Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
The third bowl of Tendon: Flora, Demon maid and beef
If the number of new inhabitants increased and we thought that it would be bustling and hard at the same time, we would have more.
The trigger came from a woman who came to me in late spring, when the stomachs of pregnant women and Kuros began to swell.
"Fufufu. It's a very interesting place."
At night, a woman follows a bat and floats about one meter in the air.
Feeling, late twenties?
It is a pretty beauty.
The dress is a type of dress that fits perfectly with the body, so you can clearly see the body line.
The chest and buttocks seem to be small.
The hair is silver and trimmed around the neck.
It seemed to me that he was Lou's official.
Lou's sister?
Or mom?
For the time being, I tried to call Lou to see him.
I remember when I first met Lou.
Is it aggressive because some people are pregnant?
A woman had been forced to be in her elementary school age since she was in her late twenties.
Naked whether it became difficult to maintain the clothes you were wearing with magic power.
And there is crying.
I remember when I met Tear.
Anyway, I enter between Kuro and her and keep the status quo until Lou comes.
I'm a little scared of her crying and keeping her eyes off my neck.
No, I want to recover, but ... don't give any blood.
If you were Lou's enemy, you would be in trouble.
Lou came and the story was quickly over.
She was Lou's sister.
Cousin: When you ask in detail, it seems.
The name is Flora-Sactu.
He came to look for Lou.
"I came back for recovery because I didn't come back and thought I was killed by that black angel.
By the way, when Lou introduced me.
"My husband"
"Is this person your sister? I'm not surprised."
"Because I'm the Lord of the Inferno Wolf and just the top here"
"I'm very rude. Forgive me."
I saw a sudden change of attitude.
However, I was more worried about it.
"What is Inferno Wolf ...?
"that's right, but"
Inferno Wolf.
It's a strict name ... Wolf than that.
Not a dog?
No, there was a corner ...
Well ...
Well, it doesn't matter if it's a wolf.
By the way, pure white fubuki seems to be a mutant varieties called cocute wolf.
Gives Flora blood because she is Lou's cousin.
No matter how many times you look at it, it's a mysterious sight that the girl gets bigger.
Lou blocked my eyes while watching.
Do you care that Tear and Leah don't care, but they're cousins?
So that's it.
When she takes Flora home, she encounters Tia and rushes in.
I faint at Zabton and her children like everyone else.
Seeing Lou harvesting the fields is a puzzle.
Impressed by eating crops and dishes using them.
It's lively.
After that, Flora stayed in a vacant room in my house for about ten days and returned.
She seems to live here in earnest instead of getting bored with this place.
However, he leaves various places in the place where he lived before, so he seems to return to sort them out.
I didn't seem to want to return so terribly, so if I thought I would come back soon, it was unexpectedly late, and I returned before winter.
I brought not a single person but a reasonable number.
The vampire, Flora-Sactu, brought 20 maids.
He seems to have worked in the former residence.
The race is a demon, and if you look closely you can see small horns on the heads of the maids.
Approximately forehead ... One or two hairline hairline.
It's about the size of a thumb.
Maid's name is Ann.
"Lord. Thank you for a long time."
He was the main certifier at the meeting.
Did Flora tell you that?
Flora and the maids seem to live in my house.
So it's probably the main.
The instruction system is complicated.
Lou, Flora, and Ann talked and got organized.
As a vampire family, there are only Lou and Flora, but Lou seems to be the representative of the vampire for the time being.
The representative of the demons is Ann.
The Anne and the Demon people seem to take care of my surroundings first as maids, and secondly take care of Lou and Flora.
I wondered if my care was first and foremost, but I was told that order was important.
Anne and the Maid's success was more important than that.
Ann and the others brought four cows.
You may have remembered Flora telling her that she was missing when she was here.
Three of the four are pregnant females.
He thinks about milk.
On the north side of the dog area and on the east side of the fruit area, a large cattle area with a size of eight fields and eight sides was created.
Plowed at once.
I worked hard to make the grass grow.
It was almost winter, but we asked the rears to build a barn.
Since there were not enough places for the Anne and the Demon maids to sleep, we had the warehouse and other temporary beds, and prioritized the barn.
They thought that cows would be weaker in winter than Ann and others.
He is reassured that Ann and others know about care for cattle.
It seems that Flora came back late to get the cows and learn how to care for them.
Thank you.
The most important thing was to tell Kuros and Zabtons that they would never touch the cows.
The cows were frightened by Kuros and Zabtons, but soon they didn't care.
Now you have enough milk.
I heard that it wasn't always milking, but only for a period of time after calving.
Well, is that so?
Cows are not the only reason we make milk for us to drink.
For the calf.
We just have it divided.
Be careful not to be arrogant.
Anyway, the number of residents increased at a stretch.