Isekai Nonbiri Nouka
The disappeared future
I had always dreamed of the same dream.
Many times.
The content of the dream is simple.
A scene where the devil orders four subordinates.
I'm in a position looking sideways at the scene.
Is it a secretary?
The Demon King is different from the current Demon King, but for some reason I was able to understand that he was a Demon King and had a very scary face like a Demon King.
There were many orders that could be broken, killed, or violent.
I used to cry a lot in the morning when I dreamed of this dream.
But I'm not scared right now.
I knew that the Demon King's face looked just like someone I knew.
The name of the person I saw was Gilpark.
The son of the deputy of Shashat.
I'm the eldest son.
That's amazing.
At first, I was surprised that scary demon king when I saw it, but it's OK now.
He works hard to help the shop.
Oh, but it seemed a little bad in the past.
I can hardly imagine that when I see a little child helping to eat.
Four subordinates appearing in a dream.
This is probably the four kings, but these four are people I know.
One of them is that war god, Gulf.
I sneaked into the fighting venue and watched it secretly ... but it was amazing.
Strike the disgusting guys who are always bolder with a wooden sword.
I was sorry.
And win as it is.
I guess he was called Takeo in his dream.
Yeah, Bujin looks better than Takeo.
Another is Shah.
An amazing person who cooks various foods at the shop.
Sometimes they give me a prototype, but ... about once every ten times it's really bad.
The other nine times are really delicious, but one of them is very scary.
He seems to be tasting, but he seems to lose himself after trial and error.
I eat without fear of that one, so I can be remembered by Shah.
In your dreams, was he called Gourmet King?
Oh, but in my dreams I was so fat that I didn't cook my own and had my subordinates make it.
It is completely different from Shah.
But I think she's somehow Shah.
The other is Potte.
Chief of customer service of shop.
She has a wonderful smile, but she never laughs in a dream.
He was called Cold Blood King.
Such a face may look good, but I like the smile now.
The last one is Hot.
A person who was bothered by a shop before and left in a church.
Now I come to the store and do free service.
Hot came and Gilpark came, so was that the end result?
In his dream, he was called the jealous king.
What is a jealous king himself?
I doubt my sense, but it's a dream.
Hot I know is a serious and hard worker.
This is a story that should not be mentioned, but it was a staff member when Gilpark was doing bad things.
However, Gilpark fell in love with a bakery's daughter, and he changed his mind and stopped doing bad things, leaving Hot alone to run away.
Gilpark said so and bowed.
Did the friendship of the man become uncertain?
Oops, no.
My secret has leaked.
I knew that the faces of those who had come to a scary dream had never seen that dream.
What was it?
I sometimes miss it now.
But the reason why Gilpark in that dream is rampaging is because the brave kills Gilpark's wife.
Wife, is that the daughter of that bakery?
Sometimes people come to the store and study the bread at the store.
My wife's picture in a dream was like a daughter of a deep window ... a different person.
Anyway, in a dream, it's bad eyes, so it's fine.
No problem.
At a later date.
Marcos and Paula take me to the store manager.
Gilpark, Shah, Potte, and Hot can be seen beside him.
If the store manager brought Gulf, it would be beautifully prepared.
from me?
Marcos, don't leave me out.
"I'm asking her to pay for the store. Without her, there wouldn't be a marula now."
Lift too much!
But I can't help shaming Marcos and Paula.
I decided to say hello.
next day.
I was the Treasurer of Big Roof Shashat.
I've never dealt with this amount of money in Marula's accounting ...
No, Marula's accounting was also general.
Why is a great person at the Golown company treating me politely?
I do n’t need an escort.
Oh, a dedicated work room?
That's a little nice.
Subordinates too?
My heart moves ...
Oh, already.
You ca n’t resist it.
The shop I worked for was crushed and hired me who was lost on the street.
Marcos, Paula, and the manager.
I will do my best.
But it is confirmation.
Why was my bedroom prepared next to a dedicated work room?
There is no deep meaning, right?
But it is not?
Do not look away.
I don't want to hear words about increasing the number of subordinates or preparing early.