In the meantime, I decided to evacuate to the bathroom once.

Angelica is not in a position to talk, and Ayako doesn't want to get close because the content is blasphemous, even if she can have a conversation.

There's no such thing as a jerk.

Sit back on the potty and sigh one more sigh.

We are in unit bath format, so there is a sink and tub right next door.

Angelica interpreted this as an "institution for bathing while observing the occasion in which her lover is adding to her needs," but I now wonder very much whether it is okay to live with a girl who makes such an interpretation, but that's the structure anyway.

Thanks to this, there is absolutely no room to stretch out your hands and feet.

If it's full of stuff to give you, you can say that you no longer even feel pressured.

I think there's more to it than before.

With toiletries and bathroom equipment?

As a result of Ayako leaving the shopping to me, my house was growing more and more daily groceries.

I guess you're getting more on your own while you're asleep, huh? and so much momentum that it makes me want to doubt it.

I'm not buying anything luxurious, so I won't tell you anyway.

I want you to remember that you are still spending my money.

I've been working so hard to earn a living for the three of us.

You can buy a slipper that's a cute toilet mat for nothing because I work for you?

I get a shitty whitening thought that it's enough to pick up one woman with an occasional breath.

Yeah. What the hell are you shy of? I am.

We need to be stronger, it's a big black pillar.

It's stressful for me to have a filia too, just like Ayako would buy fancy daily necessities and change her mood.

That's because, yes, it's like raising a big goldfish.

I don't know who complains about me.

See, for example, with this cage that's tucked up by the potty? Absolutely useless, isn't it?

This and Filia are in the same line. I'm a mess sometimes, too.

... I mean, really, what is this?

A mysterious object X that has suddenly emerged for about ten days.

It looks like a strangely elaborate cage, but it is covered with a pink cloth from the top.

Don't look, don't touch me, I felt like I was telling you otherwise.

What is hiding from me as a landlord?

What do you mean, Ayako? and don't hesitate to turn the cloth.

It was an insensitive act, portraying luxury in the brain.

I peek into the cage, imagining something like that, like aromatherapy or deodorant spray anyway.

"... what the hell"

but my arm stops perfectly at the emergence of a substitute that is as different from what I had imagined.

Something like a large pocket tissue crammed into a cage.

They are all pastel colored and quite thick.

If you're a tissue, you'd have bought up enough, wouldn't you?

Wondering, I'll just try to pull one out.

Bring it in front of your face, shivering and observing.

And I realize my stupidity.


This is by no means a luxury item.

It would rather be a necessity comparable to infrastructure.

"... rest assured on many days..."

I mean, that's the situation.

It was the moment I encountered a super important item, defending women's rights.


When I gently returned the item to its original position, I covered it with a cloth.

Speaking of which, I recall that Angelica's attitude towards Ayako was softened from the place where this was installed in the bathroom.

Thank you for exaggerating that "such a convenient thing…" but "you are God…", not to mention the way you have switched from "Mr. Ayako" to "Ayako".

I couldn't help but solve a real problem from a different world of women in an instant.

Yeah, right.

Angelica and Ayako are both young girls......

I feel sorry that it must have been hard for the man to tell me.

If you think back often, Angelica just before Ayako came to the house was looking a little strange.

Did you say you were freaking out when you looked at the calendar?

If Ayako hadn't come, he would have done his own first-aid...

You picked up your life. We drink beer.

Nori as if he had even saved his life from the dungeon, but on top of his feelings he is on the same level.

'Cause I'm a man. Besides, years of living in different worlds are stained.

The very idea that I had to buy one of these and prepare it for you didn't sprang up.

The women of the other world don't use it like this.

... the woman over there...


Moment after moment, the face of Filia that I left behind at the hotel floats.

Even he's a woman in her late twenties.

At all, he is active.

I'm letting you wear diapers at night, I hope.

No, it's not good.

What, if I come to him too, how am I supposed to deal with it?

That's how it goes while I'm gone, and if I bleed through the room crying, it wouldn't be stylish.

In the morning, he took the liberty of taking a diaper off because he had a rash and felt sick.


If someone isn't tight and watchful, it doesn't taste good.

If you leave it packed in the hotel, you won't be able to make it any time soon.

When that happens, I'll have to take it to this house and use the help of Ayako and the others.


I wonder if parental care feels like this, and I leave the bathroom at ease.

Ayako and Angelica were interested in chatting when we headed to the living room to say hello.

I feel strange that you're close enough for these guys.

I know Angelica is unilaterally indebted to Ayako for some examples of necessities.

But what makes Ayako open her heart to Angelica?

"So, Lotto, who escaped Sodom, moves into a cave with his two daughters. But my daughters intoxicate Lotto, and it extends to sexual intercourse. With your sleeping father, without consent."

"... eh... That's by my father and daughter, close relatives... then..."

"You will. Of course, I'm just pregnant, and I'm having a baby. And the firstborn son was named Moab, to the fathers of the Moabs. My second son is the ancestor of the Ben Ami Ammon."

"... Shit... Honorable... I can cry..."

"I thought Mr. Angelica would understand!

"The myth of the earth is wonderful content!

What a topic you guys are so excited about, I can't stop putting in a penetration.

"... you're finally back"

Ayako moves her eyes without light and looks right at my face.

"... Mr. Neutral's opening story was too shocking, and he didn't have the spirit until he told a cheerful story, we..."

"That's right! It just so happens that the Old Testament and all that, thanks to the inheritance that I recommend my father and daughter get married, I would have suffocated to death if I hadn't heard this."

"Stop misperceiving me because I'm going to be pissed off from every side"

Now I know more or less.

I guess the only person who will go along with Ayako's warped father-daughter rigging and empathize with her from the bottom of her heart is Angelica.

Sexuality seems to be just meshing, not that I'm a good listener or anything.

Still, from Ayako, he would be the ideal listener.

Well, it turns out why these two are doing so well for it.

That's good.

I don't mind that.

You're both tied up, and you're treating Philia like a thief and a cat. Given the current situation.

Isn't this weird friendship a headwind for me?

I'm going to cut out now and say, "Wow, I left you guys to take care of Philia under me," and it's going to work out?

Well, I can't think of a vision of success at all.

What am I supposed to do?