Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Earth rat
It seems that the founder's transfer magic is not suitable for carrying large numbers, so I will send you with ordinary transfer magic.
If you pass your body through the darkness, you are in another place.
It's a strange feeling.
I moved to a place where the forest was slightly open, and rocks were piled up in the center, and one of the gaps in the rock may be the entrance to the northern dungeon.
If you think there is a dungeon, a pile of rocks will look like an archeological site.
Next to the rock is the big mountain.
There will be a little distance to get there, but it's quite impressive.
Like a wall.
I don't see that mountain from Taiki's village, so I realized that it had moved considerably.
The magic is amazing.
While thinking so, I feel strange strangeness at my feet.
Is it earth?
The ground around here is soft.
No, it's hard but it's not as hard as around Taiki Village.
If it is about this, it seems to be able to plow without [universal farming tools].
The problem is whether the soil is nutritious ...
There is no need for nutrients because forests are formed.
Anyway, plow ... oh, is it a little bad seasonally?
It's winter soon.
If you think that, the movement of everyone is completed.
I want to postpone the trouble, but not so.
"First, let's say hello"
I'm not good at meeting new people, but I'm nervous.
I have to be rude.
When I asked Hakren and Rusty, who had been there before, for guidance, I felt a loud noise and trembling from the gap between the rocks.
And giants coming out of the gap of the rock.
Looks like ... a piece of hair?
I know I have hands and feet, but my whole body is full of hair.
The comical feeling that seems to appear in a program for children.
But the size is large.
A size far beyond my head.
About 3 meters ... No, there is also a 5 meter class.
Such giants are coming out of the rocks one after another and running here.
I wonder what?
I feel like I'm impressive ...
Apparently their goal is us.
For the time being, they greeted them, split into two to avoid us, and turned around behind us.
When I looked around, Anne pointed at the rock.
A snake large enough to swallow humans after the giants emerge.
Bloody viper.
Did you run away and run away?
It seems that Hakuren and Rusty have been exterminated a lot before, but are they surviving?
I hold the [universal farming tool] mulberry in my hand and hold it.
The bloody viper looks strange.
Bloody vipers rampage instead of chasing giants.
If you look closely, the bloody viper's tail is shredded and sheds blood.
And a huge mouth that would have bitten its tail.
"Earth rat!"
Rear shouts.
"A monster that excels at digging holes, and attacks from below!"
Earth rat.
They are called rats, but are they good at digging holes?
Anyway, it seems to be a dangerous creature.
In front of me, a bloody viper was eaten.
"It's gone. If you beat it first, you've robbed that meat ..."
Rusty mutters.
I don't think that's the case ...
Earthrat is looking at you.
The giant behind us was scared.
That's why Earthrat came here.
On the ground.
So, before I wield the [universal farming tool] mulberry, another attacked.
Hakuren, Rusty's blow, Daga, Rear sword, Lou, Tia, Flora magic attacks.
Yeah, too much.
I think it's over when the rear swordshooting is decided?
Anyway, the crisis is gone ... is it okay?
Blacks scatter around and be alert.
Zabton's children surround the rock and are threaded.
It's like a sensor that senses coming out, rather than closing with a thread.
In any case, this is a relief.
Then, the children of Zabton began to make noise.
When they watched each other, a part of the ground suddenly rose, and one of the black children threw up and was thrown out into the air.
He spread his large mouth out of the raised ground and swallowed a black kid thrown out into the air.
... Earth rat?
Was there another one?
No, than that ...
"Wow wow!"
I have to help!
The opponent is a [universal farming tool] mulberry.
Even if you swallow a black child, you can't regret even if you regret it.
axe? Nata?
No, Earthrats are trying to dive to the ground.
Aiming at the buttocks, smash with a [universal agricultural tool] scythe and pull it out to the ground.
It is impossible with my power, but with the help of [Universal Farming Tools] I can do it.
Earthrat seemed to be surprised.
I'm sorry for the world of under-meal and gluttony, but I'm going to return a black child.
I beheaded Earthrat with a scythe of [Universal Farming Tools].
And we tear the body.
Find a black child.
It does not move because it is covered with gastric juice.
Was it too late?
I woke up as I was anxious, moving my body around.
Was good.
Seems in time.
One relief.
And notice.
To your own bloody appearance.
Oh, I know the black kid who helped is thanking me, but it's just getting worse.
"That might be still! Don't let your guard down!"
I say so, but I wasn't careless.
"... I looked it up with detection magic, but it looks like it's gone."
"I have the same result."
It seems that Lou and Tear can be detected by magic, so I asked them to search.
As a result, there were a total of seven earth rats.
Hakren, Rusty, Bulgaria, and Stefano rushed out and processed them.
And I got rid of everything.
"Earthrats live more eastward ... but it's rare to be around here."
Leah will tell you so.
What happened to the east?
In any case, I returned to the village to ask the founder to wash my dirty body.
It was a short trip.
I'll be back soon.
"Thank you for the relief"
At the entrance of the dungeon, a giant bowed with a total expedition.
There are lots of hair clumps.
Is it about fifty people in all?
Quite a few people.
About half of them are human-sized ... maybe children.
About five people have been rescued from the body of exterminated earth rats.
He was injured but did not die.
Was good.
"So there seems to be no earth rat here, but do you know why?"
"That is ..."
I'm trying to say something.
Are you shy?
"I don't care, please tell me."
"That ... before ... they came and a part of the dungeon collapsed when the Bloody Viper was slain."
Giant representatives see Hakuren and Rusty.
Speaking of which, I remember receiving reports of doing so.
"It would be dangerous if we left the collapsed place, so we were improving it little by little ..."
No way ...
"I came from a broken hole that led to an unknown hole."
So that's it.
I see, i see.
"I am sorry"
I bowed down to the giants bowing down.