Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
A Day of a Demon Person: Morning to Day to Night
The village mayor looks around the house, and a person in a designated place greets and reports.
I don't care, but I have no job until breakfast.
There is not, but cannot be careless.
The mayor looks around the house and remembers what he cares about.
To report to Ann later.
Even if I don't know why I'm worried, Ann may know.
It's hard for me who doesn't remember, but I have to do my best here.
When the mayor heads to the canteen, breakfast is immediately arranged.
This is the result of telling the location of the village chief to others at key points.
Satisfied with that, I entered the kitchen next to the dining room and started eating fast at a small table in the kitchen.
I will have to finish my meal while the village chief is taking care of the meal during the meal.
I was a bit disappointed that I could take care of the meals during the meal because I could take turns when the two village chiefs were on duty.
I'm sorry, but if I don't eat it I will fall down so I eat well.
Yeah, today's breakfast is also delicious.
When the mayor finishes breakfast, he goes around the fields.
I hunt down the mayor after hurrying away at home.
In the past, he was accompanied with dignity, but he began to hide and follow him because he was told to take care.
Kuro-san and Yuki-san are at the closest location, so it may be safe, but I want them to be near you.
Hiding behind the village chief, but at this time it is difficult to sense the distance.
It is because the mayor notices, not notices, but there is a customer.
Kuro's children are two to three.
Mr. Zabton's children ... quite a few.
And one high elf.
Hiding around the village mayor.
The purpose is the same.
Village escort.
Now it is this number, but before it was much more.
It seems that the number was limited by discussions with the village chief in a secret preliminary meeting.
It was good that both Kuro and Zabton cooperated.
In any case, the feelings that care about the village mayor are the same.
Watch carefully the mayor so that you do not suffer from others.
One of Kuro's children sent a signal to us.
Looking at Zabton's child, one of his feet points in one direction of the village.
A large monster or beast seems to be approaching from that direction.
I move to the mayor for precaution.
"Mayor, what about the field?"
In order to protect yourself in case of emergency.
Well, before the village chief's eyes, Kuro and the high elves will probably defeat them.
Don't be careless.
"Some bugs are starting to stick. Bad, can you help me?"
"Yes. Please leave it."
I worked in the field with the village chief until lunch.
The big monster or beast approaching the village was a big boar called Gateboa.
It is said that Kuro's son-in-law Uno defeated him.
Lunch is eaten with the mayor.
The maid should not eat with the Lord, but should not refuse to be invited by the mayor.
There is no help for being invited.
No, I don't think it's the privilege of the village chief.
It plays a role in the evidence.
"Southwest of the village, but I'm hearing that the space between the house and the forest is so close that we need a little more space."
Even for me who is not good at learning, I can't make a mistake just because the content is content.
I heard from a village duty person that there are many insects coming in due to the proximity of the forest.
There was no damage because the insects that came were caught by Mr. Zabton's children, but the number of insects caught in the nest caused the beast-man's children to cry.
I've seen it once, but it's a trauma.
I want you to do something as soon as possible.
It's strange that Zabtons are fine, and other insects are useless ...
Lunch was also delicious.
After lunch, today's mayor is training in combat.
When it comes to making things, there are times when I can help and sometimes I can't.
I can fight as a demons.
The weapon is a sword.
Armor is a shield.
General swordsman style.
Come on, village chief.
Train with me!
Many people are in the way,
Combat training is an opportunity to meet the few village mayors.
In such a case, the demons who are easy to stay near the village chief as maids have been ordered by Anne to take a step back.
It is a technique for living in a village society.
I know how to do it, but it's frustrating.
Ugh, I also wanted to simulate the village mayor.
There is no way.
I'll have one of my civilian daughters.
I feel like I hate something over there, but it's because of my care.
Come on, fight.
"Thank you"
"I can't beat the demon opponents! No!
Let's say she worked hard.
I return home as the sun begins to set.
It was a long, short day.
No, no, it's production.
Eat at a small table in the kitchen, just like breakfast.
The bitter taste hit the mouth.
I praise you for not spouting.
"what's this?"
"It's a new work ... but it didn't work out."
"Don't you say you made a mistake?"
"If you don't admit, it's not a failure."
"Hoho. Then, isn't this my own meal without any complaints?"
"I am full of tasting"
Got it.
Today's cooking duty was careless because I didn't say I was a poor cook.
Is it okay in the morning and afternoon?
Maybe Anne was watching in the morning and afternoon.
"Besides the dish, as usual, please rest assured."
"If possible, I wanted everything to be as usual."
Is the canteen of the cafeteria okay?
It's the village chief, so I'll force him to eat.
I can't.
We had delicious food other than failed dishes.
After dinner, relax.
The village chief enjoys a meeting with Alfred and Tizzel.
Good sight.
Even if my child is there ...
Delusion swells, but shakes off.
Still working.
Don't be distracted.
I leave the head of the house to the head of the house and prepare the bath tools for the head of the house.
At the same time my share.
I feel like I'm going to overflow, but keep it down.
The village mayor finishes the harmony with his family and goes to the bath, so he immediately gives his bath utensils.
Originally, the maid should have it, but the village chief does not give it away by saying that he has it.
Well, this is acceptable.
I walk to the bath while walking behind the village chief.
A bath dedicated to the village chief, not a female bath that you always use.
To shed the back of the village chief.
This is one of the privileges of the village chief.
There are many rivals in the bathroom, but everyone gives it away.
Thank you for receiving it, wash the back of the village chief and flush with hot water.
As expected, it does not wash me.
The back did not wash in the old days, but it may be the result of a petition by all the demon maids.
I'm glad that I worked hard every day, and I won't waste it.
The back of the village chief.
Ordinary male body.
It can be said that it is poor compared to men of demons.
However, heavy responsibility is being put on this back.
I hope I can help.
When you get out of the bath, your tension rises at once.
The information that the mayor got out of the bath was spread quickly.
Although the order is decided in a secret meeting for the village chief, there are naturally runaways.
These days, the daughters of the beast races are also unaware.
With the guard of the iron wall, the village mayor is safely taken to the room.
That is my mission.
That is the purpose of the village chief on duty.
And that's my job today.
You are free after bringing the mayor to your room.
From the bathroom to the village mayor's house feels very long.
next morning.
Wake up before sunrise as usual.
Hurry, cleanse your body and get ready.
Prepare warm water and towels, lightly greet the mayor and move to the place with the contact board.
You don't need to look at today's turntables.
After the village chief duty, it is a holiday duty.
But check it.
Make sure there is nothing on the contact board and wait for the morning meeting.
Closed today.
Conversely, it's a good day to do anything.
In other words, it is possible to work.
I haven't decided what to do, but I'd like to help with cleaning the village mayor's room.
I'm ashamed if I forget something.
Let's do our best today as well.