Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Waiting for sun castle control
Being under control of the Sun Castle does not mean that forest monsters and beasts will be in control.
Conversely, they may attack when vigilance has weakened.
So don't be afraid to watch your absences.
Kuro and others are closely guarding the surroundings, and Suariu and Suarukou continue to be vigilant in the sky.
In such a case, I want to have Zabton.
No, I have to do my best to have hibernation safe.
But there is nothing to do.
For the time being, carry a table and chairs in front of the mansion and sit and wait where you can see the sun castle.
The sun castle is far away.
From what I heard, it looks like a castle with a diameter of about 3 km, but from here it can only be seen as a cup.
Altitude is 1,000 meters.
Rusty already carries the third team of Kuro children.
When he came back, he was supposed to be taking control.
I guess so ...
I am worried that the distant sun castle will shake or explode.
Then, when he was vacant, Urza brought the wood.
Make a spear.
Perhaps you were inspired by the one you threw at the sun castle?
It doesn't matter if you make it, but the tip will be rounded.
Also, don't throw it at people or animals.
Have you skipped about 60 meters?
Beast boys also brought wood.
I will tell the same thing and make it.
Don't skip this too.
It doesn't seem like Urza.
I also try to make one for myself.
[Universal farming tools] I often throw spears, but what about ordinary spears?
I fell about 10 meters ahead.
Was the timing a bit bad?
15 meters.
I guess I need to have a [universal agricultural tool].
I have wisdom.
Simply put, it is a tool like a long-handled tama.
Set a spear on the tama part and fly farther than throwing by throwing.
Make and set immediately.
The spear fell right before his eyes.
Everything needs training.
Urza uses my spear-thrower to fly nearly 100 meters.
The beast race boys also wanted it, so they made it.
Yeah, I'm flying beautifully.
If you don't feel sorry you will be lying.
Unexpectedly, high elves participate.
Technical guidance to Urza and others.
They seemed to shift to hitting the target instead of flying far away.
Prepare a bundle of straw and throw it.
I mass-produce spears because collecting spears is troublesome.
If there is a leader, it will be no problem to sharpen the spear tip.
I don't feel comfortable without stinging.
It is forbidden to take it alone.
If you can't protect it ... what kind of penalty would you hate?
Prohibition of going out, omitting oaks, increasing study volume ...
Should I add Hakren's sermon to this?
Well, it will protect you.
Urzas are bad, but they understand what's good and bad.
He says he laughs and looks at the line that he forgives.
I'm a little worried about the future.
Perhaps because he was working while thinking.
If I noticed, I was making about a hundred spears.
By the way, the spears thrown by the high elves easily penetrate the straw bundle 50 meters away, but Urza only pierces.
The power seems to weaken if accuracy is required.
Beast boys ... can fly, but they seem to be less accurate.
It's a smile that it's cold and it's fun to be in harmony.
Ann brought warm tea.
Warm up.
Is Ann interested in spears?
It's very difficult.
Anne took my spear and threw it at the straw bundle.
Fifty meters ahead, a bundle of straw shattered and flew far away.
"It's a good spear. Do you want to keep about fifty in the mansion?"
If a thief enters the house, it's going to be terrible.
Well, it's impossible to sneak in because there are black children and Zabton.
I noticed that the altitude of Tenku Castle had dropped to about 500 meters.
I thought he would fall, but he was working hard.
Hmmm ...
It seems to be flashy.
Gral wants to go, but does not give permission.
It's a child I keep.
Also, if Grall goes, Urza is likely to accompany him.
Will Gral try to throw a spear?
I was more hungry than that.
I still have time for dinner ...
There is no way.
Let's make it lightly.
Can I use small pancakes?
Oh, yeah, I will make it for Urza and Beastmen boys, so throw your spears at ease.
Return to the mansion and mass produce small pancakes.
Have them eat honey.
Yeah, popular.
If you notice, Tenku Castle was inclined diagonally.
Do you just overthrow?
Oh, go back.
Don't do your best.
Altitude has dropped to about 200 meters.
In the evening, just before sunset, Rusti and the First Squadron returned.
The companion is Kuzden.
The Kuros children of the second suppression unit seem to be doing their best.
The first suppression unit reported on the way and returned to dinner.
Then I thought about dinner, but before that, there was a ceremony.
"I'm sorry really"
In the cold winter outdoors, Kuzden sat down on me in his underwear.
I stopped being naked.
I'm not happy to see naked men.
Also, before the prostrate, the children returned to the mansion.
It's not something to show.
Actually, I wanted to stop the prostrate, but it seems to be a place to be clear.
After that, there is a discussion between Lou and Kusden, but ...
Let's put on clothes because Kuzden looks cold.
It's a cold or troublesome.
Oh, there's medicine and healing magic.
Is that so.
Then change the wording.
I'm cold in clothes, so I'll cut it up early and eat.