Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
The name of the dwarf who came to the village is Donovan.
It's not just a dwarf, it's an elder dwarf, but I can't tell the difference.
Thick limbs in the shape of a barrel I heard in the story.
He is about the same height as me, but looks small because his face is large.
Well this Donovan.
A man.
A man no matter who says.
And they are adults.
No matter who they are, they are adults.
In other words, this village (mainly me) is a long-awaited adult man!
"A woman with a mustache is a little ... eagle, not a lolicon."
The cultural barrier seems to be thick.
"I'm going to make sake from this barley and corn anyway. The crops here are good and you can expect it."
"I see. It would be better to increase production."
"Um. At least twice now ... no, I want double times."
"I agree"
Donovan and Leah are consulting while watching this.
No, it is good to expand the field.
I don't think it's just going to get drunk.
You told me to increase the vineyards for wine.
No, I increase it.
So don't pressure it.
"This is amazing"
"Yeah, delicious"
"It is good"
The research of culinary is mainly conducted by the An-Datoni people, but I do too.
Even so, it is a reproduction of the previous world.
I remembered the name of stewed wine.
Honestly, I don't know anything about cooking.
I tried and guessed that it would be boiled in wine from the name.
The meat was seasoned and simmered in wine with onions.
I think it's rough but not bad.
The reaction around is not bad either.
However, they were not worried about wine consumption or would like to eat again.
Kuh ...
I feel like my village is too attached to sake.
Since then, stewed wine has worked hard as a luxurious dish using precious wine made with customers.
Spring has come.
As usual, perform field work.
Barley and corn fields for sake are required, and vineyards are also required.
So double at a stretch.
I was able to plow faster than before, probably because I was used to it.
But it took about 20 days.
From the current 16 × 16, 256 sides to the 16 × 32, 512 sides.
It extended to the south side, but the movement to the end became difficult.
Just one thousand and six hundred meters.
I think it will be a good exercise.
The vineyard is 64 to 120 times more than double.
Barley for sake, 32 cornfields each.
The rest was a field of various crops.
It is worth noting that the sesame field has been greatly increased.
Because I remembered that oil could be obtained from sesame.
At present, oil is extracted from oilseed rape and olives, so it is unnecessary if it is unnecessary, but I tried doing various oils.
The work of cultivating the field is basically only my work with [universal farming tools].
Others do other work.
The blacks hunt in the forest.
I am worried that the forest rabbits will not be destroyed.
Zabutons make clothing.
A new design has come out.
The high elves repaired and rebuilt buildings damaged during the winter.
Dwarven's Donovan house and playground are under construction.
Also, she seems to be building a villa for dry time.
The timber for construction was cut and cut at the same time as the forest was opened by expanding the fields.
This is because trees around here are difficult to cut unless they are all-purpose agricultural tools.
The demons cook and cook their rooms as usual.
The dirt collected during winter seems to be terrible.
Daga and Lizardman take care of cattle and chickens to maintain the waterways.
Beast races process crops.
He works hard on threshing, milling, oiling, making sugar and salt.
Dwarves make sake ... that?
Do you have more dwarves?
"Cross. Regards."
Um ...
When asked, he seemed to be following Donovan.
He says he will settle here as well.
I was deciding sometime.
"The crop here is good. I was surprised."
"Oh, it was delicious to eat raw"
There are no bad guys who praise our crops.
Welcome to Taiki's village.
Lou takes care of her stomach.
Tia and Flora are doing different things individually, helping Lou's life.
Gran Maria and others are vigilant as usual.
Concerns about future work in the field.
It is all thanks to [universal farming tools] that harvesting several times a year and seeding are unnecessary.
I thank God for giving me.
So far, the village has not struggled with what to eat.
That's why I think.
What happened if there was no universal farming tool?
And what happens to the village when something happens to me or when [Universal Farming Tools] can't be used for some reason?
Based on this sense of crisis, I think we must farm using ordinary tools.
Field crops made with Universal Farming Tools grow about four times faster if the environment is right.
When crops from a field made with [universal farming tools] are planted in another field, the growth rate is equivalent to that of a normal crop.
In other words, it is the same as a normal crop.
Therefore, if you do not pay attention to the season of raising, you will not grow well.
Also, they do not grow in places that have never been plowed with [Universal Farming Tools].
I think this is because the forest soil is not suitable for growing crops.
So if you're growing wheat normally, you'll think that the wheat in your field grows too.
That's something I've experimented with.
It will take time and yield will be reduced, but it can be managed without [universal farming tools].
I want to do something.
At present, he prepares a small field, where he also works to practice and plow the field.
The main participants are high elves, lizardmen, and beast races.
It seems that it was effective to say that the harvest of the fields grown by yourself can be set free.
Crops, which are mainly used for sake, are grown.