Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
Festival Quiz Tournament and Equestrian Battle
First, a quiz tournament was held.
Simple ○ × quiz.
The problem is read out, and if you think ○, go to the ○ zone.
If you think ×, just move to the × zone, so anyone can participate.
I did it last year, but this year in earnest.
The problems were also divided into several genres, and the content became a little more detailed.
There are five genres: "General Village", "World", "Crop", "Demon", and "Dragon".
I thought that if I decided the winner for each genre, there would be some winners.
The difficulty of the problem is gradually getting more difficult this time.
Genre "Village General" Winner Lou
"I won't lose unless there's a weird problem like last year."
It's a strange problem or a cult problem.
Genre “World” Champion Devil
"What is the Demon King?
"What are Beezel and Randan holding their knees over there?"
"Don't worry"
Genre "Crop" Champion Frau
I am losing ...
"Ship destination issues dictated the game."
Genre "Demon" Champion Zabton
Yuki and Gulf who competed until the end seem to regret.
"It's different from my ecology ..."
Bell was mistaken and shocked by the first problem.
Genre "Dragon" Champion Hichiro
To be precise, Rai Meiren with a sword.
Yeah, nobody says anything.
As a result, it was a success and succeeded.
But what about the difficulty adjustment?
There is a feeling that the winner has successfully won.
The difficulty of the last random might be better.
No, shouldn't we have more genres?
I'll talk later.
Festival performance!
Cavalry battle!
Because it is physique discrimination, first from a small section.
To be honest, we do not strictly classify this inequality.
Because there are individual differences and race differences.
A reference horse and jockey are prepared, and they are roughly judged based on their physique.
The criteria for the small division are teams with horses and jockeys composed of high elves.
In other words, it is a normal size.
The equestrians and jockeys of the four dwarves were a little smaller, but OK.
Combination of Centaur with Harpy also participates here.
The participating teams are thirty-two teams.
Pretty much.
High elves have four teams.
Lizardman has two teams.
Mountain elves are two teams.
Demon maids are two teams.
Beast races are two teams.
Dwarves have four teams.
Two people from one village.
Six teams consist of the demons of the sun castle and the dreams of the demons.
Centaur tribe + Harpies are six teams.
And Frau + civilian daughters team.
A team that adds Gulf to Demon King, Beesel, and Randan.
The jockey wears a straw hat with a brim all around and is disqualified if it leaves his head even once.
Also, it is OK for the horse to collapse, but if the jockey falls to the ground, he will be disqualified.
Other than the jockey, it is useless to attack and obstruct, and the jockey's attack is bare hand only.
However, it is safe for horses to compete with each other in competition.
The field is inside a racetrack track.
Moderately large but easy to understand.
The rule is that if you get on the track, you will be disqualified.
In the win or loss, the last remaining one will be the winner, but the hats taken will not be transferred to other people, and the reward medals will be given by that number, so please do your best.
"Mayor. Who's the hottest player?"
The facilitator, the facilitator, asks me for opinions.
"Hmm ... I guess it's the Demon King's team."
The horse is Gulf first, Beesel and Randan behind.
A Demon King who looks better than a straw hat is riding on it.
"Is it a Demon King's team? I thought Gulf could win the jockey, but even though it's fun, the Demon King doesn't go into a horse riding position."
Also, the Gulf surrounded by the Demon King and the Four Heavenly Kings is a little sorry.
At first, Jack from one village was caught by the demon king, and he looked at it and took over.
Good guy.
A whistle was blown where each team was far enough away, and a cavalry battle started.
There is no embarrassment because everyone is doing a rehearsal exercise with a horse mounted in advance.
However, there is little movement.
The game can be continued until the last team, so it must be a check.
The first to move was a dwarf team.
"Let's go!"
Attack a nearby high elf team.
The attacked High Elf team fled to where the other teams were and the whole began to move.
"I can't be divided into aggressive and fleeing teams."
"A team with physical strength is attacking, a team without physical strength is running away ... Centaur and Harpy Combi are running away."
"It's probably because the battle is disadvantageous. It's a strategy with a wide truck."
"If we can escape to the Centaur, will we not catch up?"
"... If we have some teams, let's make the field smaller."
"Yes, then the field is halved when it is half."
The demon king was surrounded in the field.
The encircling ones will probably work together to destroy strong enemies.
"What to do? Breakthrough? Intercept?"
Gulf asks the Demon King for instructions.
Beesel responded.
"The Demon King, the space between the dwarf and the high elf on the right is wide. Let's escape there."
"No, I will be surrounded again even if I escape. I will aim for a demon who seems to have bad teamwork."
Randan argues.
And the demon rebuts further.
"Randan. That's a trap. Consider the work of the demon maids in this village. Do you think teamwork is bad?"
"Well, if you ask me ..."
"It's a licked thing. Does this kind of performance work for this Demon King?"
"Indeed, the Demon King"
Gulf asks the demon king laughing anew.
"And what do you do?"
"Adopted Beezel's opinion.
The demon kings breached the siege with skillful movements.
I was sorry that the team surrounding the Demon King had Frau.
"We have made it to our goal. Everyone, in the next formation."
There was a siege beyond the siege, and the Demon King's team was crushed.
The dwarven team robbed the Demon King's hat.
I wondered if I could reach it due to height differences, but the jumping for each horse was quite impressive.
I failed to land and the jockey fell.
And the team that cooperated because the Demon King was defeated fell apart again ...
It was quite impressive.
After a fairly long battle, the winner was the Lizardman team.
Five hats are the result of fighting and stealing.
"Attack is the biggest defense"
The winning Lizardman responded to the audience with a winning run with his horse mounted.
Next is the big section.
The Minotaur tribe has four teams.
Tia is a rider, and a team of Gran Maria, Kudel and Korone.
With Lou as the jockey, Kierbit, Suaruriu and Suarukou teams.
One Lamia and one Giant team.
Also, a team of lions who used the Death Knight as their jockey participates.
"Isn't that crazy as expected?"
The complaints came from the Centaur tribe who joined the smaller division, not from the other participating teams.
However, there was no problem because the response from other participating teams was OK.
All nine teams took part.
The rules are the same as for smaller departments.
First, Tia and Lou team together.
He must have talked to the last single duel before crushing others.
Because Alfred and Tizzel are watching, you may want to show them cool.
However, the prospect collapsed quickly.
A knight of death and a lion standing.
A situation in which Lou and Tia are cooperating and dodging the attack of the Demon Knight.
Beside it, the Lamias were interacting with the giant horses, showing a steady movement of the horses.
I guess the Lamia movement is because the lower body is a snake.
Avoid the giant's hand stretched out to get the hat with a slimy move.
The Lamia equestrians quickly turned beside the giant equestrians and stretched their tails and lifted the jockey high.
From there, the Lamia jockeys stretch their tails and aim for giant jockey hats.
Thinking of a Lamia victory, the giant jockey embraced the body of the Lamia jockey and took his hat.
"I'm fighting with Bloody Viper every day."
Is it strong in snakes?
Lamia regrets out of the field.
The Minotaurs compete for the Minotaurs.
The Minotaur horse, which is two or three meters tall, is quite impressive.
It is fun to watch.
The winners of the larger division were the Knights of Death and the Lions.
After defeating Lou and Tia's team and assaulting the remaining Minotaur tribe, they settle for a giant team.
The decisive factor is the leap of the lion.
It was amazing.
Next was the special department.
On the back of the Centaur tribe are the angelic chiarbits, Suaruriu, Suarukou, Gran Maria, Kudel, Korone, and the rear of the High Elf, Anne, a demon maid.
In addition, the Lamia team, the Knight of Death and the Lion team will rejoin.
Use the field as it is, not inside the track.
In a round, a rule has been added that if you run to the goal first without taking a hat, you win.
However, since it would be easier for you to run with all your power from the beginning, we placed enemies aiming for obstacles or hats on the course.
The enemy is not a horse, but a Harpy.
When you enter a specific area of the course, it will plunge from the sky and aim for a hat.
Half, it's an experimental cavalry battle, but what happens?
The starting whistle has gone.
There were two groups, one for the hat on the spot and the other for the goal.
Goals are for Suarukou, Kudel, Korone and Ria.
Suarukou was a few horses ahead of the decision.
However, his hat was robbed by Harpy's intensive attack.
It's better to move in groups than there is ahead.
Kudel, Korone, and Lear were chasing Suarkou and cooperated to avoid Harpy's attack.
Kiabit and Gran Maria had a good match for the remaining hats.
However, Anne who kicked off others and a Knight of the Death attacked him from the side.
He thought that he would be a single duel with the remaining Anne and the Knight of the Specter, but before that he ran back on the course to intercept Kudell, Corone and Ria, who would make a round of the course.
So that's it.
Reverse running is not prohibited.
Is there any such means?
However, if Anne and the Knight of the Specter Knight have to steal their hats, they will be able to win and run through Kudel, Korone, and Lear.
If you think what will happen ...
Anne grabs Kudel's hat, and the Demon Knight grabs the rear hat.
Fortunately or in luck, Corone dodge Anne and the Knight of the Death.
It won.
Ah ... The Demon Knight is seriously depressed.
The lion is comforting it.
It's a smiling sight.
Oh, yeah.
I just need to comfort Anne.
Finally, the children's department.
Kurosa's children are joined by Urza and other children.
This is like playing, so be careful with the black kids so they don't fall off.
You can't hurt yourself.
The worry is that I didn't hear that Alfred would be participating.
It ’s still small.
Pray for not falling.
Oh, Zabton will keep an eye on you.
It seems to stop with a thread when in danger.
Thank you.
The game has started.
The soft air flows ... I think Urza is the best.
Is it against Grall?
And a boy of the beast race.
Alfred, you can run away.
It is not a shame to run away.
It's this way.
I'll run away here.
It can be said that the festival was excited.
"How was it?"
I talked to the bell drinking tea.
"It was very interesting, especially the last one."
An equestrian battle with voluntary participation after the children's section.
It was difficult because Dose and Giral participated in this.
Indeed, both the doss and the girals seemed to have resisted riding a female equestrian, and a few men were gathered.
The Demon King, Beesel and Randan also participate.
Of course, I was involved.
To be honest, it may be fun to watch, but it's scary to do.
Is it usual now ...?い る I enjoy sumo and arm wrestling.
Minotaur and giant sumo are popular.
"I laughed after a long time. Please invite me again next year."
"Okay. Can I go there next year?"
"Yes, it's okay. I think other people will soon wake up."
Others ... I think it's Bell and Go's friends.
I was sleeping to save fuel.
"It's hard, but do your best"
"Situation explanation. It has changed in various ways."
"I'll do my best."
He then discusses plans to grow seasoning-related crops at Bell and Sun Castle.
I don't think I don't have to do it on the day of the festival, but I'm a bit busy with me and Bell.
"Oh, the village chief. The hat I used for horse riding. I'd be happy if you could commemorate it."
"I thought it was only this time, so you made it rough?"
"It's a memorial"
"all right"
By the way, tomorrow.
I have to think about the shops in the town of Shashat ...
Oops, it's still a festival today.
I'm not sleepy yet ... I decided to talk to someone.