Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Lananon Fire
Pond turtles were swimming in rows through the pond.
It changes beautifully from one, two, or three columns, so you don't get tired of looking at it.
And I think.
I wish I had more.
There are a hundred of them.
Well, that's fine.
If you feel a small pond, please tell me.
Spread it out or make a new one.
The pound turtle is too small to handle, so you can do this much.
It is acceptable for a young individual to fit in a thin waterway and be asked for help.
Pegasus flew in line against the Pond Turtle.
It's not a beautiful line, either.
Well, flying is difficult because it adds up and down to the front, back, left and right.
By the way, when did you get more?
Didn't you have six last year?
No, I know it will increase when I give birth.
Still, there's too many of you with 13 heads, right?
You gave birth to seven?
That's not true.
I gave birth to two.
They're too young to fly, and they're looking at you enviously next to me.
Yes, the new seven heads, gather over here.
When and where did they come from?
Did you arrive in the village yesterday?
Originally raised in a village near King's Landing, did you let go because monsters and beasts came and were in danger?
They let you go. Is that okay?
No, is it dangerous to leave Pegasus nearby to feed monsters and beasts in the village?
It would be safer to let Pegasus go than to be surrounded by a hut.
So you flew from there to here?
No? No.
Did the dragons teach you this place?
Where's the dragon?
Three of the Mixed Dragons of King's Landing?
His names were Augustus, Hi-Free Gouta, and Kikhatroy.
Did you encounter the three of them defeating monsters and beasts and tell them where the village is?
I see.
But you did fly a lot, didn't you?
The surrounding mountains are high and the forest is said to be dangerous.....
Huh? Huh?
Did you use the short-range transfer gate to travel to Gomura, from where you arrived at the transfer gate?
Did the three Mixed Dragons teach you that much?
No? No.
Three members of the Mixed Dragon clan introduced Tizer and arranged for him to move.
Then be convinced.
Return to the Mansion and you will receive a letter from Tizer with details of the area.
So, is it okay to keep it temporarily?
You want to go back to your village when it's safe?
You're going to settle here because Tizel bought it?
That's fine, but....
Don't argue with the first six.
And when you're used to living here, practice flying.
You were the cause of the disturbance in the line earlier.
Well, if you like to run rather than fly, I'll try my best there....
I look at horses and unicorns.
There are a lot of rivals in running.
The newly arrived Pegasus looked motivated, so they'll be fine.
But why didn't you report it yesterday when it arrived?
The children of Kuro and Zabton.....
When I wondered, one of Kuro's children reported it to me.
As soon as you arrived, did you fall?
Was there a drastic change in the environment?
When I woke up, I thought I'd report it, but now it's happening.
All right, all right.
I'm not angry.
Don't apologize.
Whatever happens, I'm in trouble.
In Tizel's letter, there is a simple report that I sent it to the village because I bought Pegasus.
Does it matter who bought it from or if it doesn't say anything like that?
Next up is Tizel's update, a list of new ingredients I want at Earth's shop, and....
Tizel seems interested in the special miso he gave Graz.
I will ask you in detail.
Did Graz brag about it?
I'll send it to Tizel and the others when I produce it.
You think the movie is going on with the demon king as the main character?
Are the toilets working hard?
He wants to shoot in the village because there is a reconciliation scene with Infernowwolf.
I'm sorry if you want to star, but I don't mind helping you with the shoot.
We wouldn't say anything rude.
Write me a reply saying don't be weird.
Dreim is back.
Is the hole in the boundary closed?
"First aid.
It seems to have been vacant for a long time and cannot be repaired.
If we're going to make it perfect, it's faster to reconnect. "
You want me to retighten it?
"Then I have to talk to my father....."
Dreim saw Dawes walking nearby.
Maybe it wasn't because of Rusty's son, Kukulkan, on Dawes's arm, but the trouble was that he backed up and shook his neck sideways.
"I want to leave the trouble behind."
Dreim said so and headed for Dawes.
They must have gone to take the Kukulkan.
If you fight with Kukulkan, you'll get angry.
Lananon was watching Dawes and Dream before I said that.
Yeah, Lananon's getting stronger.
Lananon still doesn't look like a dragon, but he doesn't seem to care.
Well, Rusty and Lyme Len also say that the individual difference in dragons is in ten years, so there is no need to scorch or rush them.
Take it easy, take it easy.
It was Dawes and Dream who got Lananon's attention, but they just turned their voices down.
Is that why you're here?
Lananon blew the fire.
Realistic, not metaphorical.
From the mouth.
Lananon apologized and then took Kukulkan from Dawes and walked away to greet Dawes and Dream.
My child is growing up fast.
I talked about raising a child while drinking tea with Dawes and Dreim.