Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Dragon Thanks and Hakuren
When I sent the playground equipment that was requested by the relatives of Draim, I was sent various thanks for it.
I'd like to find my taste while I'm here, mostly with rare trees, plants and crops.
In addition, there are many precious metals and decorations.
This is the price of the previous banquet.
I feel like I'm getting too much, but I'm grateful to be withholding anything.
Perhaps a reward for pressing Hakuren is also included?
There was paper in the thing that was sent and it was hard, so I tried to make playing cards.
It's pretty good.
By the way, Hyakunin Isshu …… I only give up because I remember only a few.
Making carta obediently.
I noticed after making it.
Carta was good with wooden tags.
When playing with paper carta, the damage was severe.
Make a card with wooden tags.
Playing cards are also made of wooden tags for games that do not care about damage.
The weak point of the wooden card playing cards is shuffle, and I gave up before, but I managed to put it in a box and mix it.
Carta was a reputation for beasts, and Trump was a reputation for high elves, demons, and dwarves.
By the way, I try to make a picture-story show for beast-kind boys.
To be honest, it's a practice to read to Alfred.
The story is ... Momotaro, Urashima Taro, Kintaro, Hanasaki Kaji, Koburi Takeshi, Chief of a stamen, Princess Kaguya ...
Is it okay as it is?
Is it better to arrange for this world?
For the time being, I picked up various candidates and selected them by lottery.
The first work of glory is Mt.
Of course, the grandmother is killed and the raccoon dies at the end.
Null ticks will not only weaken the revenge of the rabbit, but it will be just a bad guy.
Practice against Lou, Tear and High Elves before release.
There was heavy comment that the problem was that rabbits were more human than raccoon dogs.
"Raccoons believe in rabbits, but betray them."
"How did humans pull rabbits into their peers?"
Ticking mountains are sealed.
Second work.
Monkey crab battle.
I feel malice on the lottery.
And the question I was expecting returned.
"Why is there no personality in the persimmon tree or fruit, even though the chestnuts, dung and mortar have personality?"
"The monkey gained onigiri and persimmon fruit with his own wisdom, and wouldn't it be better to be deceived? Generally, he threw the persimmon as requested, and the crab side did not receive it. Is it a fault? "
"It's better not to ask for exactly the persimmon you want"
"Let's just listen to one side and cooperate with revenge. Bees and chestnuts had long planned to make monkeys dead?"
"The crab's parents are threatening the persimmon tree in the first place, but do you ignore it?"
I wonder what.
I felt like taking a fairy tale seriously at a university and discussing it.
For Momotaro, it is obviously unfair labor to go to a life-saving battle with millet dango alone ...
The monkey crab battle is also sealed.
I decided to make this story of the world honestly a picture-story show.
"I like the story of the village chief."
Someone seems to have a fan, but I'm in trouble because it's not what I thought.
For the time being, I decided to just write the fairy tales I knew and use them as drafts.
When I got on the track and let the story of a famous manga slip into it, I was found firmly and asked for the continuation of the story.
Even though it is a famous manga, I did not remember it perfectly, so I supplemented the ambiguous places by myself.
XX teacher, sorry.
Hakren did a lot of work in the village.
He is older than Rusty, so his ability is good and he can do anything.
He is not bad and he is courteous. He is not familiar with common sense, but he is not a weak point because he is an aristocrat who is strong in common sense in the village.
The problem is that it doesn't work on its own, and that it will do whatever you want.
After complaining, she will do it seriously without skipping, so I know that it is a complete pose, but I want you to do something.
Lack of independence ... Well, you can judge it as a dragon.
In fact, Rusty feels similar.
Possibly because they are strong.
An aggressive dragon would be annoying, and that might be fine ...
If you don't give instructions, how about a job change to a neat situation where you just go to bed and eat and sleep?
Every time I give a command, I get a complaint, so I don't ask for anything less important, and if I keep it ...
Is this Hakuren's strategy?
It is more troublesome to give instructions ...
I asked.
"It hurts sore, suddenly entering the room and grabbing his face is painful."
I confessed.
As you guessed, it was a tricky task to give instructions.
Do the willingness.
I felt like I was longing, so I dug a hole and filled it.
"I reflect on you."
Give up in one day.
Are you long-term but not gutsy?
"It's not guts. Stop doing meaningless things. I'm going crazy."
"Isn't it better than sleeping in a room?"
"It's a million times better to sleep in the room"
"Ok, okay. I won't complain in the future."
"Don't say that?"
"Somewhat accepted"
"... hehe"
"what is it"
By the way, Hakuren first lived in Rusty's house, but now lives in a vacant room in my house.
Well, that's it.
After letting Hakuren try it out, he settled in as a teacher of a village resident.
So far, the students are men and women of the beast race, children of the lizardman, children of Kuro, and children of Zabton.
I am working hard to do calculations for basic reading and writing.
"If the villagers become smarter, I will be able to enjoy it."
Aside from speculation, it's not bad.