some complications."
Leia nodded deeply at the words.
"I'd love to hear more about it, but I guess it would be wise to talk to Mr. Kite first."
Yes, it was. The original purpose was my meeting with the Queen. I guess that's what she came for, too.
Given the content of the story... I think we should ask the two of them to take their seats off.
"Right... but I'm sorry, but I need to talk to you about something important, so why don't you two wait in the next room?
When I say so, Leia lowers her head to me and the queen and heads to the exit of the room.
Liv was somewhat dissatisfied, but right in front of the queen, there was no other way out of the room. Follow Leia.
Well, as for Liv, it's okay for him to go home now... but he's not going home like that.
Make sure they leave, and I'll ask the queen first.
"First, my queen, is it possible that this situation is being passed on to them?
Of course they are not Liv or Leia. It's about the raider who attacked me and Eliza.
I didn't know if the word "they" would convey it alone, but it seemed like a useless worry.
"No, they don't know this because I'm just here to see Mr. Kite personally"
"What are the possibilities of tailing, etc.?
Some of them could use metastatic magic. Besides, Eliza has magically enhanced her hearing in the past. Just so you know, it shouldn't hurt.
"Don't worry. If magic seems to be used around you, you can detect it, and more importantly, there seems to be a powerful bond here. There is no one in man who can break this bond to my knowledge. Elves or not……"
I see. Does that also work for Luca's conjunction? Then we can have a conversation in peace.
I will answer the Queen's first question for now.
"There are no people here because this castle is my personal property"
The queen is surprised by this statement.
"Th, that is… how the hell is that?
I can't afford not to answer the question because the queen is going to ask me intriguing.
"It's no big deal. I bought it because it happened to be on sale. He said he couldn't change his affiliation for a year."
"So the idea of buying a castle isn't normal. I guess that's what Eliza should say about who she chose."
I may sell it early, but I haven't had a contract yet, so I'll skip explaining it at the moment. Suppose you get to the bottom of it with me before you get stuck.
"I don't know how well the Queen knows what's going on, but do you know how I belonged to Eleanor?
"Yeah, I'm generally going to understand. We are hearing from Eliza and those who attacked you both… It is no exaggeration to say that the Elf Country was saved by this decision of Mr. Kate. On behalf of the King, I represent the Elf Nation and wish to thank you."
The queen says so and lowers her head deeply.
I can't hide my surprise at the sight.
I can't imagine a representative of a single country jokingly bowing his head.
Naturally, that means that you understand that I followed them to avoid war.
But that was very surprising to me.
They forbade me from making contact with the Elf Country. And there was no Eliza on the actual negotiating scene. I should have been free to twist and bend the facts with their chest tips three inches. That means you've made me as bad as you can. I thought that was more true than that.
Their aim is unbelievable at the moment...
Well, if you listen to the queen, you might understand. I'll think about it later.
The queen thanked me, but I was their target in the first place, and Eliza shouldn't have anything to do with it. I don't have the kind to be thanked. Instead, you should think I got Eliza involved.
"No, thank you. It was my downfall that got Eliza involved."
The queen looks a little troubled by my words.
"Maybe Mr. Kite thinks there could have been a war because of himself...... don't you?
The queen's words bear my stars.
Could it be different............?
But as a matter of fact, he's the only one threatened with war if he doesn't belong to Eleanor.
And I'm going to make the choice that turns out to be minimal risk. In me, the choice I made then was the best, and that idea hasn't changed.
"Are you not?
The queen nodded deeply at the words.
"Yes, the Elves were originally scheduled to be attacked shortly."
"Does that mean it has nothing to do with this one?
"Exactly. I learned later too……………………"
"Can I ask you for more information?
"I intend to do that more than I did. It may be a little tricky, but if there's anything you don't understand, please let me know each time."
I snort silently.
"Firstly, it seems that several countries have worked together to plan to attack the Imperial Capital. I don't know all the motives or the countries I endorsed…"
If the queen of the Elf Nation doesn't know, there's no way I'm new to this world.
"And the plan was to be implemented in the near future"
"If the imperial capital is the target, isn't it not directly related to the elf country?
"I didn't know either, but apparently we had a request from our country to endorse the plan."
I see, I know just a little bit. I mean...
"So you turned down the invitation."
"That's right. My king and the king of the Imperial Capital are friends of the Old Knowledge, and as soon as they heard the plan, they burst right into it."
"If you say no, it makes sense to interpret it as attaching to the equals opposition."
"Yes… so it seems that our country has also become a target"
But that doesn't solve all my doubts.
Approximately understandable. I mean, I think they tried to send me to Eleanor because I'm going to be a fighter. And the attempt was successful, and I'm now in Eleanor.
Yet why is it that my actions have saved the Elf Country……. Rather, it just feels like the enemy's strategy has been achieved…….
"Doesn't seem to me to have helped…………"
"They knew the fact that Mr. Kite attacked only one dungeon that no one had been able to attack. Of course you also know that the imperial people and Mr. Kite are cordial. I think he was probably sending a secret agent to the Imperial City for an operation."
Until now, I can understand. I didn't really hide it, and it would be possible to get information. Perhaps at this stage my Eleanor feed was decided quickly. I can't wait to be attached to the Imperial City. The irony is that I've been on my side most of the time, and it's hardly going to increase my strength.
"You may not have to tell everyone, but I think it was at this point that we started working on getting Mr. Kate to belong to Eleanor."
"Yes, I agree with that opinion too. Just……………"
I still have my doubts, so I'll ask your opinion.
"I think it would have been better to pull it off directly and add it to my people than to send me to Eleanor... for some reason I have little recollection of being solicited then from them"
The queen answers my questions without fail.
"They are not a single rock, people like Mr. Kite will want enough people in every country to get their hands off their throats. Probably settled down by having Eleanor at the bottom after we got into a deal...... Honestly, it's no wonder there's a war going on in one of Kate's locations."
I'd like to think it's a joke, but apparently he's serious.
Indeed, the Queen is right, they were far from saying one rock... I also feel like there was an air that even if I wanted to solicit it, I couldn't.
"Back to the point, their prospects turned out to be successful and Mr. Kate became Eleanor's."
"Yeah, you're right."
The problem starts here.
But they had one miscalculation.
I listen back reflexively.
"The day after we send Mr. Kite to Eleanor, we discover a hell of a fact."
Hmm? The next day? No way............
"Kite, who supposedly possessed only a point to the extent that he attacked multiple precisely intermediate dungeons, was the best in the world at an overwhelming point."
The queen smiles there.
Ah...... I see, is that what you mean? My question almost dissolves.
"I think they were in a hurry. I sent it to Eleanor, that Mr. Kite possessed the best point in the world."
"Can the point of ranking be such an important indicator?
"Yes, because it would be a calculation to possess about five times as many points in the kingdom of Eudia as a thousand higher-than-thousand Sirius. Honestly, it's not a point difference within the margin of error… I think the countries that have already seen the rankings think that the best person in the world is not Sirius, but Kite, who belongs to Eleanor"
Hahahaha...... bad joke. It's so boring.
I wanted you to tell me it was a joke, but the queen just smiled nicely and never corrected me.