Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Gran Maria
My name is Gran Maria.
Some are famous angelic warriors.
Under the direction of Tear-sama, I came in various ways.
If you notice it, you are called "the killer angel" along with your colleagues Kudel and Korone.
“A killer angel”
I don't mean to kill everyone that much, but it's strange why it was named.
Perhaps the cause was fighting a swarm of ogres about a hundred years ago?
At that time, I killed about a hundred ogres somehow, but I missed some of them, so they should not be killed.
Is it one of the dead kingdoms now?
That was an unfortunate accident.
If you attack the enemy army with all your power, you can pierce it and go to your ally ...
Yes, it was a really unfortunate accident.
However, that ... I feel that there is not enough to kill everyone.
It was an enemy ally, a half-broken level.
First, at that time, only Tear and I acted differently from Kudel and Korone.
It's weird that all three people get the name "Angel Killer".
Well, let's set this aside.
The important thing is that I am Tia's faithful subordinate.
Whatever it is called around, it is only necessary to make the right part.
By the way, Tear is chasing her enemy, Ruley, and is acting alone.
I don't know what it's about to start, but Tear is fighting Lulucy every time he meets.
We are fighting, but we are not settled.
This is because they make each other good feelings.
Maybe they are close friends.
I was angry when I asked Tia if that was the case.
After all, there's a mighty vampire clan behind Lulucy, so killing it would be troublesome.
Conversely, we, the angels, do not seem to be killed if anyone is killed because the clan revenges with all their strength.
So that's it.
I have never thought about that before.
Gran Maria, one smarter.
That guy.
I'm wiser, and I don't want to fight if I can't kill it.
Please do your best.
Just say that and smile.
Anyway, this time I think we've made fun of what Rule Rouxie has won.
Meanwhile, with Kudel and Korone, I exterminate bandits living in a certain mountain.
I would normally ignore it, but I received it as a request and there is no help for it.
Without money, even angels cannot live.
The bandits seem to be former mercenaries, but it takes only a few minutes if three of us set them up.
This will give you a good amount of money, so you can't stop laughing.
It would be nice if the bandits would increase a little more, but once I crushed it would not come out for several years, so I was troubled.
Well, Kudel and Korone seem to have no problem, so get a reward and relax on the bed.
Ah, even if I say relaxedly, I do training.
Don't forget the battle at any time.
Otherwise, you will suddenly die when a strong enemy appears in front of you.
We strive to not die, survive, and win.
After a few years, Tia returned after several years.
Did Lulusee teasing?
……e?準備 Ready for a trip?
hurry up?
Oh, yes.
Well ... where, where?
Forest of death?
You go to a dangerous place.
Put out the best equipment.
Do you take lizardmen?
It doesn't matter ... but do you buy chickens on the way?
That meaning ...
No, there is no complaint.
I will do my best.
Death Forest is a tough place.
It is not a place to enter, and if you do, you go alone.
That's because it's easier to escape.
Watchmen when you sleep?
Camping or death in the forest of death.
Well, strange elves living in this forest and the beasts living nearby seem to know the safety zone, but we don't.
So, when you enter the forest of death, you fly and move at high altitude without sleeping.
This is the best.
Flying at half-height will be entangled with the thread of a Demon Spider living in the Forest of Death.
Demon spider.
It is a really troublesome partner.
When you see them, they are so feared that they are dead.
For us as angels, you may be a natural enemy.
There are other troublesome monsters and beasts in the forest.
Inferno Wolf, a monster who uses magic quickly.
Even if one can manage it, if there is more than one, it is ready for death.
Well, there is rarely more than one.
Giant snake, bloody viper.
A monster that nullifies most magic and ramps up its huge body as a weapon.
Especially troublesome is its regenerative power and vitality.
The vitality that recovers even if you hurt or hurt, and regenerates even if you shred your body in half, will break your opponent's mind.
Well, there is a fierce monster that feeds using its regenerative power ...
Ah, the more terrifying the forest you think.
Therefore, it is quite risky to move as a group in the forest where such a thing is.
Tear, me, Kudel, Corone, and fifteen lizardmen.
The lizardmen can fight decently, but now they have a lot of luggage and cannot be overpowered.
We have to do our best.
He was thinking of a sleepless march, but Tear-sama was told to take turns taking turns.
I don't know where the destination is, but probably because it's long.
For the time being, I'd like to sleep first.
In fact, I'm quite tired of staying nervous after entering the forest.
Kudel, Korone, you too?
In fair order of age ... we decided the order by lottery.
it can not be helped.
Given the current state, I think it is essential to take turns sleeping.
It will slow you down, but stay alert.
On the way, I saw the Grappler Bear in the distance and made a detour to avoid it, so it was considerably delayed to reach Tier's destination.
Grappler bears are giant bears that can kill bloody vipers.
It is very difficult to kill Bloody Viper, so you can see its attack power.
It might be manageable if four people hang, but in the meantime I did not know what the lizardmen would do, so I decided to make a detour.
The place where Tear is aiming is a house in the center of the forest of death.
I was skeptical that there was a house in such a place, but when I arrived I was surprised.
There is a field in the middle of the forest of death.
I'm surprised.
And that's not the only surprise.
That Lulucy was there.
When I thought about hitting Tear-sama, I was delighted to meet again for some reason.
What is it?
After that, there were various things.
It is a series of surprises.
The most surprising thing is that Inferno Wolf and Demon Spider are not settled in the village, but that Tear has a husband.
The opponent is the head of this house.
It may be rude to be surprised.
No, but ...
Congratulations on leaving everything aside.
You know, Kudell, Korone, you're better off celebrating without being frozen.
When I listened to the story in detail, she said that her husband was also graduating Lulucy.
It is a fierce person.
Yes, he ’s a fierce man.
Let's not go against it.
Although it is small to be called a village, it is like a mayor, so I decided to call it a mayor.
Others seem to be calling that, and it doesn't matter.
At Tear's order, we will also live here.
Lizardmen who came with me.
My role, together with Kudel and Korone, is this house and field ... no, it's a village.
Protect the village.
The mission is to fight off if you can, or call for support if you can't.
The pride was stimulated in the area where it was impossible, but there is no way to take into account the danger of the forest of death and the strength of the village.
I do not want to die, so do it.
I looked sweet.
The village defense is mainly carried out by Inferno Wolf Cros and Demon Spiders Zabton.
So we have a lookout outside the village.
It is okay to fly, but if you fly too high, you will not be on guard.
So I watch over the forest while flying at a moderate height ...
We are attacked more than expected.
Especially Death Later is annoying.
The guys are not very strong, but they jump in at me and try to drag them down to the ground.
There were several dangers.
As we saw our struggle, the Inferno Wolf came to protect some of me.
I feel sorry, but I am grateful that Deathlater is no longer attacking me.
Next time, let's play with the flying disc during the break.
I didn't expect to be able to play with the scared Inferno Wolf.
The day progressed somewhat, and the only thing that changed was that it was a peaceful time as I was guiding the visitors several times.
Peaceful but not boring.
The lookout is deadly, and several times we have worked with the Inferno Wolfs to get rid of the monsters going to the village.
I feel much stronger than before coming here.
However, such feelings are fragile and crumble.
The grappler bear and the bloody viper fought, and the quake spread to the village.
From a distance, I feel the intensity of the battle at the height of the earth smoke.
And I feel like I'm approaching the village while fighting.
This is bad.
This is a disaster of a level that considers relocation of the village.
When I tried to tell the mayor, I was told something strange.
"Is the Grappler Bear and Bloody Viper delicious?"
Mayor, panic for too much?
No, I don't know the taste because I have never eaten it.
When he looked around, he said he could eat the high elf rear.
"I see. You can eat it. If you can, hunt it.
Um ... let's hunt?
Oh, you're going to do it in the village.
So that's it.
Inferno Wolf, Demon Spider, Tear, we, the High Elves, can cooperate with the Lizardman.
I'll do my best.
"Grand Maria. Can you take me to where they are?"
"It's possible, but ..."
Something is wrong.
Let's answer the question.
"... Do you go with me?"
"Yes, but ... is there something wrong?"
"No, no. I understand. I'll do my best."
I didn't seem to be ready.
That's right.
It is your duty to give up your life at such times.
I forgot.
The village mayor is telling me something, but I can't hear it.
Grappler Bear and Bloody Viper were instantly killed by the village chief.
Do you dream?
No, not really.
The village head is amazing.
As expected, Tear and Lulucy's husband.
If possible, I would like to be connected with such a person.
Oh, dont, escaped reality.
Keep an eye on your prey.
Trouble continues.
This is a dragon.
It is a dragon attack.
The whole body becomes rigid and trembles with fear.
I'm not as proud as I can really beat the dragon opponent.
However, I have not forgotten the role.
I have to do something.
If you don't mind me in a hurry and think that the invading dragon has started fighting with another dragon, another dragon will head to the village from a different direction.
I couldn't do anything and converged while I was crazy.
Lastis moon.
A ferocious dragon known to the angels.
No way, I didn't think she was the gentle daughter of Draim who came to the village.
No, when you listen to the story in detail, is Dryme that gatekeeper dragon?
I did not know.
Isn't it a super famous dragon?
I knew that I could get back.
I'm sorry, thinking of a third-class dragon.
But Drumme only drank and ate food ... I'm sorry.
I thought I was bad.
Somehow, Lustis Moon lived in the village, and the village's defense ability was increased instead of the village's ferocity.
I want to do my best to play a part in that corner.
Mr. Lou (now called) gave birth, and Tear became pregnant.
It is a great thing.
Well, we do what we do, so it's natural.
As a matter of fact, I also have the grace of the mayor, so it may happen someday.
Dreams spread.
If you think, it is a dragon again.
A bigger dragon than Rusty came.
At this time, Rusty is returning home.
The dragon circled over the village and burned a nearby forest.
The enemy is confirmed.
With Coudell and Korone, he rushed into the dragon.
At this time, I was not calm.
If you calm down, you'll also notice that the hostility of the dragon is strange.
Why not fire the village, but fire it into the nearby forest?
The village chief also noticed and stopped, but we did not stop.
At Rusty's time, he assumed that there was only an attack in order to forgive himself who just panicked.
Trinity attack.
If determined well, it is an attack that even Tier can defeat.
I did my best.
It was dropped.
It is Pessim.
The tail was lightly kicked off.
That there is a difference in power so far.
And there is so much regret that you can't protect the village.
I was thinking of a miserable future while crashing.
However, the crash ended halfway.
It's Rusty.
The human form of Rusty took me shortly before hitting the ground.
Kudel and Korone are also accepted by someone.
Who is it?
Do you know Drumme?
Over my wondering sky, the battle between the dragon and the mayor has begun.
If you are not dangerous here, I will move quickly.
The battle between the dragon and the mayor who shot me down ended with the mayor's victory.
As expected, it is the village chief.
However, it seems that the dragon was not really serious.
If he became serious, he might have been able to win by killing the village chief, but the dragon did not.
From the story, it seems that the skill of the village mayor is strong.
Is that why they set fire in the forest but did not set fire in the village?
Anyway, the village head seems to have been recognized by the dragon.
The dragon has a little muffled look from above.
However, showing hostility from here is probably not a good idea.
There are also dragons who came with Drumme and Rusty.
The correct answer would be without hostility.
The village chief seems to be judging like that and welcome.
I was asked to retaliate by the injured once, but I don't feel like that.
Except for the suspicious behavior, the problem is our lack of power.
The injuries are magically healed, and requesting something is a shame.
It ’s a shame ...
If possible, if you can get a piece of scale, new equipment will be available ...
No, I don't.
It would be enough if you could show one of the tricks at the feast.
One shot of the dragon (which seems to be Hakuren) that shot me down was a hunger collapse.
I'll laugh just because I remember, so I won't go into detail.
After the dragon returned, everyday came back.
What is different is that the amount of training that I have in my life has increased slightly.
I am still weak.
I want to do my best in the future.
I pray that no more strong characters threatening our purpose will settle in the village.