Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Road to the temple
The founder came.
Should I say I'm back?
He seems to have been busy with his work.
I thought it was winter, but religion seems to be busy in winter.
The founder said immediately, but he was convinced that the action would start two days later due to his fatigue.
I recommend a bath and meal and have them rest.
The founder's transfer magic also depends on me.
The companion is a temple built, so it is organized mainly for the high elves, considering the meal duty and escort.
High elves, ten.
Lizardman, five people.
Mountain elf, five people.
Demon maid, two people.
Black children, fifty heads.
At night, he returns to the village under the magic of the founder, so there is not much luggage.
Arrived at the scene.
The trace where the hot spring investigation team stayed on the way back remains.
A hole about 4 meters in diameter in the place where I walked a little.
At the bottom of this hole is a large black rock that has been processed into a creativity statue.
"First, let's create a work base"
According to High Elf's suggestion, use the remains of the stay.
Set up tables and chairs for meals, and put a cloth on the top to avoid rain.
The kitchen was left as it was, but it was rebuilt.
It would be something like this.
Next, a place like a material storage area was prepared near the hole.
Again, put a cloth on the top to avoid rain.
While doing this, the Kuros children split into groups and checked around.
It seems that there were some monsters and demons in winter.
Drain the blood of the beast that was carried.
Is it okay to stain with blood before building the temple?
What you have done is inevitable.
It is also a valuable food.
Wash your hands thoroughly before building the temple.
The surrounding area is burning, so take a short walk to procure wood in a safe forest.
[Universal farming tool] great success.
The stone is going underground, so we should procure it there.
The founder dives alone into the hole and checks the safety inside.
I think it's okay, but there might be some monsters and monsters hiking in the hole and hibernating.
It was late to return, but there were no demons or beasts inside.
"For the time being, the plan is to decorate the area around the statue of the Creator, but what about the ground?"
Ground part.
A hole, of course.
I thought I was going to block it, but the question is how to actually block it.
The holes are not natural holes, but holes made by earth rats.
The diameter is large, about 4 meters, but large enough that the depth does not match the diameter.
I don't know exactly, but it's likely about 200 meters.
It's not surprising that Earthrat's tunnel is under the dungeon.
On the contrary, it may be shallow.
Since there is a groove like a screw hole on the side of the hole, it can be inferred that the earth rat dug not upward but in a spiral upward.
If you dig straight up, it will fall.
Surprisingly smart.
Wild wisdom?
No, I was being manipulated.
But this hole.
Why do they exist?
Let's assume that big black rock is the goal.
Dig from the side and found a large black rock.
After that, I dug just above the black rock and on the ground ...
"The founder. Speaking of which, there is another black rock at the bottom of the hole."
"Are there any holes on it too?"
It seems there was.
It doesn't mean you can get an answer.
What to do with this hole now.
If so, how to fill it?
That is important.
It is not important whether the second black rock is also a statue of the creator God, founder-san.
Whether to fill the hole is pending.
Make a lid-like object with a tree to prevent it from falling, and put it down.
Poor phase.
And on the contrary, it feels dangerous.
Should I surround the hole with a stone and keep the lid from moving?
The main work is underground.
Around the image of the creator God.
I thought I would use a rope made of knitted Zabton to carry wood underground ... but the rope was short.
Do you believe in the strength of the tree and drop it?
Sense of resistance.
At the bottom of the hole is a statue of the creator God.
Let's stop.
Do you want the founder to carry you?
That would be troublesome.
Then ...
I guess.
This is where [universal farming tools] come into play.
Dig a new hole a little away from the hole.
There's nothing I can't do with Earthrat.
Dig around the vertical hole of the earth rat diagonally downward in a spiral.
Before digging, the founder has a magic to protect himself from air poisoning, so there is no need to worry about lack of oxygen.
He said that the place where the statue of the creator god is underground is okay because there is a spirit of the wind.
Dig without hesitation.
Water came out.
Uo, drown.
that's true.
I didn't think that water would come out.
Wait wait.
The image of the creation god is deeper.
There may be a way to prevent the water from springing.
can not think of.
Am I more incompetent than Earthrat?
No, Earthrat was being manipulated.
The man who controlled the man was the Death King.
Don't do it.
Oh, not the appearance of Urza, but something, a scary guy.
Yes Yes.
Don't do it.
Consult with everyone.
Spring water measures.
"It's pretty magical."
Magic, too versatile ...
Will the wood fall magically?
It's okay because you can control the falling speed ...
I see, i see.
Continue to dig holes.
It's necessary to move.
It's not really a trick.
Soil dolls created by the founder carry the soil from the digging and go outside.
After a few days, my hole reached the space where the image of the creator God was.
And the eyes of the high elves and mountain elves who have started surveying are the large amount of lumber brought in.
Douchi and I did a high touch to celebrate the arrival by not seeing them.
The space with the image of the creation god is illuminated with magic light.
The upper hole seems to be useless because it is too narrow and too long to capture light.
In other words, that hole is for other purposes ...
It's strange even if it's for transportation.
Do you need holes for something magical?
"It is necessary as a condition for retaining the wind spirit."
"Simply to know what's going on on the ground."
"It was being manipulated. When we arrived, we were only told to dig up."
Conclusion, I'm not sure.
that's right.
I don't think anymore.
Start building the temple.
In my opinion, I was planning to build a temple in this space, but it was rejected by the founders and the high elves.
It is best to process this space and recreate it inside the temple.
What wood was dropped?
It is a scaffold mainly for wall processing.
What did you measure?
I just calculated where to put the lights.
Roger that.
I mean ...
This is where “universal farm tools” come into play.
High elves, where the mountain elves place the lights and rituals, I cut and make.
The rest is on the design side ... I'll leave it to me, so I'll do it with a western image.
It is sharpened by leaving rocky areas where needed without processing the entire surface.
My stress is free because the scaffold is prepared ahead of time while watching my work.
I am not tired when using [Universal Farm Tools].
Sometimes refreshment on the ground.
Lizardmen were making fence-like objects around the hole.
Thank you.
Play with black children.
Ha ha ha ha ... wait wait ...
There are deer-like beasts.
That horn ...
No way ...
Panic caribou?
Reviving taste memory.
I finished it.
Taken back to the village and treated as a hero.
And a banquet.
After all it is delicious.
Urza, the beast race Gulf, and the Gatt family, who ate for the first time, were impressed.
Founder, Beesel must have eaten somewhere.
She pretended to be calm, but wanted a good alternative.
Temple building is going well.