Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
One way home
According to the founder, the end of the hole that led to the fall of the giant dungeon was a large tunnel extending east and west.
On the west, there is a dead end where Rusty has found a black rock.
The east side has similarly reached the location of the black rock, but the tunnel extends further east.
The final point was apparently across the mountain range east of the Forest of Death.
The tunnel is straight and straight, but there are several roads along the way.
The way is various.
Dungeons, nests of earth rats.
There are three dungeons, one inside the forest of death, one below the mountains, and one beyond the mountains.
Earth rats have two nests.
Earthrats in the two nests are said to have been killed by children of Hakuren, the Demon maid Anne and Zabton, and the nest has collapsed.
"Do you run away?"
"I can't help checking"
The founder answers my questions and throws them away.
Looks really tired.
And if you have a chance, you are immersed in the hot spring.
I am still taking a bath.
"What about dungeons?"
"I've crushed what I noticed, but it wasn't much of a problem. They guys ... they wouldn't need an air hole, so they just bumped into it."
I'm taking a bath next to the founder.
"So that's it"
"That's a consultation, but if you think about the safety of giant dungeons ... I think that hole should be broken."
"That's probably right"
Thinking of a dungeon as a house is like opening the back door widely.
"I'm worried about black rocks, but it's best to bury them together."
"Do you have any hands?"
"Hmm ... it's pretty deep, so I don't think it would have any effect on the ground even if it broke down honestly ... but would it be safer to stop the magic?"
"If so, is it manual work? Do you want to fill only the key points?"
"... Oh, how is Earthrat doing what he dug?"
"Hmm? Well, let's throw it out of the doorway of the nest ... oh, yeah. There's just good magic."
"It was good.
"I'll try my best"
After answering this, the founder turned up and put a towel on his eyes.
"Oh ... but let's enjoy it for a while."
The founder seems really tired.
"The dungeon across the mountains was almost uninhabited. There was an abandoned village near the ground doorway of the dungeon, where the founder said the angels had defeated the undead."
He explains that Anne was on the east side after eating.
"I went to a far distance."
"Yes, but it was a lot easier because the tunnel was straight."
We praise Zabton's children who raise their feet for doing our best beside Anne for doing well.
He told me that he had been active in communication, carrying luggage, and fighting.
Oops ...
"Thank you, Ann too"
"No, by the way, Urza ..."
"Oh, I'm going to live in the village."
"So, can you take care of me?"
"I don't care, isn't the train relentless?"
"Maybe, affection is equal. You'll think Trine has a reliable sister."
"Okay. If you get in trouble with Tryin, let's think about something."
"Thank you"
When Ann sat down and lowered his head, Urza came from across.
Urza is riding a black child.
Is it normal for a child of that age to ride Kuro children?
"Hey, hey, I found something weird over there."
When Urza finds Anne, she descends from the child of Kuro and runs and embraces him.
"It's not weird. It's a slide made by the mayor."
Then comes Hakuren.
Urza hates Hakuren, so I tried to keep her away, but living in a village wouldn't be enough.
So I asked Hakuren to take care of Urza, but ...
Urza sticks out her tongue.
It doesn't seem to work.
Well, not immediately.
By the way, the slide is a water slider from the hot spring to the river.
I thought it was a trick with a small amount of water, but everyone's reaction was surprisingly good.
Because I've never slid on a slide as a child?
Should it be installed in a village?
While thinking, he strokes the head of Kuro's child, who had urza on it, with a whirlpool.
"I had a hard time."
… A few Kuros children went to Urza.
No, I'll stroke it even if I don't put it on.
Fifth day after joining with Hakuren.
We left the hot spring.
The schedule is to go down the river with a raft and go to the woods where Rusty started a fire.
"And is it the only thing that doesn't join?"
The whereabouts are known.
Giant dungeon.
Pick up on your way home or ask the founder to carry you.
Each one gets on a raft or a round boat.
It took five days from joining until departure because everyone was making raft and maruki boats.
Well, the founder did not want to leave the hot spring quite easily, but ...
At a certain interval, raft and maruki boats depart.
The river flows fast, but it slows down slightly over the area where the boat was playing.
That's not bad.
From time to time, a fish about a meter from the river must come.
Most are captured by the threads of the Zabton children and enter the stomach of the Kuros children.
Is it okay to be raw?
I'm worried that it's better to put it on fire.
The river flow sometimes became faster, and I was worried about the promised waterfall, but I was relieved because the Gran Maria and Chiarbit flew and scouted.
Maybe the river flow changes because of the depth of the water bottom.
It seems to be slow when deep and fast when shallow.
So that's it.
Being slow enough to stop means that it's pretty deep here.
And being deep ...
A huge fish jumped out of the surface of the river.
It is likely to be about 3 meters.
Is it the main around here?
The shape is like a moray eel.
And the reason I thought moray eel was my mouth.
Carnivorous no matter how you look.
I wanted to observe, but Lou was magically slain.
Stunning, but what about using a lightning system on the water?
The children of Kuro and Zabton seem fine, but I was a little nervous.
"Are all safe?"
Tear and Ann were preaching Lou with a response saying they were all right.
Especially Ann is angry.
Maybe Urza has tears.
Looking around, the Lizardman Daga and the Beast Gulf were fainted.
Yeah, if you're not safe, can you answer?
Collect fish floating in the river for food.
There seems to be no second Lord.
One relief.
Arrived at the destination somehow, raised a raft and a log boat to the riverbank and moved to the forest.
Stunning burn marks.
Broad as such.
And a huge hole in the center.
At the bottom of this hole is Rusty's statement of the black rock.
First ...
Large beasts that have never seen anything in the burning forest are looking at it.
Kill them.
I have a [universal farming tool] mulberry.
For the time being, the large beasts I've never seen are left to Hakuren and Rusty.
I pay attention to one thread that I care about.
A thread like a black haze extends from the bottom of the hole and connects to Urza beside Ann.
I do not understand well, but I feel unpleasant.
The moya thread was plowed with mulberry.
It was cut off.
And the fog was sprayed.
Yeah, it feels neat.
Check Urza.
Moya's thread is not visible.
Urza should be fine with this.
For some reason, I was convinced.
The angelic tiers, Gran Maria and Kearbit.
"Is it OK for her to be here as a rejuvenator ...?"
"If you really prove yourself, the kingdom of Fulhardt, the kingdom of Garbart, and the kingdom of Garrett may be dead."
"Ah ... sure, because that was the land of the Queen of Heroes."
"It was a country that broke up after debating with the Demon King."
"Everyone was calling himself the hero queen."
"When it proves that he is alive ..."
"You don't give me anything ...
"I won't even ignore ..."
"Because dragons are vampires, and we are also."
"Even if it doesn't become a war, it will be troublesome."
"The village chief seems to hate it."
"When it comes to that, we have to be silent."
"Yes, let's talk to others. I'm the vampire group."
"So, I'm Ann, Lear, Daga, and Gulf."
"Eh? I'm a dragon group? Cho, take turns. Take turns."
"Please do your best. And don't forget to Bulgaria and Stifano."