Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Treatment of Nimura and Mimura
The harvest in Nimura and Mimura was over, and a new field was created.
This year will end with the harvest of this field.
Well, here is one problem.
I thought that the harvest of each village was in each village, but the surrounding people did not.
"Eh? All?"
The harvest of Nimura and Mimura was all mine.
What explained was Lasschasie, the caretaker for the Centaurs in Mimura.
Nurse, the caretaker of the Minotaurs in the two villages, has gone a step further.
"The village chief expects two and three villages to work independently."
"But Nimura and Mimura do not want independence."
"It's safer to be completely under asylum than to be given independence."
"Um ..."
Don't want independence?
Is there such a thing?
"Consider their situation"
"First of all, the village's defense. This is mostly done by Kuro and Zabton's children."
"Well, well, that's right."
"Productivity. I don't know in the future ... It's the village mayor who opened up the field. They just took care of it."
"In addition, when you want something other than crops, you have to rely on the village of Taiki, right?"
"Is that so ...?"
"No one wants village independence in such a situation."
"There are many things, but it is a new born village so I have to take care for a while."
"That's right."
"The ownership of the crops is with the mayor ... the mayor of the Taiki Village.
"So, in terms of the future system, basically I would like Nimura and Mimura to be positioned as field management groups for distant village chiefs."
"……Is that ok?"
"The consensus of Nimura and Mimura."
"You can bring the crops to the village of Taiki, but it is time-consuming to hand them over as food, so they will be kept in each village. Each village's request will be communicated to the mayor by the expatriate or facilitator.
"Approval is already working like that."
"When I created the field, I didn't feel that way ..."
Nimura and Mimura had various opinions regarding the size and cropping of the fields.
Did you say that it was our village?
"Does anyone have the wisdom to change the policy? Did someone give you extra pressure?"
"No way. Nimura and Mimura originally thought that was the case. It was not a policy change."
Russell hastily denies my thoughts.
"The head of the village tried to hand over all of the harvests from the two villages and three villages, so he rushed and asked me and Nerf for consultation."
"So with this story"
"Yes. It's a reconfirmation of the relationship, I'll try to make sure there's no misunderstanding."
"... I understand. Let's approve."
"Thank you"
Russell and Nurph bow down.
I felt relieved but more worried than I thought.
"I am sorry that I did not decide firmly and made me anxious"
"I thought I was independent and free."
"Independence and freedom are a set of responsibilities. That's the only thing you can stand on your own and look for."
"Yes, this is an aside. Is there a willingness for Nimura and Mimura to become independent in the future?"
"Since Mimura's children have grown up, we can talk about it ten or twenty years ahead."
"The two villages are similar. However, from the nature of the minotaurs, why not consider independent independence?"
"... I see. I mean, you have to take care for the time being."
"Thank you"
Was my idea sweet?
Once I had the buildings and fields, I thought I would do it on my own ...
Isn't that so good?
Even if this is considered in various ways, the idea is that it is better to follow Taiki's village than independence that relies on that word.
Certainly, that can be demanding.
There are many children, and I suppose they can feel safe.
I feel the importance of my responsibility.
This is that.
It is the weight of responsibility for keeping life.
I didn't feel so much because I was in my sight?
There are those who live on my own in places that are hard to see.
The king is amazing.
Not very, but it seems impossible for me.
But after they got involved, they were firmly independent.
Russell also said, but only after standing by himself.
In other words, they must stand in their village alone.
It's not a year or two, but let's do our best.
Check the Kuros's system.
Basically, many live in Taiki's village.
About a hundred headed out, but there are still many.
In addition, thirty heads are resident in one, two and three villages, respectively.
Thirty animals patrol each village as a shortstop.
They do it voluntarily, even though no one has directed it.
Thank you.
Played with Frisbee and the ball.
"... I don't think you're too well."
After all, there are many numbers.
The exact numbers of Zabton's children cannot be ascertained, but there are about fifty in each village.
Mainly repel foreign enemies and exterminate pests in the fields.
He seems to be making friends with the residents of each village.
We played a fashion show with Zabton and others.
Some of my clothes have increased.
"Isn't this aristocratic like this guy?"
I can't wear it during farm work, but I'm satisfied because Zabton is satisfied.
After that, we enjoyed the potato party.
"I don't really eat it raw."
Tell the children of Zabton who bring raw potatoes to me.
In Nynu Daphne, several people live in each village as liaison staff ...
"Do you have a weak presence?"
"Even if you say that ... because it is a tree in the village."
"A tree or a stump?"
"That's a mobile style, it can be an ordinary tree."
"So it's going to blend into the scenery. It's usually absent. By the way, we're getting closer to the house every day and the game is popular to see when residents feel uncomfortable."
"Don't overdo it."
I'm entrusted with the manager of Ichimura, but it's really easy because I don't have to do anything.
"Do you want to do something?"
"Eh, if you can get pruned,"
"To trim the trees"
"I know that, uh ... are you okay?"
"It's okay when you look like a tree or a stump."
"Yes, then ... well, I don't know if I can do it well ..."
We went around each village and pruned the Nynu Daphne.
"Oh, great technology"
"Have you had pruning experience?"
"It's God"
"I have God"
Probably, thanks to the use of [universal agricultural tools] for pruning.
"Once every six months ... No, it doesn't matter if it's once a year, so please keep coming."
"I wish I had free hands."
"Why don't you play with us?"
The people of Taiki's village told me.
No, I didn't play separately.
A small recreation was made.
"The 1st Taiki Village Hide-and-Seek Event!"
"Then, the Reaper is the village mayor.
Because of the demons, the chase was to be called the Reaper instead of the Oni.
"If you hide for a certain amount of time, you will get something reward."
Shout out without touch.
It was a child-friendly event, but it was exciting.
"I can't find it at all!"
The villagers were very good at hiding.