Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Trial Breakthrough
Me, Leggin 'Rave, I climbed the stairs in pairs of the original ancestors.
Like the High Elves said, it's a big room.
As expected, there were no children.
Instead, there were three Zabuton children.
You're the first group to climb the stairs.
The others went first, and you waited here as I said?
All right, all right.
Later, let's reward you.
Steamed potatoes?
Fine, you can eat as much as you want.
Whoa, you shouldn't.
We have to go after the kids.
What are you guys gonna do?
Follow me on guard behind me?
I asked for the back.
The way forward is easy to understand.
Just go along the river.
A little further, there was a thin bridge on the river.
Is this the Trial of the Right Way?
Even though it is a thin bridge, it is fifteen centimetres wide.
Easy, easy.
As I was leading the way across the bridge, there was a loud water noise behind me.
Looking back, there was no Leggin Rave and no original ancestors.
They're both falling into the river.
Besides, are you drowning?
Oh, no!
I jumped into the river... it was dangerous.
Those who are drowning hold me, and I'm drowning, too.
I hesitated, but the thin bridge at my feet disappeared, and I was dropped in the river, too.
Speaking of which, it was joint and several liability.
I have no choice.
Do you want to make floating rings out of clothes?
Yeah, I was just thinking, something like a floating wheel flowed from upstream of the river.
No, I haven't heard about the floating wheel from those who fell into the waterfall.
Seeing the two of you drowning, the dungeon let you out?
That's kind of you.
I swim to secure the floating wheel.
Delivered the floating wheel to the drowning Leggin Rave and his ancestors.
And the three of us were flushed down the river, kept downstream.
The Zabton kids behind me stretched the yarn and tried to help me, but the yarn played something and it didn't reach me.
Don't worry about us, move on...
Zabton's kids jumped into the river and chased me.
Glad to hear it, but there's a waterfall ahead of us.
Yeah, it's pretty scary to be dropped from a waterfall.
I asked him how he fell while he had his body and clothes dried with the magic of his ancestors.
"There was a formidable bond over there, and I couldn't fly"
To the words of Leggin Rave, the original ancestors snort, too.
I see, couldn't you fly?
No, I don't think you'd fall off if you walked normally?
"Excuse me."
Leggin Rave and his ancestors honestly apologize.
We both don't seem to like thin bridges.
In the meantime, I don't look at your feet.
The posture is straight.
Straight gaze, too.
Because if it was that width, I could cross it.
Let's do our best.
With the reluctant Leggin Rave and the original ancestors, I headed for a retry.
Behind us, the first Zabton children to climb the stairs follow us.
From now on, you don't have to come after us if we fall into the river.
Don't do anything dangerous.
Retry the "Trial of the Right Way”.
Yeah, good luck.
I taught them straight posture, but they were both brilliant hips.
That's okay.
Let's catch the waterfall another time or so.
It was the “trials of" waiting for us who managed to survive the "trials of integrity”.
There is a door at the end of the place where the 50 cm square tiles have been laid.
I guess I should get to that door.
It's just a statue of the devil lined up against the wall, gripping the mud dough.
They can throw mud dumplings when they step on certain tiles with the message left by those who have moved on.
Just being thrown doesn't disqualify you, and when a mud dumpling is bumped, you disqualify.
The tiles on the floor disappear and it looks like a way to fall into the river.
Good luck here.
I only fell four times.
"Even the vampire ancestors. Oh, and you can do it with a bad idea?
"The angelic lady said the tiles were safe with their footprints on them, but they didn't look the same."
Neither of us, we don't fight.
A "hexagonal trial" continues with a small room full of doors.
I heard it was possible to act individually, but when one passes, does the door disappear?
They seem to be forced to act individually.
But it wouldn't be that hard if you even had a proper sense of direction because you can look through a small group of rooms from a little higher ground before you try.
I only fell twice.
"You checked first, didn't you?
There's no floor in the third room on the right. "
"That's the one that would have activated the weird trick.
It was a precious experience being chased by the Golem. "
Neither of us, we don't fight.
The next test...
The group that preceded me was quite there.
High Elves, Mountain Elves, Lizardman, Crow Children, Zabton Children.
There are no Lous or children.
Looks like you moved on.
Those here... are not resting, they seem to be challenging trials.
What kind of trial is it?
Silence “Trial”
There is a pond next to the river.
So just catch each pair, one fish at a time.
If you're fishing, I want you to take care of it.
Even so, when I find time, I use it as a hobby to go fishing.
Well, leave the details aside.
bait fishing gear, is properly prepared.
There's no time limit, so you just have to stick around until you can catch it.
All right, let's do our best.
Leggin Rave caught a twenty centimeter fish in about five seconds.
Fish caught are released.
Others won't be able to move on.
Hurry ahead?
No, wait.
I'll be fishing here some more...
Leggin Rave and his ancestors forced him to move on.
Let's come back later.
Trials were waiting for us.
Courageous, but I, Leggin Rave, the original ancestors challenged.
We also had a fight.
We made up.
Any tough trial, if there are three of us, we can handle it.
With that in mind, we move on.
By the way, Lou's group and Tier's group just got flushed down the river that runs beside us.
Now Ursa and Alfrate and Tisel with their infidel faces were being flushed.
You stay dressed, but you don't seem to have to worry about drowning because you have a floating wheel.
Waterfalls are higher than you thought, so be careful.
After seeing Gulf's group flushed, he completed two trials.
There was a big sign to fulfill my hope that it was time to be a goal.
“The Last Trial".
It was a long time.
But that's it, too.
Me, Leggin 'Rave, the ancestors went slow.
Bright place.
Outside... I think I went out to the beach.
Pretty far from where we came in?
It's an unrecognizable place.
And a bunch of people waiting for us.
Who is it?
I didn't recognize the beach, but I did recognize those at the head of the group who were waiting.
I used to know him when he rubbed with the sea species in the city of Chashart, representatives of the sea species.
An old man mermaid.
He looked at us and opened his mouth slowly.
"Excellent challengers!
Well done. We've come this far!
But this is the last trial!
I wonder if I can make it through!
And seafood served before us.
That's octopus feet.
Yeah, yummy.
Coastal dungeons, they say, are dungeons managed by sea species.
Oh, was it the species of the sea that flushed the floating wheel for me?
But then what was the first species of sea to discover the entrance?
And the species of sea that guided you?
No way, a trap that would attract us?
"No, you just didn't know that was the entrance to this dungeon over there.
Because even the species of the sea know only some of the polar parts of the dungeons here. "
That only the long race is informed about the dungeon and inherited it.
Wouldn't it be weird if you didn't know?
But no one has challenged the dungeon for thousands of years, and only the last trial spills outside.
He said it was a way to solve the rubbing.
I see.
I mean, what is this dungeon?
"We don't know that either.
Because we just manage according to our word. "
That means...
"Anyone who has survived the" Last Trial ”can move on.
Over there. "
Where the old man mermaid pointed...... a door of light was appearing in the shallow water.
If you think it sounds like a metastasis gate, it was really a metastasis gate.
I don't know what lies ahead...
The Lous will try again, so can we wait here?
No, it's not like you can't rely on Leggin 'Rave and the original ancestors alone.
Because it's just more comforting to have more people.
By the way, the next thing I did was the Zabton kids who climbed the stairs first.
You guys are amazing.